Gryphens Destruction
Chris Ceys
Chimera Hobby
Appleton, Wisconsin
27 people there.
Single Elimination
April 10th
5.00 to enter
1st round loss 1 LON. 2nd round loss 2 LON
Hi! My name's Chris. Just to let you know this is my first tournament report, so bear with me here! On to my deck:
Tribute Monsters:
Summoned Skull-2
Non-tribute Monsters:
Dark Elf-1
Bazoo the Soul Eater-1
La Jinn-2
Hysteric Fairy-1
7-Colored Fish-2
Giant Soldier of Stone-1
Wall of Illusion-1
Nimble Momonga-3
Cyber Jar-1
Man Eater Bug-1
4 Starred Ladybug of Doom-1
Magician of Faith-1
Dark Hole-1
Monster Reborn-1
Change of Heart-1
Snatch Steal-1
Pot of Greed-1
Heavy Storm-1
Nobleman of Crossout-1
Axe of Despair-1
Malevolent Nuzzler-1
Offerings to the Doomed-1
Bait Doll-1
Ground Collapse-3
Trap Hole-2
Fairy Box-1
Solemn Wishes-1
Duel one: Me vs. very odd kid with Lightforce Swords.
1: I draw and get a 7-colored fish with some other cards. He goes first and sets a monster. I summon 7 color fish and use a nobleman of Crossout on his Great White! Then I attack his LPs. Next he just sets two cards face down and lets me go. I draw a summoned skull and I sacrifice my Fish. I attack his LPs and he flips over Lightforce sword! He thinks it stops my attack but I explain it to him and let him pick a card from my hand, Monster Reborn, darn! Then I draw a second Summoned skull and get him out later and the rest was just me draining his Life Points to 0. 7900-0
2: I draw a Solemn Wishes, Fairy Box, Bait doll, La Jinn, and Bazoo. I set solemn and Fairy Box, send out La Jinn and let him go. He draws and keeps shaking his heads and going "Hmm, uh huh", then he just does nothing. I draw an Axe of despair and equip it to La Jinn and send out Bazoo and attack while flipping Solemn Wishes and letting him go. He draws and does more Hmming and uh huhing, then he sets a monster and lets me go. I gain five hundred and just keep sending out La Jinn’s and Fishes until I stall long enough to get to 10000 LPs. I finish him off slowly and he keeps looking at my Solemn Wishes as if it is secret rare. 10500-0
Duel two: Me with really good friends deck vs. really good monk kid.
1: This is my worst duel ever! I draw some really good cards because I’m using an awesome deck from my friend. I keep sending really dumb monsters at bad times. Like forgetting to flip an Invader of the throne before he attacks and other weird mistakes. I do this the whole duel and I lose. 0_8000
2: This duel went almost the exact same as the last one. Like attacking a wall of Illusion while powering up a Bazoo with Mage Power and United we stand! Final score, 0-8000
After the duels I got a Raigeki for a TP3 Pot of Greed, Axe Raider, and a Shallow Grave!!!
I got 3 Nimble Momongas for a Pot of Greed and a Dark Spirit of the Silent!
To my deck.
To getting a great deal on Raigeki and my Nimble Momongas.
To my friend for letting me use his deck and coming with me!
To soda at Wal-Mart!
To people whom think Axe Raiders are good! (I rip them off!) (Get a Dark Fire Soldier!)
To the lying cheat at my school that disgraces all of Yugioh! (Zach, I’m watching you!)
To people who hate Yugioh.
To Zach! (The lying cheat!)
To doing sucky with my friends deck!
To Zach!
To Barbie! (Rip their heads off!)
To Zach!
E-mail me with any questions, comments, or criticisms at