Deck Name: The Recycler
My Name: Scott F. (Knives1288)
Location: Exton Mall, Wizards of the Coast, PA
Date: October 23, 2003
People: I think it was 10

1st: 5 packs of LOD
2nd: 3 packs of LOD
3rd: 2 packs of LOD

Rules: This was a no-elimination tourtament, for those who dont, know, you play 4 rounds of 3 duels. Based on your scores, they set you up with another player. You get so many points for winning, at the end of the night, the top 3 players get their prizes. Each round last about 45 min. and its $6 to enter.
The deck I was using is a type that you dont see much, its considered more of a fun type, it involves removing as many of my oppoents monsters from play, then recycling with my personal favorite card: FIBER JAR!

My Deck:



Mystical Knight of Jackal
Summoned Skull
Lesser Fiend

Fiber Jar (Main part of Deck)

2 Banisher of the Light (Fills up the RFP pile)

2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (Emptys graveyard)

Wall of Illusion (Protects and tribute bait)

Spear Cretin (Just trying it out)

Mask of Darkness (gets those traps back)

Magician of Faith (gets those magics back)

Dimension Jar (Removes 3 monsters from play)

Penguin Soldier (Penguin locks rule!)

Man-Eater Bug (Slow, but Steady)

Invader of the Throne (Snatch Steal monster form!)

3 Opticlops (Beatdown until i get stronger monsters)

3 La Jinn (Beatdown until i get stronger monsters)


Monster Reborn (Brings back a monster)

Change of Heart (Let me borrow that)

Dark Hole (All the monsters are gone!)

Heavy Storm (All the M/T are gone!)

MST (Distupter)

2 Nobleman of Crossout (Face down be gone!)

2 Book of Moon (Jinzo goes face down, nobleman takes out!)

Graceful Charity (Bring me more cards!)

Miracle Dig (Bring back cards that i lost)

Shallow Grave (Bring back Fiber Jar, Nobleman my opponets)


3 Bottomless Trap hole (Best Traphole ever!)

Waboku (Keeps me safe one turn longer)

Seven Tools... (Stops a trap card)

GraveRobbers's Retribution (Damage for RFP? Sweet!)

Magic Cylinder (Stop hitting yourself!)

Imperial Order (You heard the order! magic cards are banned!)

Everybody has bad days, and i had a pretty bad one tonight. Despite the stratgy of my deck, none of it worked tonight, and all my draws were really bad, Due to my shuffling. When i got there, there was no one their. So i walked around for a little bit and played games in Sam Goody. Finally when i got back, more people were showing up. I signed in and waited. During the waiting, i had a few pratice duels with a kid named Matt. (i think) I could tell he was pretty new to the game due to some of the mistakes he made, but i didnt call him on it. I won anyway. Finally, near the start of the games, a dude named Darwin shows up, I didnt think he would have made it, but he did, and he didnt have enough money to enter, so i lowned him 5 bucks. Why we were waiting for the first rounds, i played darwin a little. When the rounds showed up, i learned i was playing him. The first duel began.

Round 1
Me vs. Darwin (Dragon Deck)

The first round went by kinda quick. there was the usal damage exchange here and there, i was keeping an eye out for his Jinzo who he seems to depend on alot. But the Tryants and yata kept me alert to. Both our Fiber jars went out early due to my Nobleman. He later caught me in his first yata lock, using a troop dragon. But i had nothing on the field and a heavy storm in my hand. So i lost.
Duel 2:
This duel was not much better then the first. This time i had sidedecked a few cards to deal with yata and Jinzo. They might have worked, but it wasent enough. I used the swapped Double snare on his Jinzo, and House of Adhesive Tape on Yata (Great Expression!) But he beat me down to nothing using tyrants. i lost, oh well.

Round 2
Me vs. Joe (Beatdown)

I had just lost to someone i thought i could have beaten, to make matters worse, it was i who gave him the money so he could enter, and i could have used that money to buy a pack while waiting. I was very upset. When my next opponet showed up, i thought i could beat him. I was dead wrong.
The first duel went to fast. He powered up his gemini elf with Axe of Despair, United we stand, and Mage power with a Mask of Darkness on the field. i took 7800 directly. To make it worse, right before he attacked he destroyed my Magic Cylinder! The game did not last long after that massacre.
Duel 2:
things did not get better. I lasted a little longer, but though careful card planning, he somehow got a massive army on the field including Jinzo, Gemini, Kycoo, and others. This all happend before i knew it. He wiped me out real fast. So i lost again.

Round 3
Me vs. Josh (Dragon Deck)
By now, i had lost 2 straight duels, and i knew the kid i was about to play, he would be no diffrent. I was really upset when i saw me against him. But instead of the onslaught i was expecting, he had to leave!!! So i got bye, with a record of 2-0!! I was happy i didnt have to be in dead last!!
During the Duels, i had nothing to do, so me and some others walked around the store playing with stuff, then we went to the arcade and played some video games. After a while, i went back to check the final rounds. I was playing a dude back at the arcade, so i went back and told him, and we went back to the store.

Round 4
Me vs. Mark (Burner)
This was the last duel, and i knew this kid well, he is pretty cool, though he may not have all the best cards. The first duel went fast. My RFP wasent working, so i had to win by a regualr beatdown.
Duel 2:
This one went the same as the other, i won by using the beatdown part of the deck. the game was over within a few turns, i won both of the duels, my first real wins since the begining.

The results were in, a really good kid named Warren (i think) won the tourtment. I dont care, because the kid is pretty cool. i dont know who second went to, and third went to Joe (remember the dude who beat me in round 2?) That kid was cool to, so i didnt care. Overall, i came in 7th place. not too bad considering i lost the first 2 rounds badly.

After the games, Darwin paid me back with the money he got from his mom. While waiting for my parents, i bought a Magicans force with the new money, and i pulled a Breaker the Magical Warrior! not to bad.


Getting a good card (Breaker)
Having fun
Not coming in last
Darwin didnt win (no offense)


Lost pretty badly
Deck failed to work right

if you have any questions or comments, you can email me at
But i would rather you Talking to me on AIM
Knives1288 (screen name)