Clayton’s Awesome Warrior/Beatdown/Disruption (a.k.a. Siphon_X)
Greentree Sport’s Cards
Around 30 people
Entry fee: $5
Prizes: 1st gets 5 packs (25 store) none for the rest….grrrrr
K, this is my first submitted tourney report, so plz go easy on me.
Siphon_X’s Warrior/Beatdown/Disruption
19 monsters:
(3 Tribute)
1. Jinzo
2. Airknight Parshath
3. Guardian Sphinx
(16 Nontribute)
4. Yata-Garasu
5. Sangan
6. Nimble Momonga
7. Nimble Momonga
8. Nimble Momonga
9. Exiled Force
10. Spirit Reaper
11. Cyber Jar
12. Don Zaloog
13. Marauding Captain
14. Marauding Captain
15. Injection Fairy Lily
16. Fiber Jar
17. Witch of the
18. Goblin Attack Force
19. Sinister Serpent
14 Magics:
20. Nobleman of Crossout
21. Confiscation
22. Raigeki
23. Snatch Steal
24. Delinquent Duo
25. Harpie’s Feather Duster
26. Dark Hole
27. Graceful Charity
28. Monster Reborn
29. Heavy Storm
30. Mystical Space Typhoon
31. Pot of Geed
32. The Forceful Sentry
33. Change of Heart
8 Traps:
34. Imperial Order
35. Ring of Destruction
36. Time Seal
37. Mirror Force
38. Torrential Tribute
39. Magic Cylinder
40. Call of the Haunted
41. Drop Off
Side Deck (15)
Premature Burial
Hayabusa (I used to run a warrior straight beatdown)
United We Stand
Mage Power
Axe of Despair
Reinforcements of the Army (
Fiend Megacyber
Trap of Board Eraser x2 (ToBE)
Magician of Faith
Card Destruction
White Magical Hat
K, I registered for the tourney and got a PGD. With my luck, it’s a moisture creature. Oh well….before the tourney started, I got my first Drop Off from my friend Nick.
First Match: Me vs. Matt (lets just assume that’s his name J)
First duel: pretty close with all his traps.
Started out with 8000 going in until I pulled my D. Duo and confiscation (-2000) He got a few heavy attacks on me, but I ended the duel with 2900 left. After the attacks had receded from my various means (i.e. Mirror Force) I pulled my IFL. I did not use its effect at first, but waited until he had no monsters out. BOOM! First it was cylindered, then MF’d….my heart was broken….I finally got my jinzo out before he was able to play waboku, reborned my IFL, then finished him off with my army of nimbles.
End result: Me 2900, Him 0
Second duel: passed much quicker due to my quick drawing of Airknight Parshath
Started off with a good hand…CoH, CotH, MC, GAF, and something else….Drew Parshath. I knew from his stare that his fd monster was indeed a cyber. CoH, Parshath…attack. I got pog which I used to get cylinder and yata. He was pretty much screwed from here out. He tried raigeki ing it, and I let his attack go through so I could save my cylinder. He set two m/t and ended. Death to him! I drew HFD, used it…CotH Parshath, summon MC and then GAF, like a nimble….oh well. On his turn, he played CoH on parshath….i knew he was gonna do it. He attacked to find himself dead, cuz of my oh so beautiful Cylinder.
End result: Me 8000, Him: 0
Second Match: Me vs. Mike M. really good beatdown (in the tourney, we call every1 by their last names)
First duel: It was sad for him. My last opponent put up a better fight.
Ok, this guy, IMO is the second best duelist in the entire store, so I was looking forward to this duel. I got nothing I expected. His deck was loaded with powerful 4-star monsters, but he did not put up a fight at all. I forceful sentried one of his good cards, and set one of my nimbles. He attacked it with his MC, got two more, then he attacked it with his other card. I left D. Duo in my hand so that if he got stuck in a position like this, I could rip him apart. He set two cards (m/t) fd and ended. Yay! Dark Hole, Heavy Storm, Yata, D. Duo…they all took him by surprise. He didn’t concede until I drew my reborn and took my discarded Sphinx back.
End results: Me 9000 Him 0
Second Duel: This was a really good duel, but I proved better with my fast disruption.
First hand started off good. I wanted to get the upper hand, so I set my Fiber Jar and Cylinder. His turn, he noblemans my Fiber (grrr) He had to take his own out anyways. He attacks with MC and Gemini: I let the Gemini pass, but took the MC. I don’t like other players MC’s. (6100-6800). This was the last turn he got damage on me. I drew an HFD, so he was screwed with his fd cards (two). He did not activate his fd Ring. I then played raigeki, used recursion to bring back his Gemini summoned MC. Attacked with all. That turn started the first turn of heavy field disruptions. He plays rageki summons witch but does not attack, plays swords. On my turn, defense, nothing happened on his turn except destruction of my nimble (I forget how). My turn, set wotbf, end. He passes, but does throw a couple m/t fd. This duel was getting nowhere…so I play heavy storm, then dark hole. He says “lets put our monsters that we take fd then reveal them so the other player’s monster is not dependent on it.” Which I think means “Im taking kuriboh.” I took IFL. Its ok. I summon it, attack but not raise, see his fear. He cannot attack it. So he plays some monster fd. I use nobleman to get rid of his cyber. Then I used confiscation to try getting rid of his kuriboh, but I find out he has lava golem and Megacyber (ehehehe). Death for him! And Pojo says that IFL is overrated and there is no stopping Kuriboh….
End results: Me 3100 Him 0
Third Match: Me vs. my friend Nick (great beatdown, just too many PGD cards; hes in love with book of moon and bbtd with ring…maybe I should put ToBE in just for fun)
First Duel: Pretty much hit back and forth until I got my jinzo.
Second Duel: I clinched this one by getting my drop off, confiscation, and D. Duo in one hand…and reaper and dark hole. I went first, slammed him with both disruptors, took out his ring (which brought a little controversy to the game), set reaper and ended. He attacks with his spear dragon, plays BoM on reaper to kill it. I draw….Yata! Play dark hole…yata lock.
After that match, I knew I was to play Brian M. the top player in the store, but I was confident, because Mike (another one of my friends) had said that he beat him last week with the same deck that got beaten by me today. So I chilled out, took some time to stop and smell the roses. I played (then I forfeited) a team tag duel with some noob on my team against Mike and some other good kid. They may have had a lot of options, but they took way too long to make their moves. I got a trade in- 15 bucks for a Don Zaloog…I could have used that beforehand. Oh well. I played Nick again for fun, then I watched the last couple of moves between Brian and some kid named Ryan (hehe) They were both good duelists, but brian had it more put together. Onto the semifinal duel!
Fourth Match: Me vs. Brian’s great all-new amazonness deck!????!!!
First duel: I don’t want to talk about it. The fact is, He got IO out first turn, both times, and my hand was mostly disruption magic, so I was screwed.
Second duel: basically same thing. Swarmed me with his Breakers and Paladins, then finished me off.
What I am wondering is how MGF came out three days prior, and he already
has five
I mooched around and dueled a couple people until my mom came to pick me up.
Time for Props and slops!
Got to the semifinals
Got a drop off and a Zaloog for less
My dad for taking me
my mom for picking me up
R.J. for having the tourney there
Losing in the semifinals
Getting crap in my pack
Making a fool out of myself in my first duel against Brian
Greentree Sportscards for not having any more MGF
Questions? Comments? Challenges? IM me at mrfilbertiert or email me at
This is Siphon_X, signing off…..