Restless Dreams
Name: Nickowolf
Deck: Restless Dreams – Fiend/Spellcaster Combo
Location: St. Johns, NL
Store: Downtown Comics
Participants: 44
Entry Fee: $3
1st Place: Dungeon Dice Monsters Starter, 2 LoN boosters, Tournament Pack
2nd Place: LoN and PSV booster, Tournament Pack
3rd Place: LoN booster, Tournament Pack
And Various door prizes.
Date: April 27, 2003
Hey y’all! This is my first tournament report ever, so don’t be surprised if it sucks like a beast. Well, let’s take a look at my deck first of all:

-----Non-Tributes (23)-----

La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x3

Wall of Illusion x3

Big Eye x2


Nuvia the Wicked

Mask of Darkness

Gemini Elf

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x2

Maha Vailo x2

Witch of Black Forest

Magician of Faith


Man-Eater Bug x2

Princess of Tsurugi

Penguin Soldier


-----Tributes (5)-----

Shadow Ghoul

Beast of Talwar

Summoned Skull x3


-----Magics (18)-----

United We Stand

Mage Power


Malevolent Nuzzler x2

Black Pendant x2

Fissure x3


Mystical Space Typhoon

Offerings to the Doomed x2

Monster Reborn

Change of Heart

Swords of Revealing Light

Ekibyo Drakmord


-----Traps (8)-----

Trap Hole x3

Waboku x3

Call of the Haunted

Mask of Weakness


Total: 54 (It’s much higher than I want it to be. I’m downsizing the deck as soon as I get some new cards.)

The tournament at Downtown Comics is the only official Upperdeck tournament in Newfoundland, so that’s good. It also means that we play by Upperdeck’s rules and have an elimination tournament. A few months ago, this was a tournament where you would accumulate points in order to make it into the finals. This tournament only has 1 bracket, so once you lose, you’re out.
***Duel 1***
Nickowolf vs. Ryan (Mixed Beatdown)
This was a good duel to get things started. The first round went by pretty fast. I was OttD and Trap Holing his better cards. I beat him down with a Beast of Talwar and Maha Vailo. He was able to damage my LP at some point, but I can’t remember how. Oh well. ^_^;
Nickowolf- 8000, 4800
Opponent- 8000, 5250, 4750, 2950, 0
The second duel was much better on his part. He was Trap Holing all of my best monsters. We were going hit for hit for a while, until he finished off my LP with a Goblin Attack Force and Harpie’s Brother. The Cyber Jar he used helped him out a lot since he said he never used any tribute monsters and was able to summon 5 monsters when I was only able to summon 3.
Nickowolf- 8000, 7300, 4800, 4100, 250, 0
Opponent- 8000, 5700, 4200, 2350, 2300, 1800
Now, this last round was too close for comfort. I had a strong advantage the entire match. I was able to SoRL him pretty early, giving me plenty of time to bring out a Summoned Skull, which he took out with Trap Hole. I was still beating his deck down with my other cards like Gemini Elf and Kycoo. He was able to regain some LP with Hysteric Fairy’s effect. I had reached a point where I had one monster face-down, and I decided to play Scapegoat. Big Mistake!
The next turn, he drew a Fairy Meteor Crush and equipped it to his Harpie’s Brother along with a Malevolent Nuzzler. So, he started attacking my tokens for direct damage. ARGH!! I was able to tribute my face-down monster for a Summoned Skull and killed off both our strong monsters. He wasn’t able to draw any more monsters, and I killed him with a Mask of Darkness. All in all, a great match! ^_^
Nickwolf- 8000, 7900, 7700, 4450, 1950
Opponent- 8000, 7100, 6600, 7600, 7500, 6900, 6400, 5800, 5300, 4800, 2500, 2000, 200, 0
***Duel 2***
Nickowolf vs. Nick V. (Wind Deck)
Clash of the Nicks!!
This guy was a good duelist. It’s not often you come across someone who makes a really good theme deck, especially with a rare theme type like Wind. His deck was put togther really well. I love taking on guys with decks like this! It’s such a great break from the standard beatdown.
The first round went back and forth for us. He was using his Flying Kamikari’s #1 to summon Bladeflys and other annoying monsters to increase his strength. He snatch stole my Summoned Skull, which was my only monster on the field at the time, and he attacked my LP directly for the win. I stopped the onslaught one turn with a Waboku, but I was done for after that.
Nickowolf- 8000, 6400, 5300, 6300, 0
Opponent- 8000, 6450, 6250, 5250, 3950, 3000
This second round was much better for me. He started off by snatch stealing my Summoned Skull…again. But I was able to use Waboku to stop the damage and MST on it after I gained the extra 1000 LP. I got out SoRL pretty quick and was able to wipe the floor with him from that point on.
Nickowolf- 8000, 9000, 8900
Opponent- 8000, 7700, 5200, 4800, 4200, 4000, 950, 0
This last round was pretty cool. I always like a duel where I get use Shadow Ghoul’s potential to it’s fullest. I was destroying all of his monsters with my Kycoo, and La Jinn. Until he was able to get a powered up Empress Mantis on the field and start attacking me directly. No worries though, I OttDed Empress Mantis and was able to take out a WoI. He had no monsters on the field, so I was able to tribute my monster for Shadow Ghoul, who’s attack was now 2200. He couldn’t bring out anymore monsters, so I attacked directly again for the win. Overall, a really great match. ^_^
Nickowolf- 8000, 5700
Opponent- 8000, 7000, 5200, 4200, 2000, 0
***Duel 3***
Nickowolf vs. Morgan (Annoying Darkness Deck)
This was the guy my friend, Paul, lost to in the first round the last time I was here. At that time he was using a uber-strong Machine deck, but Morgan said he often changes his deck around. This was the first time he used his Darkness deck at a tournament.
The first match was REALLY annoying, mostly because I realized he was playing a deck with 3 Giant Germs and 3 Kuribos! Every time I damaged him, he would inflict direct damage on me and cancel out his own damage with Kuribo. Plus, he was able to bring out his newly acquired Dark Necrofear onto the field in defence mode. I guess he was able to learn about it’s great ability from the one my friend wasn’t able to get on the field when he duelled him. So, easy to say, I lost this match.
Nickowolf- 8000, 7500, 7000, 3300, 2800, 2300, 0
Opponent- 8000
This second duel was a bit better. I was actually winning for a while. I played a Scapegoat to stall for time, but he wasn’t destroying any of them, so I was left with a Maha Vailo and 4 sheep tokens. He used Skull Lair to destroy all of my tokens and he took out my Maha with his powered up Summoned Skull. Then he was able to get Jinzo on the field and he ate up my LP.
I was able to OttD his Jinzo, and flipped Man-Eater to destroy his Summoned Skull. And just when it looked like I was going to win by attacking his LP directly with my Kycoo, La Jinn, Man-Eater Bug, and Penguin Soldier, he uses Magical Cylinders to counter my Kycoo’s attack and kill my LP. Still, it was a good duel.
Nickwolf- 8000, 7000, 6500, 4000, 1200, 0
Opponent- 8000, 7100, 6600, 6100, 5600, 4800
Overall, this was a pretty good tournament. I made it to the 3rd round, which I wasn’t expecting at all since I still need to work on my deck. Morgan managed to snag 1st prize, so it wasn’t so bad that I lost to him. If you’re gonna lose, lose to the best guy around. I wasn’t able to make any trades or pick up any boosters due to lack of funds. But still, I had a good time. ^_^
Props and Slops:
-To my dad for bringing me out.
-To making it to the 3rd round
-To Downtown Comics for holding the only official tournament in my province.
-To Ryan for having a good beatdown deck
-To Nick V. for having a kick-ass Wind deck
-To Morgan for dominating the tournament AGAIN!
-To not getting ANY door prizes…EVER!
-To me losing. BOO-URNS!!
-To me not getting any new cards at all.
-To Morgan for dominating the tournament AGAIN!
You can reach me at nickowolf@otakumail if you want. Any stupid messages or rants will be deleted on sight, so don’t waste my time or yours.
You can also go to The Shadow Realm at for all your duelist needs like online tournaments, card reviews, deck reviews, and up-to-date news on all things Yu-Gi-Oh!