k I came today after being grounded for two weeks im glad I got some good
trades in.I was thinking of making my deck more yata and lost sum drop offs in
the process so...... it was strait though. I did great but well I got so pissed
when chris made the mistake of lieng and it was swiss so he stole my spot
*polishes gun* but its just a game. so heres my deck
1 witch
1 sangan
3 mystic tomatos
3 spirt reapers
1 breaker magical warrior(it was a kycoo in the tourney mine is kewl and
jap and not legal lol)
1 injection fairy lily
1 yata(holly shit is yata!)
1 kycoo
2 spears
1 exiled
1 jinzo
1 cyber jar
3 mst
1 heavy storm
1 harpies feather duster
1 pot of greed (no gay weed jokes here)
1 gracefull charity
1 deliquent duo
1 forcefull sentry
1 snatch steal
1 raigeki
1 mairage 0f nightmare
1 monster reborn
1 change of heart
1 darkhole
1 premature burial
1 ring of destruction
1imp. order
3 waboku
1 mirror force
40 cards
k heres how it went I was wating a lot with my friends like
clay,josh,erick aka crazy,
and the yu gi oh leaver raymond
so I didn’t keep scores so sew me I wasent even sure if I was gonna write
this but its kewl
(drum roll plz) first round lets duel!
match 1
round 1. black pally vs matt
this guy is pretty kewl he gets props lol but ne way he was using chris's
extra cards to play he had exodia
we start of by him setting sum stuff and I summon my tomato and atack
it was spear creitin he next turn summoned thb and atacked tomato I pulled
I atacked thb with kycoo and chiped his hand with reaper and set wab his
move predictiable he atacked my reaper wab so I chiped hand again a piece what
luck lol like exodia worrys me lol his turn he does sum junk and I atack him
with kycoo taking piece he quits hahaha
round two.
long story short and trust me u want diegest version he had 1 card left he
drew and made his piece suicide leaveing him with barly ne life and back up
solider next turn so close to deck out 1 more turn
round 3.
reaper shank then lock plain and simple gg man
next match I sit sum more again then match 2 me and vess
match 2.
so I talk to matt while he takes 4 ever tradeing
round 1. I don’t remember much but im not gonna leave ya all hangin so here
I go first turn I summon tomato in surch of a quick lock and I duo
his turn he sets a card my turn I set wab and atack it was gemini elf so I
said go he set another mon and sum m/ts I use harpies and atack it was fiber I
use wab cuz I had already summoned sumthing he almost didn’t let me chain it but
I explained it to him his turn I hadent realized that all the damage I done had
tooken him down to about 2000 I know I didn’t put in how but I forget lol. he
trys to hang on but I kill him
round 2. killed me sum how just didn’t hang on
round 3. I had to win and yata the dirty crow pulled it off ya for the
dirty bird
match 3.
me and chris
this match was hard because he cheats I think
I don’t have scores but he won
final four
chris lied and it made it so he got finaly four but that’s ok free helpomer
at store I didn’t get to pick it was a pack and I got lucky
time for good ol props and slops
props to my friends clay,josh,matt,raymond,erick,carol,and vess
props to reaper
props to tea
props to yata
props to my granddad
nate + chris for ur mistakes
to me not taking notes and randomly doing this
to vess being a semi sore loser
to me throwing a hissy when they made that mistake(nate I wont break ur
to me saying I stole ur fast break erick it was raymond u know the guy u
said eats every thing
my aim is H1TMAN867
black pally signin out