Squirrel 2.0 - Reloaded


Vintage Stock   Broken Arrow, Oklahoma   May 17, 2003   40 People   $5

Winner - 5 booster packs    2nd- 3 booster packs    3rd - 1 booster pack



Hey, hey , hey, Pojo people!  I’m back again to give you insight to into the mind of a Squirrel fan.  Mind you, this will again be another short tournament report.  Ever since Killer Squirrels Online started up, I’ve been swamped with KSO business.  Don’t get me wrong – I’m absolutely THRILLED by the response.  I’m just a little behind in my organization, though…


Speaking of KSO, I’d like to welcome our newest members:


Squirrel Masters:

Joseph           bskull142003@yahoo.com

Anthony          spooky308@comcast.net

Donny             donnyk@attbi.com

Emerson        mcsorba@telus.net


Squirrel Lovers:    

Mike                MewtwoStruckBack@aol.com


Squirrel Watchers (Temporary Memberships):         

Cody               milkman406@yahoo.com

Ryan               toonmstr@yahoo.com

Preston           cynthshepa@aol.com

Bill W.             grasshopper28118@yahoo.com

Bill H.              sienna228@hotmail.com

Deane            drdh@utma.com

Matthieu         evil_n00dle@hotmail.com

Zeke               zr1015@hotmail.com

Lucian             JAFBrown@aol.com



If you’d like to learn how you can become a member of Killer Squirrels Online, please read the information at the bottom of my tournament report.


OK… quick rant.  About a month back, I did a little rant about trash talking.  Hopefully, you all know how I feel about trash talking: perfectly fine with friends; not cool with anyone else.  For example, Sammy (The Unstoppable Sammy) and I trash talk each other all of the time.  Is it OK?  Absolutely!  Because Sammy and I both know that we both have a consummate amount of respect for the other.  Sammy is a GREAT duelist, and I count myself fortunate if I am able to beat him.  When we joke about how we’ll crush one another in a duel, it’s just that – A JOKE!


So, why is trash talking people other than your friends such a big deal?  IT’S AN INSULT!!!  When you trash talk others (whether it’s bragging about your own abilities or degrading other people’s playing skills), you are essentially implying that other people are inferior to you.  Well, if you need to tell people that they are less than you to make yourself feel good, then you’re really pretty pathetic… regardless of how good a duelist you are.


Here’s an example of extremes: I recently shared some e-mails with Com Azrael (currently ranked #14 in North America).  He and I run extremely different decks (his is Speed Beatdown; mine is Equip Setup).  And, even though he disagreed with me on what the best cards to run in a deck were, he was respectful of my choices.  He never once claimed that his deck was better, or that he was a better duelist.  Regardless of whether or not he agreed with my choices, he treated me as an equal in all respects.  Com Azrael is a class act!


On the other hand, I was “fortunate” enough to receive an e-mail from an individual who claimed that he could defeat me rather easily.  Normally, I would just ignore such meaningless drivel.  But I’ve decided to make an example of this person.  Here’s what he said to me:


            SQUIRLS DIE

I wonder what would happen if I put probation on the squirrels and H. F. D.  and used three ground collapses on you while humiliating you with my mystic tomato and Jinzo. You are lucky I don't know where you went to for tournaments or I would whooped your butt. My record vs. squirrel decks: 9 wins to 0 losses


Aside from the fact that this nimrod doesn’t know how to send an intelligible e-mail (“probation”?), this guy is still obviously none too bright.  I’m guessing that he’s probably a mediocre duelist at best; he’s very jealous of those who are, in fact, better duelists than he is; and, he whines and accuses others of cheating when they whoop up on him. 


Just one question: Why?


Every duelist out there has to accept one simple fact: no matter how good you are (or think that you are), there is always someone better.  I pride myself on the fact that I have become a good duelist.  But I get beaten CONSTANTLY!!!  Is that OK?  YES!!!  The measure of my worth does not lie in my rank in the Duelist Kingdom tournament… I’m proud of it, but not obsessive about it.  The true measure of my worth… of ANYONE’S worth… lies in the respect that others have for me. 


Because of Yu-Gi-Oh!, I have met many people that I am proud to call my friends.  I’ll admit – I like the fact that they see me as a great duelist.  But it’s far more important that they see me as a great person.  Respect and friendship are worth more than my card collection could ever be.


By the way, Kenny (the trash talking kid from my report a month back) has had a change of heart (no pun intended) recently.  He did indeed apologize to me for the things that he said.  Since then, he and I have become fast friends – which is good… I would much rather have a friend than an enemy.


I had originally planned on putting this loser’s e-mail address in my tournament report for all of the world to see.  But I have since decided against it.  While it might be funny to subject this cretin to the hate mail of hundred of Squirrel fans, I wouldn’t be setting a very good example by having people trash talk a trash talker.


So the man with the Musty Tomatoes will forever remain a mystery!





Squirrel 2.0 (43 cards total)


Monsters (16)

Cyber Jar                                                      

Hayabusa Knight X2


Magician of Faith X2

Man-Eater Bug X2                           

Morphing Jar

Nimble Momonga X3 (KILLER SQUIRRELS!!!)

Penguin Soldier


Sinister Serpent

Witch of the Black Forest                            


Magic (21)

Change of Heart

Dark Hole

Graceful Charity X2

Harpie’s Feather Duster

Heavy Storm

Mage Power

Monster Reborn

Mystical Space Typhoon X2

Nobleman of Crossout X2

Pot of Greed

Painful Choice

Premature Burial


Scapegoat X2

Snatch Steal

Swords of Revealing Light

United We Stand


Traps (6)

Call of the Haunted

Imperial Order

Mirror Force

Skull Lair

Torrential Tribute X2


Side Deck (15)

4-Starred Ladybug of Doom

Penguin Soldier

Bait Doll

Card Destruction


Delinquent Duo


Miracle Dig

The Forceful Sentry


Chain Destruction

Collected Power

Dust Tornado

Mask of Restrict

Skull Lair


Yes… I know.  I’m going to have to make some changes to my deck to deal with Legacy of Darkness.  The biggest change will probably be removing the Scapegoats.  Once Spear Dragon finds its way into all of the beatdown decks around here, Scapegoat could be a BIG liability. 


Which stinks… I love Scapegoat!


One ironic note: I bought a couple of packs of LOD on Monday night.  And, of course, I managed to pull a Spear Dragon! 


Ha ha ha.  Whee.



Saturday 10:00 AM – Vintage Stock (official tournament)


I’d won six straight at Vintage Stock.  I’m still waiting for this streak to come screeching to a halt at any moment.  I guess I’d see if today was the day.


KSO notes:  Four members of KSO – me, C.J., Alex, and my brother (Mr. Zero) – were participating in the tournament at the Broken Arrow Vintage Stock this weekend.  Good luck to all!


First round - BigSpooky vs. Mike (Beatdown)


I had faced Mike before, so I knew he was running a beatdown deck.  He managed to hit me for 1800 early with his La Jinn.  But he was a bit too aggressive and attacked a couple of Squirrels.  Mike couldn’t do too much after that, as my Jinzo and Hayabusa Knight took control of the field.


Final Score: 8200-0


KSO Update: All three KSO members won their first round duels.  Woohoo! 



Second Round - BigSpooky vs. Ryan (Beatdown)


I won’t mince words – Ryan very nearly took this duel.  He hit me for 3600 early on.  Shortly thereafter, I Snatch Stole his Summoned Skull and attacked with it… only to be treated to Ryan’s Magic Cylinder (D’oh!)  So, with the score at 1900-9000, I had to play the duel of my life to keep from being eliminated.  Fortunately, I was able to keep Ryan from doing any further damage while I set up my hand.  Through the clever use of my Skull Lair on my own monsters (“You’re attacking my Magician of Faith?  I can’t let that happen!”), I was able to hold Ryan off.  I did take 800 more damage from my own Premature Burial… but I also took the duel.


Final Score: 1100-0


KSO Update: Once again, all of the members of KSO advanced.  However, round three would prove to be a challenge for all three, as Alex faced Lance (last season’s store champ), and C.J. faced… Mr. Zero.



Third Round - BigSpooky vs. Mario (Beatdown)


This was Mario’s first tournament.  But he had made it to the third round, so I didn’t think it was going to be an easy duel.  However, fortune favored me with a great opening hand.  So, I was able to hit Mario for 5300 on the second turn.  One turn later, it was over.


Final Score: 8000-0


KSO Update: In an enormous upset, my boy Alex took down Lance.  In a similarly enormous upset, C.J. beat Mr. Zero.  While I was sad to hear that my brother lost, I was pleased to hear that Alex and C.J. had made it to the Semifinals.  Bad news: they were facing each other. 



Semifinals - BigSpooky vs. David (Balanced Beatdown)


On to match play!  David had once again found his way to face me in the semifinals.  While I was a little encouraged by the fact that he would have to beat me twice to win, I was discouraged by the fact that I would have to beat him twice to win! 

Duel 1 – David got an early 4000-8000 lead.  Unfortunately, he ran out his hand, which made him easy prey as I blasted him for 5400 in one turn.  Next turn, I finished him off.


Final Score: 4000-0


Duel 2 – Once again, David got off to an early lead.  But he ran into a Squirrel barrier, which allowed me to get my Jinzo on the field.  While he was able to stop my Jinzo with his Bazoo, he unknowingly sealed his own fate… since I had Snatch Steal in my hand!


Final Score: 6300-0


KSO Update: C.J. was able to prevail over Alex in three during their match.  So it would be an all-KSO final at the Vintage Stock tournament.


Finals – BigSpooky vs. C.J. (Squirrel Beatdown)


Squirrels vs. Squirrels.  C.J. and I had dueled for fun before the tournament began… and he had whipped me like a horse in the Kentucky Derby. 


Duel 1 – Well, C.J. did manage to hit me with one of his Squirrels for 1000 early on… then completely negated the attack by attacking one of my facedown Squirrels!  A few turns later, C.J. learned a valuable lesson: His Jinzo can’t stand up to my Hayabusa Knight (when it’s powered up with United We Stand and Scapegoat). 


Final Score: 7200-0


Duel 2 – I took 100 damage when my Witch attacked his facedown Witch.  But that was the only damage that I took.  After flipping my Cyber Jar, I was able to set up another Hayabusa Knight combo (This time with both Mage Power and United We Stand).  C.J. stopped one of my attacks with Kuriboh.  But since my Knight was attacking at 6200, it was really a moot point.


Final Score: 7900-0


SEVEN IN A ROW!!!  SWEET!!!  Too bad I can’t convince Upper Deck to delay the release of Legacy of Darkness for a few more months.  Those cards are going to cause a lot of problems for my deck! 


Stupid Spear Dragon!



One final note before “Props and Slops”: Since I won’t be posting a tournament report for the next few weeks, here’s a rundown of the action from the tournaments over the past week: 


Top Deck – Thursday May 15: Mr. Zero takes first with a close second by BigSpooky… who defeated Sammy (The Unstoppable Sammy) in the semifinals… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Top Deck – Saturday May 17: BigSpooky defeats Lance in two very close duels to win.

Wizard’s Asylum – Sunday May 18: Ryan (the one that I used to whoop up on at the Top Deck tournament) demolishes BigSpooky in the semis.  Not sure who won, but Ryan and Kenny were in the finals.

Top Deck – Monday, May 19: Mr. Zero (once again) takes first with BigSpooky a close second (Déjà vu!)

Top Deck – Thursday, May 22: BigSpooky takes down Braden and Sammy to claim the tournament victory.

Vintage Stock – Saturday, May 24: For the fourth time in six weeks, BigSpooky met (and beat) Mr. Zero in the finals… which pales in comparison to the fact that we won eight Legacy of Darkness packs between us (Marauding Captain… WOOHOO!!!)

Top Deck – Saturday, May 24: After getting completely squashed by Squirrel 2.0 five straight times in tournaments, Sammy (The Unstoppable Sammy) FINALLY beat Squirrel 2.0.  It sure took you long enough!


Just kidding!  Congrats, Sammy!  You da man! 





Because we

are living in the greatest country in the

entire world!

So don’t be afraid to show some pride!


And don’t forget to support out troops!


Me – For winning SEVEN official tournaments in a row (it won’t last!)


Squirrel 2.0 – Did you know that Squirrels eat Tomato blossoms?  It’s true! 


My brother and Ryan – For beating Squirrel 2.0 in tournament play


Ryan (the OTHER Ryan) – For giving me an INSANE run for my money at the Vintage Stock tournament (good work, kiddo!)


C.J. and Alex – For their great showing at the Vintage Stock tournament.  KSO – Represent!


Gary – For making the semifinals and finals at the Vintage Stock tournament match play


Mike, Ryan, Mario, David, and C.J. – For fun, hard-fought duels and for being good sports


All of my other opponents that I played for fun and at other tournaments – I love to duel... and I can't do it without opponents


Vintage Stock, Top Deck, and Wizard’s Asylum – For hosting the tournament






Bad Sports – Trash talking is OK… but only if it’s among friends!


Whiny, little bratpunks – Besides, why would anyone BRAG about a Mystic Tomato/Ground Collapse/Probation… er… Prohibition deck?


Me – For responding to Tomato Boy’s e-mail.  It wasn’t very nice… but it was really funny!


Thieves – How much do I hate thee?  How about this: Compared to you losers, Tomato Boy is a god to me!




Comments, suggestions, death threats? Send them to BigSpooky1@hotmail.com .  Please don’t send me offers to trade online.  It’s not that I don’t trust you, but… um… okay, it IS that I don’t trust you.  Besides, I already traded away most of my good cards.  I DON’T HAVE ANYTHING!!!  WHY CAN’T YOU JUST LET ME BE?!?  [sob!]



If you have any questions, need help with your deck, or you want to become a member of Killer Squirrels Online!, please send your e-mail to one of these addresses:


Daedalus/Kris   rage4zero@yahoo.com                            OMSskater/C.J.   OMSskater08@aol.com

Shortysact/Alex   shortysact@aol.com                               Jedi_Lord/Timothy   sl_jedi_lord@yahoo.com

Greenslime/Patrick   GreenSlime27@aol.com



All of these individuals are very good duelists, and they have my utmost respect.  They will be more than happy to answer any questions you have or to help you with your deck.


VERY IMPORTANT: Please do not send ME any e-mails for admission into KSO… that’s why we have a Membership Committee!  I WAS taking applications myself.  But with all of the other KSO business to take care of, I am delegating that responsibility to these gentlemen (all of whom I trust completely).  They are all more than capable, so you have nothing to worry about.


If you want to become a member of Killer Squirrels Online!, then please send an e-mail (including your decklist and a link to your most recent tournament report) to one of the above e-mail addresses (membership will not be approved without a decklist AND a link to a tournament report).  If you’ve never posted a tournament report on Pojo, then send us a decklist and a paragraph stating why you think good sportsmanship and fair play are important to the game of Yu-Gi-Oh!  People who have not written a tournament report will be approved for temporary membership (to become full members once they write their first report!)


“BigSpooky!  BigSpooky!  Friendly neighborhood BigSpooky!”