Hyper Spastic Beatdown
Time: High Noon, pawdnuh'
Place: Winston-Salem, NC
All About Sports
Entry Fee: $7.00
Participants: about 15
Prizes: First- 5 packs
Second- 3 packs
Third- 1 pack (I think)
1 pack for entering
Well, hello all. This is Ryan from NC (I know nobody really cares or wants to know). This is my first tournament report, but like my 15-th tourney over all. This is the first one I got around to typing up though, so I thought why not. Anyway, this is my deck, and it is called the hyper spastic beatdown not so much because of what is in it as how I play it. You see, everybody at the tourney calls me Tweak ("Ahhh! A tourney? That's too much pressure man!") and that kind of contributed to the name.
1x Jinzo (The 'Zo)
1x Freed the Matchless General (Behold my warrior swarm)
1x Guardian Sphinx (Just when you thought it was safe…)
1x Goblin Attack Force (looking for another one)
3x Gemini Elf (Ah…so pretty)
2x Spear Dragon (Defense mode? I think not!)
1x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (Swapped out Gearfreid for another afterwards)
1x Gearfried the Iron Knight (You shall never snatch me!)
1x Bazoo the Soul-Eater (Attack, my Mighty Monkey!)
1x Don Zaloog (He makes an offer you can't refuse)
1x Witch of the Black Forest (Like you don't see this in every deck)
1x Exiled Force (Oh yes, X-Force it)
1x Twin-Headed Behemoth (Why did they change it from Dol Dora?)
1x Sangan (Oh! Si si si! Un sangan muy grande!)
1x Cyber Jar (KABOOM, BABY!)
1x Fiber Jar (Broccoli Rockets)
1x Sasuke Samurai (Resizable crossout)
1x Raigeki (I like the little ZAP sound it makes)
1x Dark Hole (Suck 'em up)
1x Harpie's Feather Duster (Dusty Dusty)
1x Heavy Storm (Another horrible name change)
1x Change of Heart (Can I borrow that? Thanks)
1x Monster Reborn (Oh yes, my 'Zo is back)
1x Pot of Greed (Greed is very good)
1x Graceful Charity (This angel has got the right idea)
2x Mystical Space Typhoon (Cyclone. I refuse to call it anything else)
1x Book of Moon (You thought you were safe from my Sphinx? I think not)
1x Snatch Steal (The teir-1 of control)
1x Premature Burial (Return my minions! Return to me)
1x United we Stand (Really big, really quick)
1x Mage Power (I'm amazed they know how to raise the roof)
1x Ring of Destruction (The BELL does not like its name change)
1x Magic Cylinders (Bounce that attack right back at ya')
1x Mirror Force (you thought you were gonna attack? Shows what you know)
1x Ceasefire (I'm not liking that face-down card)
1x Imperial Order (You may say yes yes yes, but Benny says no no no)
1x Call of the Haunted (Surprise! Jinzo's back)
Total: 41
And now onto the report.
Got there about twenty minutes early with my little brother (annoying little gravekeeper's deck) and my friend Jill. We signed up, and chilled for a little then got to trading and dueling. I watched about seven people show off their massive folders of 4 copies of all the holos and felt really inadequate with my little box of extras. I was able to trade a Legendary Fisherman for a Creature Swap though. Also, I got another Gravity Bind for my stall deck and helped Jill out with her deck. Unfortunately she didn't like the changes. She loved her magnets too much (What a twisted person). The first round pairings were announced, and I got Brian, a regular, my brother got a tough dude, Jill got Chris, another regular, and Justin (AKA Ironknight) got a bye, which was completey unfair.
Round 1-Hyper Spastic Beatdown vs. Brian
Oh yes. The tourney begins. This guy was running a warrior deck last time I came around, so that was what I was expecting. First turn I go first and lay Sangan and one face-down. He draws, plays charity and chucks two Dragon Treasures (Huh?) then he summons a Spear Dragon, Stamping Destrucitons my face-down magic Cylinders and attacks my Sangan. I search for the Don and it's my move. I draw, play Dark Hole and have the Don chuck a card from his hand (Flute of Summoning Dragon). Then he threw cards in defense mode until the end of the game, where my little Sasuke Samurai had a field day.
Next game was similar, except he pulled out Cave Dragon, so I had to wait a few turns for my Goblins to show up before I totally annihilated him.
Winner: Me
My little brother was beat by the though dude, but caused a lasting emotional impact on the poor guy when he killed him with a Gravekeeper's Curse effect. Jill lost and was insanely angry with me because she blamed me for taking out the magnets. Oh well, live and learn. Next round pairings were announced, and I got Terry. John and Chris got matched up against each other. That made me happy, because they both really scare me.
Round 2-Hyper Spastic Beatdown vs. Terry
This guys deck was like 70 cards, and was uber-hard to cut. He laughed maniacally when he saw my compact deck. He laid his fusion deck aside (Black Skull Dragons, labeled one, two, and three) and we began. He began by playing Fusion Gate down and two face-down magic/trap. My go, I laid Imperial Order and Ceaserfire face-down and played down Finer Jar in defense, then he activated Scapegoat for no reason. His move, removed Red Eyes and Summoned Skull for Black Skull (#1) and attacked my Jar. After I force fed him the broccoli, we shuffled our decks and drew our new cards. He played a defense mode and ended his turn. I draw, used Change of Heart on his face-down Dragon Dwelling in the Cave, sacked it to Freed and attacked direct. Next he played a card in defense again and ended. My turn I search for Sasuke and obliterated his face-down Cyber jar. After that, it was only a matter of time.
Next game, I got Jinzo out early with a Change of Heart of his Summoned skull he attacked direct with and that was that.
Winner: Me
John thrashed Chris's discard deck and I was happy (Yay). Justin beat whoever he was faced up against and the next round was announced. Justin and the tough dude that beat my brother were faced up, and I got matched up against John. D***. This guy is tough.
Round 3-Hyper Spastic Beatdown vs. John
Okay, this guy plays like a 57 card deck and still wins tourneys. That is never a good sign. He goes first and lays down two face-down and a Gemini in attack mode. My turn, I Cyclone (Typhoon) one of his face-down (Rope of Life), Holed his elves and attacked direct with the Ironknight. He summoned a Goblin and wiped my Gearfried all over the board. My go, I summon the Spear Dragon and smash his goblins, but he Koribohs it. Stupid fuzzball. I lay mirror Force and end my turn. He draws, Call of the Haunted backs his Goblins, summons Gemini and attacks. Mirror Force awaits. Ha ha ha. He plays Dark Hole and ends. My move, I summon the don and attack, relieving him of his card (Heavy Storm) and he can't do anything else for the rest of the game. So far, one to me.
Next game, he goes first and lays two face-down. Then he lays a card in defense and ends. I draw and attack his face-down with Sasuke. It was Goblins. I just stared at him, and he smiled evilly. I lay Magic Cylinders down and end. He Cyclones (Typhoon) my Cylinders and summons Marauding Captain, special summons Lily and wipes my Sasuke away. I draw, summon my Bazoo and annihilate his Captain. He Rope of Lifes it, discarding his Mechanicalchaser (TP2) and returns his Captain, now 2000 ATK. I played two face-down and ended. His move, he Dusters my Mirror Force and Ceasefire, which I activate in response for a massive 1000 damage (Whup-dee-doo). He summons a Goblin, equips it with United we Stand and beats the crap out of me. one to one.
Last game. I lay down Book of Moon and Imperial Order then lay Dol Dora (Twin-Headed Behemoth) in defense mode. He draws, Crossout, I Imperial order in response. He summons a Marauding, special summons the Goblins and attacks my face-down with goblins the direct with Captain. I draw, keep the Order active, then sack my defense mode Dol Dora (Twin-Headed Behemoth) to the mighty Sphinx and attack his Captain. Then I flipped it face-down and ended. He drew, summoned Goblins and attacked my Sphinx. I draw, stop Imperial Order and use Reborn on my Dol Dora, Raigeki, then attack direct with it all, flipping Sphinx face-down. His move, he draws, crosses out my Sphinx and plays a card in defense. I don't like it so I Hole it. He grabs Koriboh with Witch and I summon Spear but do not attack. He draws and has nothing. I start to beat on him from there and that ended the game.
Winner: Me
Justin got his but whooped by the tough dude, but that is to be expected when you play Exodia (Exodia…bleh). It turns out, we are the finalists, and the guy's name is Robert. We shake hands, wish each other luck and begin.
Finals-Hyper Spastic Beatdown vs. Robert
Okay, this guy was cool. You know the kind of guy you don't want to beat because he's just too cool, that was him. First game, he owned me with Delinquent Duo and Lily. Nothing else to say.
Next game, he tried to Confiscation me, but I learn from my mistakes. I Imperial Ordered it. He started laying cards in defense, but my Sasuke ripped right through them. He pulled out Maha Vailo and her really big, but I Mooned it and that shut it up really quick. By the end of the game, I had Sasuke, Jinzo, Freed, and two Geminis on the field. Yeah that was bad.
Next game was close. We exchanged some blows at the beginning, mostly Goblins to life points or Spears to Goblins. Then he Confiscated my hand down to two cards. He Yata-ed me. Luckily, I was able to pull off the Cyber Jar. He drew like four monsters and I got two. Two of his were Magicians of Faith though, so he didn't get an attack on my life that turn. I Holed them next turn and attacked direct with Bazoo. His turn he starts with the Vailo again. Pumps it to 4850 Atk then ends it. Good game dude.
So that would be that. We got out packs. He got jack diddly, and I didn't get much better. He pulled only rares, and I respected him so I gave him the Statue of the Wicked I pulled. Hope it helps out. Well, time for the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
The Good:
-Coming in second. Oh yes, I am gaining respect.
-Being nice to the little kids. Ohhhhhh, it makes you feel so good inside.
-Hyperness! Dude, you need to try eating 38 pixie sticks in a row, it is AWESOME!!!!!
-Burger King Icees. The real king of drinks.
-The Sphinx. Lord of all riddles!
-Inuyasha. The most awesome anime EVER.
-My brother getting a Jinzo and Jill getting an Exiled Force.
The Bad:
-Only drawing Freed twice. Erg.
-Cartoon Network taking off Lupin III. I know it's been a few months but I'm still angry.
-Pulling crap from all my packs.
-Not enough money. Hey, we all complain about this.
The Ugly:
-Yata-lock. Oh how I hate you.
-My crappy little car being a crappy piece of crap. Crappily.
-Bashing decks. Just stop. No more.
If you need to catch me, I'll be at cyllek@yadtel.net. By the way, don't email me about how I need to put in Yata, Lily, or Crossouts, or I will find you, rip out your kidneys and feed them to you. All other non-viral mail is welcome though. Later.