From: mike lee []
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 10:04 PM
Subject: Dark Necrofear_Mike_Lee_San Francisco_SF BATTLE ZONE

~Dark Necrofear Deck~

SF Battle Zone

San Francisco, CA 94133

October 4, 2003

10 Participants

Name: Mike Lee

Location: San Francisco

Favorite Card: Dark Necrofear

Type of Deck: Fiend

Basic Restrictions applied to this tournament.

I have changed my deck dramatically after being

torn apart at the previous tournament

Here is the Deck I used:

Regular Monsters: (3)

3x Opticlops

Effect Monsters: (15)

1x Jinzo

2x Dark Necrofear

1x Sinister Serpent

2x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

3x Kuriboh

1x Cyber Jar

1x Exiled Force

2x Goblin Attack Force

1x Witch of the Black Forest

1x Sangan

Magic: (16)

1x Monster Reborn

1x Change of Heart

1x Dark Hole

1x Raigeki

1x Heavy Storm

1x Harpie’s Feather Duster

1x United We Stand

1x Mage Power

1x Pot of Greed

1x Nobleman of Crossout

1x Graceful Charity

1x Painful Choice

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x ScapeGoat

1x Mirage of Nightmare

1x Snatch Steal

Trap: (6)

1x Imperial Order

1x Magical Cylinder

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Waboku

1x Forced Requisition

    Now I know my deck may seem a bit better than last time but honestly it didn't help very much.

Before the tournament I pulled a Moisture Creature! what a great card :- )

Obviously that doesn't help me out very much. Before the tournament everyone in the store

began watching the SF Giants Versus the Mariners playoff game. The Giants Lost! Oh man

well there is always next year. I played some practice duels. Some guy there had an Exodia,

Destiny Board, and Zombie deck. The rarity of the deck was astonishing. It still sucked.

Well on too the tournament

Round One Mike VS Balboa student

    Boy all I can say is I had bad draws. He pretty much destroyed me with a bunch of beatdown cards, hand disruption cards, and staples.

there was an instance when he played Change Of Heart on my Goblin Attack Force and he summoned another Goblin Attack Force for 4600

points of damage to my life points. After this he plays Raigeki and Summons Yata. I am locked for 1st round.

    This round didn’t go too well either :- ( but you know what I tried. I attacked him once directly with a

Kycoo the ghost destroyer and removed his Gemini Elf and GAF from the duel. He retaliated with

an Airknight Parshath. He attacked me and drew his card. I Snatched Stole it and attacked him directly again.

However he Mystical Space Tyhoon'd my Snatch Steal and got back his Airknight. He attacked me again. I tried my best but I lost.

Final Thoughts:

    God I seriously think I will never do good in a Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament. The Farthest I have ever

gotten was the quarter finals.That day I had pulled a Patrol Robo!!!

Well none-the-less I had fun. Till Next week farewell.


- My dad for driving me to the tournament

- Pojo for being a great source for Yu-Gi-Oh


- Getting beaten very badly

- None of my buddies went this week

- Crappy booster pack

- My Package not coming in the mail yet

Thank you all for reading my tournament report.

If you have any thoughts/questions on my deck, or even about me,

drop a line at or IM me at sHiChTzArO