From: I Need A Girl To Ride Ride Ride []
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 8:48 PM
Subject: Blue-Eyes Beatdown Deck Version 3
Blue-Eyes Beatdown Deck Version 3
By: Victor Yang
Place: Phantom Comics
           Warren, Mi
Date: 10-7-2003
The Deck:
Sacrafice Monsters: 4
Blue-Eyes White Dragon x 3 (True meaning of Beatdown)
Jinzo x 1 (Don't have to worry about those traps)
Non-Sacrafice Monsters: 21
Goblin Attack Force x 2 (Gets rid of those 1900)
Gemini Elf x 3 (Best 1900 u can get with no effect)
Spear Dragon x 2 (1900 with a trample effect)
Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer x 1 (1800 not bad but can get rid of oppenents graveyard)
Bazoo The Soul-Eater x 1 (1600 with potential to be 2500, and suicide with summon skull)
Lord Of D. x 3 (Protects my dragons and helps summons them)
Marauding Captain x 2 (More Special summoning, either with the beatdowns or lord of d. combo)
Witch Of The Black Forest x 1 (Can retrieve any monster except for BEWD in my deck)
Exiled Force x 1 (Gets rid of any monsters)
Mask Of Darkness x 1 (Brings back my traps)
Injection Fairy Lily x 1 (Potential to be 3400)
Magician Of Faith x 1 (Brings back my magics/spells)
Yata- Garasu x 1 (Lockdown)
Spirit Reaper x 1 (Hand Disrupter and hard to kill)
Magic: 15
Monster Reborn x 1 (Brings back BEWD or Jinzo)
Premature Burial x 1 (Another Monster Reborn)
Change Of Heart x 1 (Takes control of ur monster)
Sntach Steal x 1 (Keeps control of ur monster)
Swords Of Revealing Light x 1 (Stalls for 3 turns)
Raigeki x 1 (Bye Bye to all ur monsters)
Tribute To The Doomed x 1 (Gets rid of any monsters and i can discard BEWD to be Reborn)
Nobleman Of Crossout x 1 (Face down...scary...unless Crossouted)
The Flute Of Summoning Dragon x 2 (BEWD or Spears come out!!!)
Painful Choice x 1 (Ever see 3 BEWD and Jinzo on the field at the same time)
Mystical Space Typhoon x 1 (Gets rid of 1 of those nasty traps)
Harppie's Feather Duster x 1 (Gets rid of all of those nasty traps)
Delinquent Duo x 1 (I take 1 and u take 1 out)
The Forceful Sentry x 1 (I take 1 out)
Trap: 10
Call Of The Haunted x 1 (Another monster reborn)
Mirror Force x 1 (you attack you die)
Magic Cylinder x 1 (you attack, you attacked yourself)
Ring Of Destruction x 1 (bye bye to your monster and we both minus)
Magic Jammer x 1 (Stops your magic)
Imperial Order x 1 (NO magics for you)
Dust Tornado x 1 (Gets rid of 1 of those face down cards)
7 Tools Of The Bandit x 1 (Stops your trap)
Solemn Judgment x 1 (Magic, trap, summoning or special summoning...access denied)
Drop Off x 1 (You can't keep that card you drew!)
Total Number Of Cards: 50
Well here I am with my new deck report. It's been awhile, I've out and about. Well I moved back to Michigan at the end of summer. I had to edit my deck to be more versatile. I put in some hand disruption cards after seeing how some of the guys played. Editing the deck is alwys so hard.
Well round 1 was pretty easy. Played a kid who was that good. First duel didn't last long as I just pounded away with my beatdown monsters and raigeki. But the second duel he won because I gave it, because he took control of one of my monster with his monster's effect. i think it was jowls of the dark demise. and he cleared my field and attack. But he didn't give me back my monster and I didn't know the effect was only for 1 turn and by the time i realized it i was almost dead so i gave it to him. the next duel i didnt take it easy on him for what he did the last duel. i cleared his hand and field and was able to pull out spirit reaper and a BEWD to win. too bad no yata yet.
Round 2 was challenging, played one of my friend's friends. Duel 1 I had the upper hand by sending out my Gemini's and Spears. And once BEWD came out it was over. 2nd duel he had me. We went back and forth with out spears and goblins. But then i had no more monsters and he took it. the 3rd duel was all mines. i had delinquent duo and confiscation and raigeki. then i played spirit reaper and got rid of alot of cards. he attacked me but i got rid of his monster and summoned out yata. yata and spirit reaper wat a nasty combo.
Round 3 i lost to my uncle. My cards just didnt come out. and not to mention i beat him all the time except for tourments. which just aint rite. But it was a good duel. i knew i had to watch out for his fiber jar. which is very annoying. my uncle has a really annoying deck. you'll see cards like raigeki breaks and others i cant remember because they were so annoying. but it was a long duel because i didn't get any monsters out and his monsters were already destroyed. both duels went the same and he took me out in 2 duels to go on to the finals. which he took 2nd. the guy who took first took out my other uncle which was the other brother of the one who beat me. and in the previous week my other uncle took 1st so basically at these tournys everyone knows who to expect to make it to the top.
I would like to hear your comments on my deck. You guys can just email me at .

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