Darkness Beatdown
Owner of Deck: Robert Sanders
Time: 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM

  Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, whatever time you are reading this, hello!!  I am sure that you all remember me from all of my tournament reports.  I apologize if I haven't had any posted lately, but I can only send in a tournament report every couple of weeks.
  Anyways, this tournament happened to be a doubles, or a 2 on 2 tournament.  I will give you all the details I can... oh, but I must first tell you what my deck is like.  Well, here is my Darkness Beatdown:

Darkness Beatdown:
Monsters: x19
2x Magician of Faith
1x Injection Fairy Lily
1x Fiber Jar
1x Cyber Jar
1x Sangan
1x Witch of the Black Forest
2x Mystic Tomato
1x Don Zaloog
3x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (What would I do without them?)
3x Spear Dragon
1x Helpoemer
1x Jinzo (Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!)
1x Dark Ruler Ha Des
Magics: x16
2x Axe of Despair
1x Change of Heart
1x Confiscation
1x Dark Hole
1x Delinquent Duo
1x Graceful Charity
1x Harpie's Feather Duster
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mage Power
1x Monster Reborn
1x Pot of Greed
1x Raigeki
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x The Forceful Sentry
1x United We Stand
Traps: x5
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Imperial Order
1x Magic Cylinder
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute

  Well, I have been upgrading my deck and it showed the improvement into todays tournament.  In this tournament, Jericho Hollister was my ally, my parter, and my buddy.  He plays a deck like mine only if you drop the Spear Dragons, the Injection Fairy Lily and the Call of the Haunted and throw in three Opticlops, a couple Witch's Apprentice and I think that's about it.
 Today, as I was walking in the store, I noticed how popular the new card game Yu Yu Hakusho impacted everyone.  Everyone had a starter deck, and I am not ashamed to say that I have a deck for Yu Yu Hakusho TCG, too.  If you are really interested, my team is Toguro and my friend has the team of the drunken master 8-).  Anyways, there were alot of people, and some of the top duelists like Michael, Neil, the Rais brothers, Andy, and.....(drumroll)........Broc, Tony and J.P.!  It was great to see those guys once again because it has always been a heck of a challenge taking them on in a tournament.  Broc is building a Gravekeeper's Deck and it is looking very successful.  As I was saying, after I ate my Chicken Pizza (gotta love that chicken) I started up the tournament and our team name was declared as the Guardian Sensei Team.  The teams were mixed up, written down, and paired up for round one.  Well, duelists and... duelists!  Let's get ready to rumble!
Round One: Guardian Sensei Team (Jeric & I) vs. Packers (Chris & Shawn)
  I really feel sorry about Chris that he always has to take on a difficult person on the first round.  Anyways, both Jeric and I were seriously slamming both of them down with strong level 4's like my Spear Dragons and Jeric's Opticlops.  So, obviously, we won the first match.
  On the second match, they got out their defensive stuff before we could eat at their life points.  They delayed us with Gravity Binds, Messenger of Peace and the commonly used Swords of Revealing Light.  The battle dragged on and on until we wiped their field clean and struck the remains of their life points.  All in all, they did a pretty good job.  Go Green Bay Packers!! (Tch.  They will win the Super Bowl the day Feral Imps fly.)
Round Two: Guardian Sensei Team vs. Chaos (Neal & Harsh)
  At first, I truly under-estimated them for their power, but that was a bad idea.  They played down some heavy cards like Dark Hole early and they had a quick defense up.  Later on, I activated Fiber Jar's effect and I put our team to an advantage.  After that, Jeric had fun with his new United We Stand to finish our first round.
  The time limit was about up before we could start our second match, so we technically won.  To be honest, that is not the way I want to win.  Oh well... great job, Chaos Team :)
Round Three: Guardian Sensei Team vs. Finals (Neil & James Rais)
  To be honest, I had a hypothesis that I would have to take on Neil on one of the last rounds.  Anyways, most of the duel was a game of luck on drawing power because at the beginning all four of us wasted our hands to affect each other and we were only surviving on what cards we would draw.  I did play Fiber Jar, but we ended up in the same situation again after that happened.  In the end, though, Jeric and I won the match.  We once again ran out of time and the game was given to us.  To be honest, there should be additional time to the tournament.  Well, great job, Finals:)
Round Four (Final Round): Guardian Sensei Team vs. Golden Bros. (Tony and J.P.)
  Wow, a clash of titans!  It felt great to duel these guys again, considering I know that they duel like the people up in Omaha.  At the start, both teams kept clearing each other out and we had to go to a repeat of our third match: relying on drawing.  In the end, we won.
  In the second match, Jeric and I stalled with Imperial Order against the brothers while I hacked at their life points with Don Zaloog.  Jeric tried out his Kycoos, but Tony smacked with Magic Cylinders.  Over time, Tony was eliminated and it was down to Jeric and I versus J.P.  J.P. held his ground with emnity and returned the favor of the loss of Tony by depleting Jeric's life points.  Then, it was a showdown: J.P. and I.  A one on one was something that I always loved.  We were ceased fire when he attacked my Fiber Jar and we drew a new hand of five.  All I could pull up was three traps, Confiscation and Jinzo.  The next card wasn't much help either, but the three traps delayed him enough.  I played Torrential Tribute on his attempt to summon Hayabusa Knight, I Magic Cylindered his 2500 fat Bazoo and eventually turned the game around with Jinzo.  Jinzo cleared his field with the help of other cards and won the game.  Wow!  J.P., if you are reading this, I just want to let you know that you are one heck of a duelist!  Keep up the good work, Tony and J.P. and I can't forget Broc.
The Aftermath:
  When the match was over, Jeric and I went to recieve our packs of LOD and we opened them up.  Jeric pulled up a Fiend Skull Dragon and I got stuck with Dragon's Bead :(.  Oh well, that's just my luck.  Well, until next time, good luck and Happy Dueling :)

-Chicken Pizza
-Tod and his deck
-Jeric as an awesome partner
-Jinzo saves the day
-I got Hiei for my Yu Yu Hakusho Deck
-Jeric and I got first place
-Broc, Tony and J.P made it today
-Lousy Rare
-Forgot to duel Broc :(

  If you would like to communicate with me sometime, you can e-mail me at Great Exodia@aol.com.  Please note that I will not open anything unless it is titled something that has to do with Yu-Gi-Oh!  Thanx alot :)