Subject: Warriors Gone Wild, Crazy Eyes, Richie’s Playhouse, Dewitt, Michigan

Where: Richie’s Playhouse

When: November 7, 2003

Who: Well me Crazy Eyes of course

Tournament: Double elimination, 2 age brackets

# of people: a lot in younger bracket, about 8-12 in older

Prizes: 1st: 5 packs of choice

2nd: 3 packs of choice

3rd: 2 packs of choice (I think)

1 pack for entering

So my friend and I got to the tournament around 5:50 and the tournament is supposed to start at 6:00. I was like "yeah, we made it," but of course like always the tournament didn’t start till about 6:30. Ahhhh! I’m so sick of that! Anyway here’s the deck.

Deck Name: Warriors Gone Wild

Monsters: 18

Marauding Captain x2

Goblin Attack Force x3

Exiled Force x1

Don Zaloog x2

Amazoness Paladin x3

Gearfried the Iron Knight x2

Mystic Tomato x1

Fiber Jar x1

Witch of the Black Forest x1

Sangan x1

Freed the Matchless General x1

Magics (I hate Spell!): 17

Reinforcement of the Army x2

Warrior Returning Alive x1

Premature Burial x1

Monster Reborn x1

Pot of Greed x1

Graceful Charity x1

Change of Heart x1

Snatch Steal x1

MST x1

Heavy Storm x1

Harpie’s Feather Duster x1

Raigeki x1

Dark Hole x1

United We Stand x1

Mage Power x1

Swords of Revealing Light x1

Traps: 7

Imperial Order x1

Torrential Tribute x1

Waboku x1

Magic Cylinder x1

Mirror Force x1 (Yeah I finally got one!)

Ring of Destruction x1

Call of the Haunted x1

Deck total: 42

So anyway the tournament finally started and I got paired up with Jeremiah.

Round 1: Crazy Eyes vs. Jeremiah

Jeremiah has this huge deck cause he doesn’t know how to build one, but he says that when he gets his last two pieces of exodia that he will be able to beat everyone (yeah…okay…sure…yup). So anyway I easily smoked him

Me: 7200 (he used ookazi)

Him: 0000

Round 2: Crazy Eyes vs. Richie (my friend)

Richie and I play all the time and he can sometimes beat me with his fiend deck, but usually not in a tournament. And I have to admit that his deck his getting much better. Anyway I can’t really remember to much, but I think he got opticlops with a mask of brutality and that was all the damage I took, but you know I can’t really remember…..

Me: 5200 (I think)

Him: 0000

Round 3: Crazy Eyes vs. Ernesto (store champ)

Well Ernesto is the store champ and stuff….and I have never beaten….so today wasn’t a big surprise….he wasted me.

Me: 6100 (yata lock)

Him: 5100

Round 4: Crazy Eyes vs. Jacob

I have never had to play Jacob before so I didn’t know what to expect….It was a massacre (and no I’m not exaggerating)

Me: 8000

Him: 0000

Round 5 Finals: Crazy Eyes vs. Ernesto (oh f*** not again!)

This time was even worse because I would have to beat him twice! Once again I was slaughtered.

Me: 0000

Him: 8000

So at least I got second! We got our packs, but we didn’t get to pick. So I couldn’t tell which ones contained holos. I got my three, got crap, and a barrel behind the door. Ernesto pulled lava golem….and I told him If he pulled a don in his last pack I would hate him for eternity…..he pulled it. I hate him!


Second place

Barrel Behind the Door

Yummy pizza that they had

Rent movies afterwards


Losing in the Finals

Ernesto pulling Don! (I hate him!)
