Killer Squirrel Invasion
Lucian Brown
Columbia, SC
May 17, 2003
About 30 People

                                   Killer Squirrel Invasion

Monsters (18)

Tribute (2)
1x The Fiend Megacyber
1x Summoned Skull
Non Tribute (16)
1x Bazoo, the Soul-Eater
1x Kycoo, the Ghost Destroyer
1x Sangan
1x Witch of the Black Forest
2x Man Eater Bug
2x Gearfried (for Ceasefire, and can't be snatched)
2x Magician of Faith
3x Nimble Momonga (KILLER SQUIRRELS)
1x Penguin Soldier
1x Cyber Jar
1x Sinister Serpent

Magic (16)
1x Change of Heart
1x Snatch Steal
1x Heavy Storm
1x Tribute to the Doomed
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1x Monster Reborn
1x Premature Burial
1x Pot of Greed
1x Mask of the Accursed
1x Graceful Charity
1x Scapegoat
1x Raigeki
1x Card Destruction
1x Mage Power

Traps (8)
1x Ceasefire
1x Call of the Haunted
1x 7 Tools of the Bandit
1x Magic Jammer
1x Magic Cylinder
1x Skull Lair
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Imperial Order

Side Deck (15)
2x 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom
1x Confiscation
1x Soul Release
1x The Forceful Sentry
1x Delinquent Duo
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Exchange
1x Megamorph
1x Curse of Fiend
1x Scapegoat
1x Dust Tornado
1x Collected Power
1x Magic Jammer
1x 7 Tools of the Bandit

Okay, this is my first tournament report (but not my first tournament).  My deck's basic strategy is beatdown, but is more strategic than those ones that run around with 3 Goblin Attack Force and 3 Gemini Elf and rely on sheer power.  My deck has a secret that can stand up to anything (almost)........KILLER SQUIRRELS.  These dangerous little rodents can attack, block, multiply, and give you life points.  So, on to the action.

~Round 1~
Me vs. ??????? (Revival Jam)
This kid was around 10, but he had a powerful deck.  He had all the staples and Mirror Force (which he would not trade).  He liked Revival Jam a lot and loved reviving it.  He also had all the Magnet Warriors and Valkryion outside of his deck.  He wouldn't trade them because he said heo
make a deck just like the Yugi Struture Deck.

Duel 1:
In this duel I had control the whole game.  I managed to get out The Fiend Megacyber and pummel him until my Fiend ran headlong into a Mirror Force.  He might have done more damage if he didn't spend all his life points reviving Revival Jam. = /


Duel 2:
This time he came back and played really well and made me think that it was just luck that I beat him down last duel.  He hit me some until I played Torrential Tribute and summoned a Killer Squirrel on my turn.  The squirrels, and all my other monsters finally got him down to 1900 Life Points.  I thought I had the game won, but he countered all my magics, and destroyed all my monsters.  He finally summoned Jinzo so I couldn't use traps.  His annoying Jinzo led his comeback.  I had two monsters on the field, Kycoo and Gearfried.  Jinzo killed Kycoo.  I got out Summoned Skull by offering my Gearfried. I played Tribute to the Doomed on Jinzo which I drew thanks to Graceful Charity.  Then Summoned Skull attacked him directly, and that is the game.


~Round 2~
Me vs. Bazoo Kid ( Bazoo and Weenie Deck)
This kid had three Bazoo and lots of weenies.  His main strategy was get them to low life with the weenies and then let Bazoo deliver the final blow.  He is a very good player, but he normally plays straight beatdown, so this was new.

Duel 1:
At the beginning he summoned a few weenies and played Messenger of Peace.  I used Heavy Storm and then Kycoo took care of his Leghul.  He switched his weenies to defense and played Bazoo in attack mode and pumped it up to 1900 so it could kill Kycoo.  I played Premature Burial on Kycoo and pumped him up to 3300 with Mage Power.  Bazoo could not defend against that and was destroyed.  Once his monkey hit the graveyard he had no chance. = )


Duel 2:

I started out with a bad hand and Bazoo creamed me for 2500 thanks to the cards he threw away with Graceful Charity.  But a well timed Card Destruction gave me 6 new cards, including the Ceasefire, Sinister serpent, and Summoned Skull that I used to win the game.  I tributed Sinister Serpent for Summoned Skull, and I finished him off with Ceasefire which did the most I have ever had it do, 4000.


~Round 3~

Me vs. Mr. Machine ( I do not know his real name, but that is what everyone calls him)
This guy is one of the two best players here.  He has two Jinzos but only one is in his deck.  He will trde it, but not for anything I had.  So, on to the duels...

Duel 1:
He completely slaughtered me.  He played Jinzo and equipped it with 7 Completed and used Limiter Removal to do a whopping 5500 to my life points which was all he needed to finish me because Overdrive and Jinzo had already attacked me many times.

The killer squirrels have been angered because of their fist loss of the day, but they will come back stronger and meaner.

Duel 2:
The Killer Squirrels came back for revenge .  A duo of Squirrels worked him down to 2200 life points (after one attack from Kycoo).  I was sitting at 4600.  I knew it was bad when he played swords of revealing light and two turns later Barrel Dragon came out.  He tried the effect but it failed so he used Limiter Removal.  The Barrel Dragon tore through and unlucky Squirrel and delivered 4200 damage to me.  The squirrel supplied me with 1000 extra life points.  He frowned  as I raised my life points to 1400.  I Premature Burialed my squirrel and it delivered the finishing blow.  


Duel 3:
On his first turn he played Cannon Soldier and Messenger of Peace.  I was surprised although I should not have ben because Cannon Soldier is like a staple to Machine decks. He launched off Sinister Serpent many times until a KILLER SQUIRREL took center stage.  He didn't attack because he didn't want me gaining life points.  I eventually attacked cannon Soldier with my Squirrel.  I got out my 2 new squirrels and my life points increased by 1000.  He summoned scapegoat and launched them all which took me to 3500 LP.  I used Tribute to the Doomed on his Cannon Soldier and my two squirrels attacked him directly.  He stopped paying for Messenger of Peace and used Soul Exchange to tribute my squirrel  for JINZO = ( He had to skip his battle phase because of Soul Exchange, so I played Witch of the Black Forest in defense mode, and commanded my squirrel to defend.  He attacked the Witch and I got Summoned Skull from my deck.  Next turn I tributed Killer Squirrel for Summoned Skull.  The Summoned Skull destroyed Jinzo.  After that he never touched me again, and, for kicks I used Call of the Haunted to get back his Jinzo to do the final damage to him.


~Round 4~
Me vs. Christopher [Store Champion] (Mask Deck)
This guy is great with practically any type of deck and changes his deck almost every week, this week he is using all the masks.  Last week he used Burn. He has Harpie's Feather Duster, but won't trade it.  Can he withstand the might of the squirrels?

Duel 1:
I played Kycoo as my first move and laid some M/T's to syke him out.  He plays Mask of the Accursed on Kycoo and then summons Sonic Bird.   He chooses Curse of the Masked Beast and put it in his hand.  He laid down some M/T's.  I drew Heavy Storm and used it, but he never set Curse of the Masked Beast.  I played a Killer Squirrel face-down.  He cannot defeat the squirrels!
He played Raigeki and then summoned the Masked Beast by discarding two monsters whose levels added up to be 8.  He equipped the beast with the Mask of Brutality.  He slugged me for 4200.  I drew my Graceful Charity and managed to pull Sangan, Mage Power, and Call of the Haunted.  Since I had Magician of Faith in my hand I discarded Mage Power and something else that was already in my hand.  I played Sangan face-down.  He used NoC on is and attacked for the win.


Duel 2:
I lost my notes for this duel, but I still remember some things (and I kept the scorecard).  All I remember is that I was able to hit him for 3000 with Ceasefire.  The scorecard also says that I got for 800 once, but I don't remember how.  I do know that although I did a lot more to him than I did last duel, I still never had the lead.  For a few turns I held him at bay with Sinister Serpent and Monster Removal, but he quickly got three monsters on to the field and used Nobleman of Crossout on the Sinister Serpent.  After that his army of monsters attacked me directly for the win.


So, that is the tournament, I got two packs for coming in 4th.  The prizes were Labyrinth of Nightmare.  I got Destiny board = ) and Jowgen the Spiritualist.

After the tournament I challenged Christopher again to see if he could stand the might of the squirrels once more.  This time we each bet $2 so the winner could go buy a pack.  Here are the scores:

Me: 8000-9000-8100-6400
Him: 8000-7000-4800-3300-0

The squirrels got their revenge on Christopher.  Chris said that he had not lost at all today until now.  He gave me his $2 and I bought a PSV pack.  My rare was Red Moon Baby.  (I bought PSV because I wanted Jinzo.)

Now, Props and Slops:
My friend Lin for giving me a ride
BigSpooky for letting me use the name KILLER SQUIRREL
Killer Squirrels (Nimble Momonga)
My friend Scott for giving me Ceasefire for $5

Me, not beating Chris when it counts
Me, not taking notes on my last duel in the tournament

JINZO (this is not a prop or a slop, I just want one)

If you have any questions for me, any fixes for my deck, and compliment for me or the squirrels, or anything then e-mail me at