This is Bob Frinder with another report which happened on the 2nd of November. I have not changed my deck yet (much) but this packs some new surprises.
Oh yeah, prizes 1st 10 of choice + tin of choice + 36 booster box of choice.
                        2nd 5 of choice + random tin + 24 booster box of choice.
                        3rd 3 of choice + 12 random + Jinzo tin.  It cost $4.00 to enter, and everyone gets 1 mgf pack.Email? 64 people! We had to go duel in the food court!  Here's the deck Attack of the hand destruction destroyer machines.
19 mosters
1 yata (Lock!!)
3 mechanical chaser (the all powerful)
2 don (the discarder of 2)
I Jinzo
3 x dragon head (new)
3 y head dragon (also new)
3 z dragon cannon (also new)
1 witch of the black forest
2 barrel dragon
magics 16
3 limiter removals
1 rageiki
1 dark hole
1 harpies feather duster
1 heavy storm
1 monster reborn
2 Mystical space typhoons
1 change of heart
1 pot of greed
1 forceful sentry
1 graceful charity
1 united we stand
1 swords of revealing light
traps 5
magic cylinder
mirror force
call of the haunted
torrential tribute
ring of destruction
Total 40
You may be asking, why use forceful sentry?  Because I send those stupid fur-ball kuribos back to their crummy decks! Anyways, I try to clear the field and go down in one mighty swoop!
round 1
me vs. Travis
He said I could go first.  I set ring of d. and don and mystical space typhoon. He summons gemini elf, plays scapegoat, plays united we stand, mage power, and 2 face down. That's a 7900 attacker!  He then reveals one of his facedown fairy meteor crush cards, and attacks. I activate ring.  He starts laughing. Why?  Because he thinks he has beat me! I flip don and attack.
game 2
He goes and sets 1 monster. I change of heart, and flip his magician of faith for change. I summon Don, and take 2 of the cards in his hand. He draws and sets 1 mon. and 3 s/t. Switches mag. of faith also. I feather sweep and raigeki, and attack with yata. Lock
round 2
me vs. "Joe Bob Joe"
He sets 2 s/t and summons goblin attack force. I summon don and set the typhoon, ring, and call of the haunted.  He attacks after summoning gemini elf with gemini elf, I let it go through.  He doesn't attack again.  I forceful sentry, and send back a crummy kuriboh. Then I Equip my x-dragon head with united and attack his elf, then I ring the attack force.I've tooken 2800, he has tooken 3000.  He draws, smiles, and reveals his dark hole, I typhoon, he swears and leaves.  I win? My next card was limiter removal, so it didn't matter.
round 3
me vs. a very good duelist
He sets one mons. and 2 s/t.  I change of heart, and sac. for Jinzo, and attack direct. I set call of haunted, and mirror force.  He summons x-force, destroys my monster, reborns my jinzo attack, and sets another s/t. We're both at 5600.  I summon mechanical chaser, equip with United, and attack. He's at 5350, me 5600.  I then call Jinzo and attack with Jinzo.  Me 5600, him 2950.  He pot of greeds, graceful charities, and reborns his discarded summoned skull.  Set's a monster, and attacks my m. chaser after equiping with united, and I mirror force him.  He then tribute to the doomed's my Jinzo, and reveals ring of d. on my m. chaser, him 300, me 5600.  My go.  I summon x-head and attack his tomatoe, he summons a cyber jar. He sac's for freed the summoned skull, and attacks my x-head.  Me 4900, him 300.  I draw, and he activates Last Turn.  I special summon barrel dragon, and I win.
game 2
He sets a monster and a s/t.  I summon y-head and attack his witch, he gets tomatoe. I set Call and limiter. I equip with united.  He summons mystic tomato and sac's it for summoned skull after activating ultimate offerings. He equips with united and summons yata.  Attacks with skull, direct with yata.  I call of haunted and sac. for Jinzo.  I feather duster, and activate limiter, attack.  Him 5200
Me 4200.  I set ring and mirror force.  He summons Gemini and equips with mage power and axe of despair. He attacks, I ring.  Me 300, him 1300.  He sets one.  I summon my z, and attack, he mirror forces.  I set cylinder.  He sets a monster and sac's. for summoned skull, him  800, me 300.  He plays graceful and pot, then 2 dark designaters, to get barrel dragons into my hand, then card destruction, followed by a soul release.  He let's it be my turn, after seting one.  I raigeki, and attack direct.  If I hadn't done that, he showed me his face down Last Turn.
round 4 (after this, 4 people left)
me vs. a regular, "Swinger"
He usually wins first place.  When I'm not here, that is.  He decides to go first, and sets a mon.  I summon x, and attack his sangan.  He gets the left leg of exodia.  I set ring of destruction and mirror force face down.  He summons mystic tomato, and attacks. I activate ring.  He sets two s/t.  I summon my z, fuse them, discard 2, to destroy his traps mirror force and magic cylinder. Equip with united, activate limiter and attack.  Me 6500, Him 100.  I set magic cylinder.  He draws and sets one.  I draw, activate forceful sentry, and send his right arm, so he only has 3 pieces.  I summon don and attack his witch to the graveyard.  I let him go, and he summons mystic tomato, equips with united and attacks, and I activate magic cylinder.
Game 2,
He doesn't even play. 
Round 5
He never showed!
Round 6, Finals
Me vs. kid
He was awful (in the first match)
He summoned a second goblin in attack mode.  I summon mech. chaser, Equip with United, activate two limiters, and  play forceful sentry.  I send a crummy kuriboh back. I then proceed to attack.
Game 2
This was cheap!  He PoG's and grceful's, dumbing witch and left leg of exodia.  He plays card destruction, and has 3 pieces in the graveyard (left leg and arm, right arm) along with witch and sangan.  He monster reborns and prematures the witch and sangan.  He then sets 2 s/t.  I draw, and he activates backup soldier!   I summon the x, and he activates torrential tribute! Getting the last two pieces.
Game 3
I went first.  I set ring of destruction, magic cylinder, and witch.  He summons a goblin attack force.  He equips with united we stand, and mage power (attack=4100).  He attacks and I magic cylinder.  I then proceed to activate ring of destruction.  Him -200, Me 3900.  I won the tornament!
-I won
-I sold all of the stuff I got for $150!
-In the one pack I kept, I pulled a Jinzo.  I traded for United and mage power.  I traded those for Imperial Order, Left arm, and a solomn judgement.  And I traded all of that for 3 needle worms + morphing jar # 1.
-I finally finished my deck depletion deck.
-I lost in a one turn combo