warrior-beatdown_deck_carlo favretto_toysrus_vineland_nj

hi pojo.com this is my 3rd tourney report.
entrance fee: 0.00
prize: 3 packs of magicians force
location: toysrus vineland,nj
date: 10/17/03 number of people:32
so here's new deck

monsters:21 (and believe, it works)
2x maruding captin
3x goblin attack force
3x gemini elf
1x yata-garasu
1x giant orc
1x exiled force
1x luster dragon (magician's force) 1900 atk level 4
1x dark blade
3x don zaloog
1x wotbf
1x tribe infecting virus
1x fiber jar
1x sasuke samurai
1x jinzo

1x mystical space typhoon
1x snatch steal
2x reinforcemant of the army
1x dark hole
1x raigeki
1x the forceful sentry
1x noblement of crossout
1x sorl
1x heavy storm
1x mage power
1x big bang shot
1x monster reborn
1x united we stand
1x harpies feather duster
1x pot of greed

1x mirror force
1x ring of destruction
1x imperial order
1x torrential tribute
1x thunder of ruler
1x call of the haunted
1x coffin seller
1x magic cylinder

the tournament was a one duel situation. i started round one playing a guy named paul.

carlo vs. paul
8000- 6100-6000-3100-0
i started by playing a gemini in atk. he set two cards and let me go. i didn't wanna play a monster cause it could have been a mirror force. so i attacked he had nothing.
then i continued the basiclly the whole game exept when for some reason he played a fiber in attack and i used ring of destruction.

round 2 carlo vs. mark
i started playing him and he just said he had to leave and he didn't want to play me cause he new i was good. 15 min later i saw him playing other people.

round 3 me vs.john
his deck was based around getting traps and stopping me from attacking. well that didn't work.i new him. i just plain out got jinzo and that ruined his plan.

me vs. matt
i know matt. he is good. we always come neck and neck but this time it was hard to win cause it was the semifinals and none of us was giving up.man,we exchanged blows left and right. his deck was part hand destruction and beatdowns really fear that.but in the end i came out as the victor.

finals me vs anthony m
im sorry but i don't understand how he made it to the finals. he had no skill and his highest basic attacking monster had only 1600 attack power. he just kept on playing defence and his deck was basicly monsters. he knew like what to play but not much. i made his deck over after.

props: me getting a skilled dark magician ( level 4 1900atk super rare), diffusion wave motion (secret rare) and another dark blade (rare 1800atk and warrior!)
new set coming out
matt for giving me a good duel

slops: me not really playing harder kids
my last pack for getting a rare but good one

if u want to talk or ask questions email me at duelmaster828@aol.com
thanx pojo.com ur da best site