New Orleans, Louisiana 70129
May 3, 2003
24 Participants
Fee= Free
Prize= Buster Blader Dl1 and Thousand Eyes Restrict DL1
Here is my third tourament report at pojo. I hope you like it, and post this onethis time. Haven't seen my second one yet.
Here my Deck
Monster= 21
Summoned Skull
Witich Of Black Forest
Cyber Jar
RedMoon Baby
Haripe Brother
2x Gilasaurus
2x Dream Clown
2x White Magical Hats
2x Hayabusa Knight
2x Dark Elf
2x Penguin Solider
2x Magican Of Faith
Magic= 13
Pot Of Greed
Dark Hole
Change Of Heart
Snatch Steal
Sword Of Revealing Light
Mystical Space Tyhoon
United We Stand
Mage Power
2x ScapeGoat
Trap= 9
Mirror Force
Magic Cylinder
Skull Lair
Dust Tornado
Imperial Order
2x Gravity Bind
2x Trap Hole
Total= 43
Ok, the tourament started at 10 o' clock AM *CENTRAL* so i miss the new Yugioh. Anyway i had a orange juice for breakfast. And got ready, went over my deck. This tourament was different, we needed to walk around, and find some duelist to duel with. So i have to win 12 Tourament in two hours. My little sister was so happy, it was her first ever Yugioh tourament. After i went into the store, they check our stuff. And signup, first i talk to one of my friend. We call him crackhead, i traded him my extra Mirror Force For his 1ed Mage Power, and SDP Mystical Space Typhoon. Those two card went into my deck right away.
First Duel
BlueD *ME* VS Donald *DARK Magican Deck*
He is one of my longtime friend, but he was easy to beat. Anybody that use Dark Magican in the current english game must be wack. So i duel him anyway to get my first stamp. Can't remeber what happen.
I keep switiching my Dream Clown in def mode. To kill his f/d, i keep doing that, while my Dark Elf take care my LP business.
Me= 1000
Him= 0
Then i let my little sister duel donald, my little sister beat him in 5 turn with her Jinzo.
Duel 2
BlueD *ME* VS Danny.......local Gangster.
First i was suprise he play Yugioh.......then i ask him to duel. So we duel, we shadowrealm, that mean, we show our half of our deck, and if it a monster stronger then your opponent. That mean you get to choose. He went first.....damn this duel was kinda annoying. First i lay down a Gravity Bind facedown, and play Dream Clown in atk mode. End my turn, he play three card facedown. and play Dark Fire Solider 1, and then atk my Clown, but iflip my Gravity Bind. But then he flip his Mystical Space Typhoon MRL verison. So he counter my Gravity Bind, and no damage was done....since he Space it on his Main Phase 2. I was afraid tho.....since i only got two gravity bind in my deck right now. And i still got 34 cards then what luck. I drew my second gravity bind, i didn't try to risk it. So i play my Snatch Steal, and then he flip another Mystical Space Typhoon. I was getting piss....then i switich my clown in def mode. To kill his Solider, and then i play Gilasaurus in normal summon, and then flip his Trap Hole. Then i speical Summon another one from my hand. He got back his solider, i Raigeki it. Atk his LP, well sameO thing happen. He play another Mystical Space Typhoon my last Gravity Bind. But i kill him with my Magic Cylinder.
Got my stamp.
Duel 3
Me Vs CrackHead
I took him out in 4 Turn......i simply play a Raigeki, Dust Tornado his last m/t. Skull Lair his last monster. I play haya.knight in atk mode, and still got 4 goat token left. I equip him with United We Stand for the KO....but i have some more fun. I equip him with a Mage Power, 1500 more boost. I atk his LP for da win.
Got my stamp. Help my little sister get a scapegoat. She got a 1ed one for her Jar Of Greed 1ed. She was happy.
Duel 4
Me Vs Nick....Exodia. A bad one tho....
I own him by already discard his Exodia Head with my White Magical Hats. After that, he summon weak monster, i kill it with my RedMoon Baby with United We Stand, 1600 booster. After three turn. I got a Left Arm, Right Arm, and Sangan on my field. RedMoon Baby atk power was 4700. My redmoon baby ownz his Exodia peice. THanks to my White Magical Hats.
Got my Stamp.
Duel 5
Me Vs Some Little Kid.
He didn't know the rules TOO WELL! I mean atk mode stupid is he. I kill him with my Gilasaurus.
Got my stamp.
Walk around, alot of people was buying this man boosterpack. He just bought a fresh box of LON, 4 dollar each no tax. So that was cheap.....cause of going to be aleast 4.35. So 4 dollar straightup is tight. But i didn't buy any......cause i didn't have any money with me.
Duel 6
Me Vs Somebody,,,i forgot.
This duel was fun, and hard. Cause he was good like me
. He almost kill me with his Barrel Dragon, i Mystical Space Typhoon his Skull Lair. And lay down Haya. Knight wit my 3 remaining token. I atk him, and atk him again...i won.
Got my stamp. Somebody exodia got stolen, so they almost stripsearch us.
Duel 7
Me Vs My little sister.
I kill getting out my Jinzo with 3 other mon. With United We i took out her LP pretty quick.
Got my Stamp.
Duel 8
Me Vs Gate Guaridan?!?!
WELL SOME ODD ODD ODD ODD!!!!!!!! Reason he summon his Gate GURDIAN ON ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Nah,,,,,,just kidding, he only got out a Suijin. I snatch steal it, took him out with my Goat Token.......WEIRD EH? My goat token become a 3200 Atker. He try to play change of heart one me and sacfice it for Dark Witich?!?!
I told him, you can't do it. Because it can't not be use a trubite summon. HE FEEL stupid, and atk the Suijin i snatch steal from him. I use it effect, he lost 2500 LP, and he lost.
Got my stamp.
Duel 9
I forgot
Duel 10
I forgot I WON THO
Duel 11
I forgot I WON THO
I ATE a pizza
. got my 3x Stamp. One more duel to go.
Duel 12
Me Vs Fat Collector.
I LOST! But i am not out of the tourament. was a simple beatdown duel. He play a Gemini Elf, i got a Sword Of Revealing Light out .I flip my Cyber Jar, THIS CYBER JAR CAUSE ME TO LOSE the duel. For the first time, i lost cause of my cyber jar. He got out 3x Goblin atk force, 2x Bazoo, Still his battle phase, he atk me, i Gravity Bind him. But he snatch my Jinzo.... i summon it early ago. He sacfice 1x Goblin atk force for HIS JINZO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was GRADE A screwd. HE UNITED WE STAND On his Jinzo. I was facing a 15000 worth of damage. But he forgot i play a Sword Of Revealing Light....but he MST it, and gave me another turn. I got nothin, i end my turn......BOOM.....i lost so badly.
Duel 13
Only got 5 Min left.......
I play Raigeki, clear the field, and summon Haya. Knight with Mage Power, and 2 other card facedown. He didn't have enough monster to play on his side of the field. So i keep atking him, and i won.
I RAN to the counter to get my stamp. And i did, she i had a 12-1 Record, i won the two HOLO. Since almost everybody lost around 4-7 Time.
My mom for taking me.
My little sister was there, and made me proud.
Getting a Mage Power 1ed
Getting a SDP Mystical Space Typhoon
Won the tourament
Beat alot of people
Got popular cause of my Jinzo 1ed
Almost got stripsearch.
For the dude that his 3x Exodia Peice got stolen.
My mom yelled at me, when i got home.
If you want to DUEL on YVD or AIM
Aim me at
Or my email is
For deck fix, and other suggest.