Graham Littlejohn
A-1 comics
Roseville, CA
May 24
42 people
    This is my first tournament and I was really nervous. I got to the tournament about 30 minutes early and bought 4 Legacy of Darkness boosters. I got Opticlops, Magic Reflector, Bottomless trap hole, and some other card that I traded for Pot of Greed for my rares. All my commons were crap except for Underwater City (My friend has an Umi deck, but he didn't come this tourney. Anyway here's my deck:
    Squirreldown (46 cards)
    Monsters (21)
2 Summoned Skull (Skull)
2 Jiria Gumo (Gumo)
2 La Jinn
1 Opticlops (lv 4, Dark fiend, 1800/1700
1 7 Colored Fish (Fish)
1 Witch of the Black Forest (Witch)
1 Sangan
3 Nimble Momonga (Killer Squirrels)
2 Man Eater Bug (MEB)
3 Magician of Faith ( MoF)
2 4 starred Lady bug of doom (ladybug)
1 Cyber Jar
    Magic (13)
1 Raigeki
1 Change of Heart (CoH)
1 Monster Reborn
1 Pot of Greed
2 Axe of Despair (Axe)
1 Dark Hole
2 Graceful Charity (Charity)
2 Tribute to the Doomed (TttD)
2 Mystical Space Typhoon (Upperdeck really messed up. What happened to Cyclone?)
    Traps (12)
2 Solemn Wishes
2 Skull Lair
2 Trap Hole
1 Bottomless Trap Hole (When your opponent Normal Summons, Flip Summons, or Special Summons a monster with an ATK of 1500 or more, the monster is destroyed and removed from play)
2 Magic Jammer (Jammer)
1 7 tools of the Bandit ( 7 tools)
1 Mirror Force
1 Imperial Order
    Now, on to the duels!
        Round 1
Me (Squirreldown)  VS Derek (Beatdown Variant)
    Derek was a good sport and fun to play against. He played some beatdown monsters and some hand disruption.
    Duel 1
Derek went first and played some cards facedown. On my turn he lightforce sworded my Trap Hole. I set Solemn Wishes, Imperial Order, and Skull Lair. I Tttd his defensive alpha magnet. I attack with a Killer Squirrel. His turn, he plays Swords of Revealing Light and ends. I activate Solemn Wishes . I draw a Mystical Space Typhoon and use it. I attack with my Squirrel. Derek plays an Opticlops and kills my Squirrel.GO KILLER SQUIRRELS! I get 2 more Killer Squirrels. He plays Raigeki. I Activate Imperial Order. On my turn I useTttd but I forgot about Imperial Order. Oh well. I end. He plays a monster in defense. My turn, I don't pay for Imp. Order. I Raigeki. I set the Trap hole I got back and Reborn his Opticlops. I tribute for a Skull. I attack. His turn, he gets nothing so I win.
Winner: Me ~7000
    Duel 2
This duel was really long. I will make it short here. The final play I did was to flip Cyber Jar. I got Gumo and La Jinn, while he got Neo and Opticlops. I change of Heart Opticlops, Skull lair Neo, Reborn Neo, and attack with all my monsters (and his monsters) to win.
    Derek gets his tournament pack and he gets a crappy rare, a Dark Elf, and a crappy common.
    I have lots of time before the next round and try to get some trades with no success. I just look at some comic books in the store and at single card prices ($46 for Cylinder? Are you insane?!?). Finally, the second round starts.
    Round 2
Me (Squirreldown) Vs guy in his 20's (Beatdown/Cannon Soldier/Defensive monster killers (Mad sword beast, Fairy Meteor Crush, Spear Dragon)
     His deck was very big but he made it work. He had 4 Magic Cylinders, 3 Jinzos, 3 Blue Eyes Toons (The Magic Ruler Ones) 5 Exodia, and 3 of each Destiny board! He didn't use those in his deck though (Except for his 5th cylinder and 4th Jinzo) He also had the new Secret Rare, Yata Garasu. I was afraid of Yata so I sided in a Prohibtion for it and a Messenger of Peace for his Beatdown cards after duel one.
    Duel 1
I was really nervous but I had good luck. I got solemn wishes out on turn 2 to keep healing. I also got squirrels. I killed a lot of his beatdown cards with Skull Lair. In the end, he Snatch Stole a Killer Squirrel. I Imped, but he 7 Tooled. He then tributed for Jinzo. On my turn, I ragekied, Reborned Jinzo, summoned Fishie, and won. I was really surprised that I beat him.
    Winner: Me! Yay! ~4000
    Duel 2
I sided in MoP and Prohibition For 2 Magician of Faiths.
I started with a squirrel. He played a monster in defense. I attacked with my Killer Squirrel and hit Cyber Jar. He got bazoo, Kycoo, 2 Goblin Forces. I got Gumo, MEB, and Ladybug. He Dark Holed. I saw he had a reborn from Cyber Jar, so I Jammed. He attacked. Some more stuff happened. I did a real stupid move here. I played a Killer Squirrel in defense when he had Mad Sword beast out. He put United We Stand on Mad Sword beast. I had skull lair, but only one card in my grave. He plays scapegoat. I use skull lair to kill one. He attacks me for 4300. Luckily, I still had about 6000 thanks to Solemn Wishes. I Raigeki and put Cyber Jar down, which he attacks with Kycoo. He got cannon soldier, I got La Jinn. He plays another Scapegoat. He launches 2 goats and plays swords of light.  My turn, I tribute for Skull, but he has Magic Cylinder.  He plays change of heart but doesn't attack ( He saw the mirror force I picked up with Cyber Jar) He launches Skull and 2 more goats. I have no monsters and 400 life. He wipes me out by launching cannon soldier.
    Winner: Him ~3000
    Duel 3
This duel was the longest. He used Cannon Soldier with goats again. To cut it short, after my Cyber Jar flipped, he got Kycoo, while I got 2 Gumos, Raigeki, and Opticlops. It was still his turn, but time was called. I only had 2800 because of his goats and Soldier. He still had 7600, so he won. Darn it!
    Winner: Him:7600 With me at :2800
    I got my tournament pack, I got Goblins Secret Remedy, Darkfire Dragon, and Bladefly. Boo hoo.
    Now for Props and Slops
to A-1 comics for hosting the tourney.
to Derek for being a good sport.
to the guy who beat me, for beating me.
to my mom for driving me even though she wasn't feeling good.
to my nickel for being heads every time but once
to Killer Squirrels Online
to my friends for not coming
to A-1 for making the tourney single elimination
to A-1 for having high single card prices ($46 for cylinder. Shame on you)
to A-1 for starting the tourney 45 minutes late.
to people who have extras of cards and won't trade them COUGH"guy"COUGH"who"COUGH"beat"COUGH"me"COUGH
EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA SLOPS TO PEOPLE WHO STEAL!!!! IF I EVER FIND WHO IT WAS THAT STOLE MY NOBLEMAN OF CROSSOUT, HEAVY STORM, AXE OF DESPAIR, MEGAMORPH, AND TOONS, I WILL PERSONALLY, uh, I probably shouldn't write this cause' it probably wouldn't get posted anyway, but it would be very unpleasant.
 If you want to contact me about yu-gi-oh, my e-mail is ljbackinca@jps.net   Happy Dueling!