Reign of the Masked Beast


Dave and Alex’s card shop

McAllen TX

4-30-03 (Wednesday Night)


Entry fee: free

Prizes: 1st place, 4 random 1st edition packs, 2nd place, 2 random 1st edition packs

16 people (c’mon, it was Wednesday…)

My deck (Which I always take the Dave and Alex’s tourneys, I’m the champ there)



3x Gemini Elf

3x Mechanicalchaser

1x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

1x Hysteric Fairy

1x Goblin Attack Force

1x Bazoo the Soul-Eater

1x Wall of Illusion

1x Summoned Skull

1x Jinzo

1x Barrell Dragon

2x Man Eater Bug

1x Penguin Soldier

1x Witch of the Black Forest

1x Magician of Faith

1x Senju of a Thousand Hands

1x Sonic Bird


Ritual Monsters:

2x The Masked Beast


Magic Cards:

1x Change of Heart

1x Monster Reborn

1x Raigeki

1x Dark Hole

1x Heavy Storm

1x Harpie’s feather duster

1x Pot of Greed

1x Graceful Charity

2x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Swords of Revealing Light

2x Axe of Despair

1x United We Stand

2x Curse of the Masked Beast


Trap Cards:

1x Magical Cylinder

1x Trap Hole

1x Call of the Haunted

1x Mirror Force

1x Dust Tornado

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Imperial Order


            Well, here’s how the tournament went…..


               It just so happened  that 2 of the top players and myself were all on one side of the bracket, so it was like me playing 2 final round games in a row (I had played those 2 opponents in finals before). So anyway, on with the tourney…


1st round: Mike (me) VS. Albert (Destiny board deck)


1st match

This game was all me, I had him pinned with all my magic/trap removal…he did score some attacks on me, but my Geminis and Chasers were too much for him

(I won)


2nd match

He managed to start up the board, and put up a wall of 2000 defense monsters, Couldn’t do damage until I pulled out a skull and started taking them out. He brought out a skull lair to kill off the first wave of monsters I sent at him. I thought it was too late, for he had F-I-N.. Already, then I pulled my jinzo stopping the destiny to a halt. I continued removing monsters and wont the final match

(I won)


This is where it starts getting hard (champion peeps that bunched the first bracket)


2nd round: Mike (yup, me again) VS. Steven (Champion from Joe’s toy kingdom, Exodia/Beatdown)


 1st match

I started getting nervous here, I had to play the champ from another card store knowing the winner would face an even harder champ form yet ANOTHER card store. Well it went pretty even, I started my game with Typhoon taking out his mirror force..(phew). He summons a Harpies brother and I take it out with my elf. He starts defending with his exodia pieces, so I knew It was close to the end, I finally cleared him and my Masked beast ran over him

(I won)


2nd match

This was the quickest game I ever played, I had him on lock where he couldn’t play anything without it being destroyed, he put down 2 traps, and goblin attack in attack pos., my turn. I started by typhooning both traps, mirror force and magic cylinder…sweet. Change of heart his goblin and tributing it for my summoned skull, attack, hes down to 5500, his turn, he puts down a face down man eater bug, my turn, raegeki, hes clear, Gemini elf, equipped with united we stand, attack with both my monsters, game over

(I won)


3rd round: Mike VS. Maverick (Champion from Myth Adventures, MOST ANNOYING DECK IN THE WORLD deck)


1st match

I hate this guys deck, every move you make, he counters it one way or another. Back when I had my exodia deck, he romped on my first round; I beat him a few weeks ago with my masked beast deck, so I wasn’t too worried…anyway….


Of course I already knew what was going to happen, I couldn’t do much the first half of the came with all his stupid wall of illusion, trap hole, magic jammer, magic drain, mirror force, man eater bugs, and penguin soldiers…But once all that was out of the way, I beat him down with my chasers and jinzo…

(I won)


2nd match

He didn’t get out as much of his annoying stuff as the first game thank god. But he did bust out a few gearfiend’s that I took out with my elves. He had a face down wall of illusion (I knew because of cyber jar), tried to take it out with goblin attack force, but he trap holed my goblin..DOH) well, he kept putting face down defense in desperation and I managed to pull my barrel dragon, attacked (no luck on flipping coins) and took out all his attackers except his wall. I had no more monsters to tribute for barrel dragon so I couldn’t risk sending him back to my hand. He was at like 1300 life, and all that was holding me back was that dumb wall, well needless to say I got lucky with coin flipping and took out the dumb wall, game over

(I won)


Final round: Mike VS. James (exodia deck, wannabe champ, trying to take my place as Dave and Alex’s champ. I admire him for his efforts though)


Well this game was an exact replay of Sunday’s tournament, I took him out in the finals and was hoping now to do it again, he was sitting next to his annoying friend who watched his every move too, I hated that James is also the manager at jack in the box, he offered me a jumbo jack if I let him win…psh…please, he had no idea how hard it was for me to get here. He was exited too because he got the rematch to me he wanted…


1st match

I start off with my kycoo and a trap hole down on the floor, I attack his face down monster and it ends up being a sangan, he pulls his piece and takes his turn. Graceful charity after graceful charity. He ends up putting up a decent defence but I take it out with my monsters. He’s down to 3700, all I need is one turn for I had my masked beast with Gemini elf ready to do the final blows, this guy pot of greeds, and his friend starts waving “bye” to me, james smiles and throws down exodia…I was furious.

(I LOST…for the first time this tourney)


2nd round

I was out for blood, I took out all his traps with a heavy storm and continually beat him before he could get exodia out. Nuff said

(I won)


Final round

We just kept exchanging blows and I realized with an axe and united we stand in my hands that I had to finish him quick before he pulled exodia again. I had mechanicalchaser and a Gemini elf out, I equip mechanical chaser with united we stand, he magic jammers it, and then I hit my elf with and axe. Attack his face down witch and he gets a piece. He has like half his deck gone, he dark holes and clears the field and we’re back to exchanging blows, I summon my summoned skull, and my masked beast, he then snatch steals my masked beast and takes out my summoned skull, I was gone, (my life was 2300 he was at 800) but I was wide open and he was gonna kill me next turn with my masked beast…HEART OF THE CARDS…I draw swords of revealing light WOO…lol…then I get graceful charity and play it with only a ‘curse of the masked beast” in my hand, I pull a raegeki, sonic bird and trap hole…discarding the sonic bird and curse card. I lay the trap hole and raegeki, once again clearing the field. At this point we are both standing up sweating….


He plays goblin attack force and attacks…”ha your dead” I was like “uhhh no” and trap hole his goblin. He had like 9 cards left and his last piece was in there..i draw….a Mechanicalchaser!, the moment I put it down in attack he throws his cards on the floor in a fury, I was like “dude its just a game” we shook good game and that was game, set and match.

(I won)




No one was surprised I won, as usual also I got jack in the packs…I think that happens to everyone…oh well, till next time…good luck in your own tournaments, see ya…


If you need to contact me for advice or what not…

Mike (…AIM: Xmike17)