My Name: Shorty P McD
Store: Artifex
My Deck (After the tourney):
1 – Jinzo
1 – Spear Dragon
1 – Witch of the
1 – Sangan
1 – Cyber Jar
1 – Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
1- Gemini Elf
3 – Mystic Tomato
2 – Spirit Reaper
1 – Sinister Serpent (for card advantage)
2 – Don Zaloog
1 – Exiled Force
1 – Yata Garasu
1 – Fiber Jar
Total: 18
1 – Pot of Greed
1 – Change of Heart
1 – Raigeki
1 – Dark Hole
1 – Swords of Revealing Light
1 – Heavy Storm
1 – Premature Burial
1 – Monster Reborn
1 – Snatch Steal
1 – Nobleman of Crossout
2 – Mystical Space Typhoon
1 – Graceful Charity
1 – Harpies Feather Duster
1 – Delinquent Duo
1- The Forceful Sentry
1 – Confiscation
1 – Creature Swap
1 - Scapegoat
Total: 19
1 – Mirror Force
1 – Call of the Haunted
1 – Imperial Order
1 - Waboku
1 – Ring of Destruction
Total: 5
Total in Deck: 42
I got there around
Match 1
Me Vs. Average Beatdown
Round 1
I started off going first and had a pretty good hand. I confiscated, set kycoo, then ended my turn. He draws, sets some m/t, and sets a monster. My turn I activate Duster and Dark Hole, then summon yata and lock him.
Round 2
We were exchanging blows and I had him down really low when he busted out this cyber jar and beat me that turn. I find that Mystic Tomato and witch/sangan go through your monsters really quick, and that by mid-late game, my deck is usually 10-20% monsters. I also found out that most of my monsters are weak, and I rely on magics to do most of my removal. I fixed this by adding in some Kycoo, Spear Dragon, and Swords and taking out MST, Mirage of Nightmare, and Torrential Tribute. (I did this all after the tourney) At least I learned something from this loss.
Round 3
I really didn’t want to lose first round, and especially to some guy that hasn’t even gotten past first round. I elect to go first, and get off to a good start with some draw power and pre-negators. I counter what I know is in his hand and set cards I want him to attack. In the end, I take out his life points with Jinzo and some Dons.
Match 2
Me vs. Beatdown/Hand Disruption
Round 1
This guy is really good, and he just got done beating my friend Rex, so I was pretty nervous. He won the coin toss (Fiddlesticks) and chose to go first. He used forceful sentry and effectively countered every move I made. I ended up using Exiled Force on his Witch, Duster on his Waboku, and all this other krap. He won.
Round 2
I got to go first, so I set Don Zaloog and a m/t. Next turn he set a monster and a m/t. My turn, I summon Don Zaloog and attack his face-down Don Zaloog, so he got to discard a card from my hand. He goes, and sets one more m/t. My turn I set another Don. His turn he attacks my facedown don (Muhahaha) and I get to discard from his hand. This went on and on, but to make a long story short I ended up top decking and losing.
I was pretty disappointed to lose second round. I got krap in my packs (of course), but
dueled some people for some cards and won.
Later I walked up to
First round I got paired up with Tai, the tournament organizer who was using his friends beat down deck because he quit playing a little while ago. He had almost all 1900+ attackers, so it was almost impossible for me to overpower his monsters w/o magic/trap. It ended up being 2 wins and 1 loss in favor me. Great duels, great duelist.
Next round I faced another beat down deck. Instead of putting up an ultra-rare, he put up lava golem (quite the confident one). I got some really good draws, and was able to beat him 2-0.
Finally, last round, and I was facing yet another beat down deck. The first duel was quick, and I ended up getting a good fiber jar hand (which I flipped on my turn) including graceful charity and pot. I was able to deplete his hand and yata lock him after that. Next duel I had him on the run. In the beginning he was able to beat me down with pumped up bazoos, but I started to comeback until he used Skull Lair on my attacking army…twice. But I got him back good with fiber jar. I had a good hand, plus his deck was lacking a lot of staples so I won after that.
Woot woot. I was pretty happy after that. I had won Lava Golem, Hell Poemer, The Legendary Fishermen, Creatuer Swap, Delinquent Duo, Mage power, and something else. Anyway, My friends ride came soon afterwards so I left with him.
Me: So, where’s that calculator I let u borrow?
John: Huh? I gave it to someone else…
Me: !!!!!
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