Attack of the Killer Squirrels
Vintage Stock Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
February 22, 2003
50 People
Five Dollar entry fee
Winner - 5 booster packs
2nd - 3 booster packs

"Wassup?" all you boys and girls. Call me BigSpooky (can't give you my real name... the guys running the witness protection program won't let me ;). This is my third tournament and FIRST tournament report ("Thank you! Thank you!")

This tournament was a single-duel, single-elimination tournament. Yes, I know that Upper Deck rules say that the tournaments are supposed to be best two-out-of-three. But since the Vintage Stock stores are the only game in town, I'm not going to say anything... I enjoy dueling too much.

Before we get started, let me just say that I am an adult (no... I won't tell you my age). If any of you young whipper-snappers have a problem with an adult playing Yu-Gi-Oh!, then let me inform you of a few things:

1) The original Japanese game was designed for adults (ever seen a picture of the Japanese version of Water Omotics?)
2) Us really nice adults will make trades that no kid will ever make ("You want my Toon World for that frazzled Man-Eater Bug? Well, okay... but only because I'm a grown-up.")
3) If it weren't for adults (namely your Mom and/or Dad), none of you kids would even have Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards!
4) It is possible for even the youngest kids to beat us old geezers (See Tournament Report)
5) Nobody likes a whiny brat (pretty much all the kids at the tournament were cool. But there was one or two that really could do with a mouthful of soap... if you know what I'm saying).

Seriously, though, I do make some great trades to the kids at our shop. Just ask my boy CJ (Shout out to CJ) who got my spare Jinzo for a Horn of Heaven, Fiend Megacyber, and Premature Burial. Of course, he traded it the very next week for all five pieces of EXODIA!!!

Wish I'd held on to that Jinzo!

Enough chatting! On to the deck!

Attack of the Killer Squirrels!!! (41 cards total)

Monsters (20)
Cyber Jar
Gearfried the Iron Knight X2
Goblin Attack Force X2
Invader of the Throne
Magician of Faith X2
Man-Eater Bug X2
Nimble Momonga X3 (Killer Squirrels!!!)
Sangan X2
Summoned Skull X2***
Wall of Illusion X2
Witch of the Black Forest

Magic (8)
Change of Heart
Dark Hole
Heavy Storm
Monster Reborn
Pot of Greed
Premature Burial
Snatch Steal

Traps (13)
Call of the Haunted
Dust Tornado
Fairy's Hand Mirror***
Fake Trap***
Imperial Order
Magic Drain***
Mirror Force
Robbin Goblin***
Trap Hole X2
Waboku X2

NOTE: The *** indicates a card that
I plan on replacing (hopefully soon)
with a card on order from a seller
on E-Bay:
The Fiend Megacyber
Tribute to the Doomed
Magic Jammer
Seven Tools of the Bandit

First Duel - BigSpooky vs. The kid with Suijin and Kazejin (sorry I don't remember your name)

He didn't draw any monsters on his first move, so he placed a M/T and ended his turn. I placed my Dust Tornado and summoned a Killer Squirrel (aka Nimble Momonga) and attacked his life points directly. Next turn he flipped his M/T to reveal (wait for it...) Chain Energy!!! Easy enough... I flipped my Dust Tornado and blew it away. He then attacked my Killer Squirrel with a Darkfire Soldier (I think). It was over from that point. I set the other two Squirrels from my deck, used one as a tribute for Summoned Skull, and pounded him. He wasn't able to get Kazejin or Suijin out.

Second Duel - BigSpooky vs. The kid with the Enchanted Javelins (again, sorry I don't remember your name)

Pretty cut and dry. He kept putting monsters in defense mode. I set Man-Eater Bug. Next turn, flipped Man-Eater Bug to take one of his defense monsters out. Then tributed the Bug for Summoned Skull. Attacked his other face down monster and he plays Enchanted Javelin. Then he Fissures my Summoned Skull (doh!). Tries to attack my Life Points directly with... um... something (Pale Beast maybe). Fortunately, I had Waboku down. Finally draw a Killer Squirrel. Play it face down. He attacks, I get life points and more squirrels. I draw Monster Reborn to bring back Summoned Skull. That's the ball game (though he did manage to negate one of my Summoned Skull's attacks with another Enchanted Javelin).

At this point, I go scout out my next opponent, Laurence (aka CanOpenR). He won the tournament a few weeks back, plus his deck is better than mine (with Magic Jammers and Raigekis and Jinzos... oh my!) He's dueling one of the aforementioned whiny brats who has a temper tantrum after he loses about having to play an adult (CanOpenR... see? I'm not the only one). While he's dueling, I discuss a ruling that I got on Fake Trap with the resident Yu-Gi-Oh! Guru, Lance. Turns out, Fake Trap will protect ALL of your trap cards when Heavy Storm (or Harpie's Feather Duster... when it is available in April) is played. Very important in the next duel.

Third Duel - BigSpooky vs. CanOpenR

Laurence starts out by playing two face/down M/T and setting a monster. I set a Killer Squirrel and three M/T. Laurence then tries to Heavy Storm my trap cards. Surprise! I reveal a Fake Trap. So all of his trap go to the graveyard, and mine stay on the field. Pretty short after that. He attacked my Killer Squirrel (yeah... you know the drill). He tributes for Jinzo attacks my second Squirrel. I Fissure Jinzo next turn, summon a Sangan, and flip my Squirrel to directly attack his life points. He revives Jinzo with Monster Reborn, summons a Harpie's Brother and attacks my Sangan and Squirrel. I pull a Man-Eater Bug, set it and my Michizure trap card. He attacks, I flip the bug, and (once again) take out Jinzo, then I play Michizure to take out Harpie's Brother. Finally, I play my own Monster Reborn to get his Jinzo and a Premature Burial for something that I tributed for a Summoned Skull. That's all folks!

Turns out, his next card was Raigeki! Looks like my luck is holding up.

Fourth Duel - BigSpooky vs. DragonDueler (aka Lance)

Oh boy! This was going to be one crazy match up. Lance was the person who squashed me in my first tournament (although I was running a wimpy Gaia Power deck at the time). Plus, if you read my boy CJ's post, then you'd know that Lance is the strongest dueler in the store, and the second best in Oklahoma. He has more skill, more experience, and better cards... I needed all the luck I could muster!

I start by setting my Invader of the Throne... which Lance promptly destroys with a Nobleman of Crossout (I hate that card!). I follow by setting my Witch of the Black Forest... which Lance promptly destroys with a Nobleman of Crossout (I HATE THAT CARD!!!) OK... so Lance has no more Noblemen, so I play a Killer Squirrel without too much fear. Since the duel was close to a half an hour long, I don't remember all of the details. Lance would've won handily if not for two major mistakes:
1) After I activated my Cyber Jar (to which Lance got four monsters to my two), he played Raigeki. Then he summoned a Goblin Attack Force and flipped his other four monsters and attacked... only to be destroyed by my Mirror Force.
2) Near the end of the game, Lance activated his Imperial Order, then promptly negated it by summoning Jinzo. At the time, he was out of Magic/Trap slots. So, to make room for his Raigeki (which he brought back with his Magician of Faith) he played a facedown Heavy Storm thinking that Imperial Order would negate it, but forgetting the Jinzo negated the Imperial Order. He Raigekis and attacks for Direct Damage, but next turn, I play Dark Hole to destroy his monsters, then bring back both of my Summoned Skulls with Monster Reborn and Premature Burial for the win.

You heard it first from me... I GOT LUCKY!!!

Finals - BigSpooky vs. Devin (Laurence/CanOpenR's son)

Don't ask me how I got to the Finals of a 50 person Tournament in five rounds. I must've gotten a bye somewhere.

To be honest, I was so pumped over beating Lance that I didn't take Devin too seriously. I mean, he's like 7 years old... 8 tops. How good could he be?

Big mistake Spooky... big mistake!

I screwed up to start out by placing three Magic/Traps... which Devin Heavy Stormed. But he did attack my facedown Squirrel, so that was a plus. Actually, that was the ONLY plus. He managed to get his Summoned Skull on the field. I try to counter with a Summoned Skull of my own, and attack to destroy both. He flips Waboku, which destroys mine, but leave his untouched. Later in the duel, he summons The Fiend Megacyber (through normal tribute summon) and I forget to Trap Hole it. Next turn, he summons La Jinn, which I do Trap Hole. Unfortunately, it's too late by then. His Fiend destroyed all of my monsters. I was toast within three turns. In fact, the only damage he took was from his own Premature Burial. Ouch!

So I got second. Not bad for my third tournament... and without a Raigeki of Jinzo.

Devin - for beating me senseless

Devin - for proving that kids CAN whoop up on the adults

Devin - just because you deserve a third prop

All of my opponents - You all dueled with honor

Vintage Stock - for hosting the tournament

CJ - For being a good sport after losing to Lance in the first round (you'll get him next time!)

Me - for not taking Devin seriously

Devin - for taking the last Pharoah's Servant pack when he claimed his prize ("I'll get you my pretty... and your little dog, too!")

Vintage Stock - you really should do best two-out-of-three

All whiny kids who complain about having to duel adults - hey! Devin beat me... you can too! Besides, if you pay really close attention, YOU JUST MIGHT LEARN SOMETHING!

People who post unintelligible Tournament Reports - I'm sorry, but while "i rgkid mv he play io to ctr if not for 7tool lol" may make perfect sense to you, the rest of us need a little more clarity.

People who post bogus Tournament Reports (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) - "I bought four Phaoroah's Servant packs. I got Jinzo in every one of them. Plus, I got a Morphing Jar in my Tournament Pack. I gave them to a little kid... I already have ten of each." Yeah... right.

Bad Sports - No explanation necessary

Comments, suggestions, death threats? Send them to

I'm also available for online duels in Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist League. E-mail me if you would like to duel sometime. Non-ladder duels only please... those ladder duelists are way too uptight.

I use the same deck that I've listed here... with the addition of the cards that I'll be receiving in the mail... anyday now... HURRY UP!!!