Roger the Skunk
Removal's Beat
Lone Star Comics
504 E. Abram St.
Arlington, TX 76010
Call for tournament information:  (817)-265-0491  Ask for Mike or Chris.
May 17, 2003
Entry fee:  $10  (Normally the fee is $5)
Number of Participants:  43
Tribute Monsters
2x  Summoned Skull
      The Fiend Megacyber
Non-Tribute Monsters
3x Goblin Attack Force
2x Jirai Gumo
     Dark Elf
     Gemini Elf
2x Gearfried the Iron Knight
2x La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp
2x Bazoo the Soul-Eater
3x Banisher of the Light
      Cyber Jar
2x Morphing Jar #2
     Monster Reborn
     The Forceful Sentry
     Harpie's Feather Duster
     Pot of Greed
     Change of Heart
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Axe of Despair
2x Rush Recklessly
2x Nobleman of Crossout
3x Fissure
2x Trap Hole
     Skull Lair
     Imperial Order
     Jirai Gumo
2x Man Eater Bug
     Dark Elf
     Simister Serpent
     Mad Sword Beast
     Penguin Soldier
     Giant Soldier of Stone
     White Magical Hat
     Mage Power
     Axe of Despair
     Heavy Storm
     Rush Recklessly
     Reverse Trap
    Hello everyone.  This is Roger the Skunk.  It has been quite some time since I posted my last tournament report, but when taking Calculus III and Physics there isn't much time to write tournament reports (there is still plenty of time to duel though).  Anyway, the tournament this week was to be a 64-person tournament but only 43 signed up;  next week the tournament will be 32-man tournament and an entry fee of only $5.
    The tournament was held this week a J. Gillians Bar & Grill.  I was able to trade a Versago the Destroyer for a Bazoo the Soul-Eater just before the tournament which I promptly used to replace my Seven Colored Fish.  Anyway on to the tournament report.
Round 1                        Removal's Beat vs. Trap Heavy Beatdown
Duel 1
Roger the Skunk:  8000-6100-42000-2300-0
Ben:  8000-7800
Ben defeated men in this duel in four turns.  There is not much to say here.
Duel 2
Roger the Skunk:  8000-6200
Ben:  8000-5600-3200-0
My Jinzo came out quickly and ripped through his life points along with Jirai Gumo at the end.
Duel 3
Roger the Skunk:  8000-7600-6600
Ben:  8000-5700-3200-700-500-250-0
My  Jinzo again messed up Ben's Torrential Tribute and The Fiend Megacyber made a special guest apperance to finish off  Ben's life points.
Round 2                            Removal's Beat vs. Jinzo Ltd.
Duel 1
Roger the Skunk:  8000-1800-1700-0
Judd:  8000-5700-4700-4600-4100-3100
I had La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp and Jirai Gumo;  I was doing well until Judd summoned Jinzo attached United We Stand to it (there were two monsters on the field) and then used Limiter Removal on his Jinzo.  Needless to say my La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp didn't stand much of a chance -_- .  I started to make a comeback with my Goblin Attack Force and other monsters but it simply wasn't enough.
Duel 2
Roger the Skunk:  8000-6600-6550-4350-0
Judd:  8000-7000-6300-5600-5100-4700-2900-2850-950
I almost had Judd beat until he brought out Jinzo and again used Limiter Removal.
Well that is it for my tournament report.  If you have any ideas on how to impove my deck please e-mail me.
                                                                                                             Roger the Skunk,