David’s “Voltage Control” – Allied Comics, Freehold, NJ

November 1, 2003




The Deck:


            As its name suggests, my deck is a control deck, along with a considerable amount of hand-disruption.  I use the word voltage because the finished deck is extremely powerful, not to brag.  However, I’m still missing a Breaker the Magical Warrior and a Don Zaloog, as well as a Scapegoat and another Exhausting Spell for my Side Deck, so my deck isn’t quite done yet.  Still, it puts up a great offensive and pulls through when I’m in a tight spot.


Side Deck

1x Magician of Faith

3x Electric Snake

1x Bazoo the Soul-Eater

1x Airknight Parshath

1x Painful Choice

1x Mirage of Nightmare

1x Nobleman of Crossout

1x Necrovalley

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Waboku

1x Mask of Restrict

2x Exhausting Spell


15 Total Cards in Side Deck


15 Monsters

1x Jinzo

2x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

1x Tribe Infecting Virus

1x Bazoo the Soul-Eater

1x Don Zaloog

1x White Magical Hat

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Yata-Garasu

1x Sangan

1x Witch of the Black Forest

1x Exiled Force

1x Sinister Serpent

1x Magician of Faith

1x Fiber Jar


17 Magics

1x Monster Reborn

1x Premature Burial

1x Dark Hole

1x Raigeki

1x Nobleman of Crossout

1x Change of Heart

1x Snatch Steal

1x Heavy Storm

1x Harpie’s Feather Duster

3x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Pot of Greed

1x Graceful Charity

1x Confiscation

1x The Forceful Sentry

1x Delinquent Duo


8 Traps

1x Mirror Force

1x Imperial Order

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Ring of Destruction

1x Call of the Haunted

3x Drop Off


40 Total Cards in Deck




The Tournament:


            Store:              Allied Hobbies

            Location:        Freehold, NJ

            Entry Fee:      $ 8.00

            Format:           Double-Elimination

            Participants:   about 20


1st Place:   $ 25.00

2nd Place:  $ 15.00

3rd Place:  $ 10.00





Round 1: Me vs. Dan


Duel 1: Me – Something under 1000

             Him – 0


As this was my first match, I don’t remember much.  At first, I overestimated him because he played Bazoo the Soul-Eater and The Forceful Sentry, but after a time that can only be described as over-stretched, I did away with his Life Points.


Duel 2: Me – Something in the 5000’s

             Him – 0


Now that I knew what I was up against, I didn’t have to be as cautious as earlier.  My Confiscation, Delinquent Duo, and Drop Off reduced him to setting La Jinn’s and Bazoo’s in Defense Mode, and my Kycoo’s did the rest.


Match Winner: Me





Round 2: Me vs. Victoria


            Duel 1: Me – 0

                         Her – 900


This was a close duel all the way; at first I thought she might be playing a Dark Magician deck when she played Skilled Dark Magician and later a Dark Magician Girl with an Axe of Despair.  Eventually, though, she summoned some Gemini Elfs and Spear Dragons, and I saw it was a normal beatdown.  My deck put up a good fight, but we ended up top-decking and she drew a monster before I did.


Duel 2: Me – I forget.

                         Her – 0


This one wasn’t as close as the previous duel; I had drawn a pretty good hand, though I can’t remember anything about this duel other than Victoria had taken out her Dark Magician Girl for another Gemini Elf.


Duel 3: Me – 0

             Her – I forget.


Like the first duel, we ended up top-decking while both having less than 3000 Life Points.  But she was the better duelist, I suppose.  Good duel, Vicky.


            Match Winner: Victoria



Just when you thought I was out, you remember that this was a double-elimination tournament!!  So now I’m put on the Losers Bracket—that is, the bracket with people have lost one match.  Once there’s only one person left on the Winners Bracket, the final round consists of the only one left on the Winners Bracket versus the only one left on the Losers Bracket.







Round 3: Me vs. Sal


            Duel 1: Me – 5400

                         Him – 0


I don’t like to brag, but this duel was cake.  Sal played a “Mai Valentine” deck, filled with the whole Harpie Lady bit and then stuffed with Amazons.  Don’t get me wrong; for a “Mai Valentine” deck, this one was pretty good.


He played Amazoness Spellcaster to switch the ATK strengths of his Amazon Fighter (1300) with my Kycoo (1800) to deal 500 damage.  But then I drew Imperial Order; it was all over after that.  The remaining 2100 damage you see above is me paying for Imperial Order three times.


Duel 2: Me – 6600

             Him – 4200


I got lucky and pulled Imperial Order in my starting hand, and it was all downhill from there (the start of the duel).  I negated his Elegant Egotist, and hit him with Kycoo a few times.  Once he had no Graveyard and only Spell cards to combat my Imperial Order, I broke out my Yata and he conceded.


Match Winner: Me





Round 4: Me vs. Dylan (my little brother)


Although he’s my little brother (11 years), he is definitely an extremely advanced player for his age; after all, he was competing after four rounds of his first tournament.  He plays an Aqua deck, with three Fisherman, three Legendary Oceans, an Aqua Spirit, etc.  He also uses powerhouses like Jinzo, Imperial Order, Raigeki, and three Goblin Attack Force.


            Duel 1: Me – 6000

                         Him – 0


I don’t know what happened, but this duel could only be described as a massacre.  I felt bad for him, because once my Delinquent Duo, Forceful Sentry, Don Zaloog, and two of my three Drop Off’s were done with him, he never put more than one card on the field at a time.


Duel 2: Me – Something in the 5000’s

             Him – 0


Another massacre; I got out Don Zaloog again, along with my Tribe-Infecting Virus/Sinister Serpent combo.  To tell the truth, I’m very surprised at how this duel went.  Dylan’s usually a pretty tough duelist; he went undefeated at Madison Square Garden and he had only just turned eleven.  He did a little better this duel than during the last one, but it just didn’t cut it once my Jinzo hit the table.


Match Winner: Me




Round 5: Me vs. Eric


            Duel 1: Me – I forget.

                         Him – 0


I don’t remember much about what happened during this duel, other than that he caught me off guard with a Skilled Dark Magician and a Breaker the Magical Warrior.  I can’t remember what I did for the life of me, but somehow I turned it around and won.


Duel 2: Me – 2700

             Him – 0


This duel was actually moving backwards!  I got my Jinzo out early in the game and hit him for 2400 damage.  Then he took it with Snatch Steal and hit me with it.  Next turn, I took it back with my own Snatch Steal, and for some reason neither of us would draw a Mystical Space Typhoon.  So the duel went on normally, save the fact that we each gained 1000 Life Points during our Standby Phases.  We were still in this position when I won, using a top-decked Nobleman of Crossout and an added Kycoo.


Match Winner: Me




Round 6: I get the bye!


I went with my brother and my friend over to Zapp Comics to make use of my $ 10.00 gift certificate.  They didn’t have any singles that I needed, so my brother and I bought six packs total—I bought four and he bought two.  We didn’t have time to open them yet though, because I was about to be disqualified for not being there when the next round started.


At 2:14 and 59 seconds, I came tumbling into Allied Hobbies, huffing and puffing, with my hands clutching my sides, doubled over in cramp pains, ready to duel.




Round 7: Me vs. Victoria


Something’s wrong here; she already beat me in Round 2!  I should have been dueling Brandon, who was the only other duelist left in the tournament.  But that’s not how it happened…


            Duel 1: Me – 0

                         Her – 1700


            I don’t remember much, but this was like my other duels with Victoria—close until the end.


            Duel 2: Me – 0

                         Her – 600


For the this duel was by far the closest.  The Life Points were 6100-5600, then 4500-4200, then 1800-1600, and then 800-600.  I remember bluffing with Drop Off’s and a face-down Delinquent Duo.  It worked for two turns, but then she got brave and attacked.  Curses.  It was a fun duel, though, and that’s what counts.


            Match Winner: Victoria




The last duel of the tournament (right after the one I lost) was Victoria vs. Brandon, who ran a standard beatdown.  During their first duel, my brother and I opened our packs; Dylan got a Tribe-Infecting Virus (that he already had) and I got… Dark Magician Girl!!!  Isn’t it weird how everyone that posts tourney reports always manages to pull Ultra’s and Secret’s out of like three packs?


Anyway, Victoria won, putting the finishings at   1st Place: Victoria

                                                                        2nd Place: Brandon

                                                                        3rd Place: Me


Now then…


I couldn’t understand how Brandon finished higher than I did when I never actually dueled him, so I challenged him after the tournament had ended.  Not to brag,  but both duels were over within five or six minutes.  He said that someone had stolen a few of his cards, including Snatch Steal, Goblin Attack Force, and Confiscation.  He had substituted them with his brother’s Snatch Steal, a Giant Orc, and a White Magical Hat (respectively).




Props: - Me getting third place and $ 10.00.

            - The awesome duels with Victoria.

            - The amazing clean floors that I left after dueling Dylan and Sal. (Get it… wipe the floors… ok.)

            - Dark Magician Girl!!!


Slops:  - I should have come in 2nd Place.

            - Curse my inability to top-deck under pressure.

            - Coward that stole Brandon’s cards.  I know Brandon, and he isn’t the person that deserves that.

            - By the time I pulled Dark Magician Girl, everyone that wanted it had left.




All in all, good times.




If you want to reach me, write to David at <ssjEasterBunny@hotmail.com>.