Maha Megamorphing - Jacob Kennelly - Glass City Games - Oregon Ohio - .txt
there was around 30 people at this turnament
My deck contains:
Normal- 1. Summond Skull ( hey Jinzo can you say hello graveyard )
2. Summond Skull ( come on bring Jinzo back i dare you )
3. La Jinn ( hi what no monster to protect you anymore )
4. La Jinn ( no my witch shall never live again )
5. Giant Red Seasnake ( your battle ox is fish food )
Effect- 6. Maha Vailo ( megamorph hurts doen't it )
7. Maha Vailo ( black pendent no summond skull noo )
8. Maha Vailo ( no pendents well bring on the nuzzler )
9. Jinzo ( no my magic cards are out of the game )
10. Wall of Illusion ( summond skull go back to that hand now )
11. Wall of Illusion ( brake this defense say bye to your life point)
12. Mask of Darkness ( thought mirror force was gone )
13. Mask of Darkness ( call of the hunted must bring maha back)
14. Magician of Faith ( is there a thunder strom outside )
15. Magician of Faith ( megamorph has power again
16. Magician of Faith ( need a pendent )
17. Witch of the Black Forest ( jinzo lives )
18. Man Eater Bug ( bye bye MoF and MEB )
19. Man Eater Bug ( no my blue-eyes nooo )
20. Man Eater Bug ( muhaha no monsters )
21. Cyber Jar ( no more exodia )
Magic- 22. MegaMorph ( maha + mega = you dead )
23. MegaMorph ( noo 4100 maha nooooo )
24. Malevolent Nuzzler ( 2750 die summond skull )
25. Malevolent Nuzzler ( power so much power )
26. Malevolent Nuzzler ( maha is indestrutable )
27. Black Pendent ( 500 to you for my maha's death )
28. Black Pendent ( hard to beat maha's )
29. Black Pendent ( noo my summond skull )
30. Pot of Greed ( need more greed )
31. Raigeki (where is are your monsters at )
32. Dark Hole ( the monsters just vanished )
33. Monster Reborn ( Maha lives )
34. Soul Exchange ( your monster my jinzo )
35. Soul EXchange ( arise jinzo my friend )
36. Heavy Strom ( what no trap holes )
37. Heavy Strom ( what mirror force has been sent away )
38. Swords of Reaveling Light ( what can not hurt me )
39. Snatch Steal ( that is my summond skull thank you )
40. Change of Heart ( MEB kill yourself )
41. Mirror Force ( haha maha still lives )
42. Call of the Hunted ( Maha is now the living dead )
43. Magic Jammer ( what no heavy strom )
44. Magic Jammer ( raigeki failed too )
45. Seven Tools of the Bandit ( mirror force was not working )
46. Seven Tools of the Bandit ( call of the hunted wasin't workin)
47. Solemn Judgement ( yes megamorph now works )
48. Waboku ( life points are guarded )
49. Waboku ( protect me my servents )
This is my alsome Maha Vailo with Megamorph deck that kicks @$$.
At our tournaments at glass city games we play 3 rounds of swiss. then we take the top 16 records and the duel starts.
Swiss rounds
Duel #1: Maha Megamorphing vs. Mike Ellis ( our weely winner. beatdown )
He started by gonig fisrt and this duel ended so quick. He confused me talking so fast.
I started this duel. He drew nothing but tribute monster and when he finally got a monster maha was dominating and i won.
This duel was pritty good and i lost. "_" He easily beat me with his goblins and i never seen my maha.
Current Record 1-2
Duel #2: Maha Megamorphing vs. matt (first time. no theme )
He started off by laying a gravity bind down ( gravity bind and no jinzo i was mad. >_< ) About my 10th turn i finally get heavy storm i was saving a megamorph and i played maha with megamorph, and attacked with him and my other maha i gave a nuzzler to and boom he was down to 0 to fast.
He started again but he did not play gravitybind ( thank god ). match went easy and i won by a large life point difference (8000 to 0) '-_-'.
Current Record 3-2
Duel #3: Maha Megamorphing vs. Even (first timer too still no theme )
I went first and got a maha with 2 pendents and played him he trap holed. i set call of the haunted and maha lived again i went down to 6200 as a side effect. but he was no challenage.
He went first no help all i can say is need more monsters not so many magic and traps ( seemed like 50 of them. /_\
Current Record 5-2
Now for the real tournament:
Duel #4: Maha Megamorphing vs. matt again
He went first and got his gravity bind out again. i played maha with nuzzler. then his mom walked in saying we have to leave for the basketball game. so he forfit. my friend was facing mike next to me and he lost 2 to 1.
Current Recoed 7-2
Duel#5 Maha Megamorphing vs. mike again (help) ( mr. beatdown)
He went first ( the mistake of the game ) this was one of the most thrilling duels i have ever had. after we killed each others monster left and right our decks where down to the last card. he drew his last card and laid it face down. then my turn i though i have to just last one more turn. i drew my last card it was a nuzzler no help to me now i attacked killed his goblin and MEB my maha was eating by a bug ( nasty ). i said his turn and i won by default.
Next duel he tributed to the doomed and put his goblin in the graveyard then monster reborned it and played la jinn. it was all doen hill from there.
The last match was a normal time match. i went first i had mirror force and 2 mask of darkness i used mirror force and brought it back at the same time twice, and was attacking him with the mask. the last time i used mirror force i drew maha i had a megamorph and a black penbent, i also had a heavy storm he only had 1 card on the feild, mirror force, it went to the graveyard. i attack with my maha powered up to 6100 with the megamorph and 2 black pendents. then finished him off with a mask of darkness. i was so happy to be one of the only people to ever put a mike out of a tournament.
Current Record 9-2
Duel #6 Maha Megamorph vs. mark ( admitted to cheating before ) ( goblins goblins and birdman i mean harpies bro )
He drew all his good cards in his first hand and the match was over like that.
I went first and i was out of it by now ( staying up to 5:00 am not a good idea ). He drew the same cards and won just as fast. i was put out of the tournament.
I felt good getting 4th place and $10 store credit.
Places: 1. Mark ( the cheater )
2. Mark ( has been winning the tournaments lately )
3. Steve ( the poke deck person )
4. Me ( maha Megamorphing ) '_'
Pros- I beat mike for the first time in awhile
i won $10
Did good with an expreramental deck
Had so much fun
Cons- no good tournament cards
last to a cheater
got a horn of the unicorn out of my magic ruler pack
had one of my solemn judgements stolden
Have any Questins, comments, of any tips on how some of the combos work plz feel free to e-mail me at
Hope you try this deck it is so alsome.
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