Subject: Sasquashia's Beatdown, Daniel Keigans, Haven
Cards&Comics, Orangeburg SC
Sasquashia's Beatdown
Daniel Keigans
Haven Cards & Comics
Orangeburg, South Carolina
May 10, 2003
A total of 22 people participated in this tournament.
The Deck
Tribute Monsters:
1 Jinzo
2 Summoned Skull
4 or < Monsters: = 20
3 Gemini Elf
3 Bazoo The Soul Eater
3 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
2 Goblin attack Force
2 Man-Eater Bug
2 Magician of faith
1 Witch Of The Black Forest
1 Cyber Jar
Magic Cards: = 15
2 Graceful Charity
1 Pot of Greed
1 Dark Hole
1 Raigeki
1 Heavy Storm
1 Harpie's Feather Duster
1 Swords Of Revealing Light
1 Monster Reborn
1 Premature Burial
1 Change of Heart
1 Snatch Steal
1 United We Stand
1 Mage Power
1 Axe of Despair
Trap Cards: = 5
1 Magic Cylinder
1 Mirror Force
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Magic Jammer
1 Solemn Judgement
Total number of Cards = 40
Before the tournement started I had 3 Graciful Charity but I learned they
were now limited to 2. So I rushed and traded for a the Axe of Despair and put
that in instead.
I'm 19 years old and I'm the second to oldest guy in my area that
plays. The oldest, is like a 40 year old man. This is my second tournement and I
won the first I was in.
First Round:
Kid named Joey. Playing with a huge deck, I would say about 100 cards. He
had cards to stall a bit but had nothing for my big beast.
Second Round:
Not sure of name but was a quiet kid. Both games my cyber jar got set of
and then he lost the game during my turn.
Third Round:
The 40 year old man named Rudy. First game my beast trampled him. The
Second game I thought he had me beat becuase he had a gemini elf with United we
stand on it and I had no way to get rid of it. He got me all the way down to 500
and then I drew Cyber Jar. Placed it faced down and then he attacked it and I we
flipped top 5. I got 3 monsters and Raigeki, so during my turn I play another
monster and Raigeki and then attack for over 8000.
Fourth Round:
Top ranked dualist in my area Dakota. First Game I kill all his monster
then Reborn a couple from both graveyards and attack for the kill. Second game I
had a bad hand and lost. Third game was not really close but I payed half my
life with solemn judgement and then He magic Cylinder one of my guys so I came
close to dieing but ended up winning.
Kid named Raj. I dont know how he made it this far. He was the easiest and
quickest opponent I faced. Two really really quick games.
So for my first 2 tournements, I win.
I really think my deck is pretty solid
I would really appreciate any feedback positive or negative so please email
me at
I would really like some advice on side deck cards.
Please email me everyone