Subject: NecroReaper, E-Coon, Toy Chest, Cary NC
Toy Chest
Cary, NC
Cost: $5 (Everyone gets a pack, winner gets 3)

NecroReaper Deck

The Deck(43):

Tribute Monsters(2):

Dark Necrofear
Dark Ruler Ha Des

Normal Monsters(3):

La Jinn x 2

Effect Monsters(15):

Spirit Reaper x 2
Giant Germ x 3
Witch Of the Black Forest
Sinister Serpent
Wall of Illusion
Cyber Jar
Magician of Faith
Mask of Darkness

Harpies Feather Duster
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
Change of Heart
Monster Reborn
Premature Burial
Snatch Steal
Swords of Revealing Light
Graceful Charity
Pot of Greed
Delinquent Duo
The Forceful Sentry
Dark Hole
Nobleman of Crossout

Imperial Order
Magic Drain
Torrential Tribute
Magic Cylinder
Mirror Force
Ring of Destruction

The Tournament:

Round One- Me vs. James(Stall annoy deck)

Well this duel started out pretty slow.  I got NO magic and trap destruction and he had the ridiculous DNA Surgery + Insect Barrier combo out.  Then he clogged is magic and trap zone with 2 Solemn Wishes.  Finally after he gained way too many life points  I drew Harpies Feather Duster, played it with dark hole, Reborned his Reaper on the Nightmare and attacked to deplete his hand.  Next turn I drew Yata and locked him with 8900 life points.
Me: 8000    Him: Yata Locked

Round Two- Me vs. Bryce(Exodia)

This kids pretty cool.  What I respect the most is he tries absolutely everything in this game.  So far at the Toy Chest hes played a F.I.N.A.L. deck, Fiend deck, warrior deck, and probably like 6 others.  My deck isn’t too Exodia friendly though, so duel one went to me by whittling him down slowly.
Me: 8000-7500    Him: 8000-5200-4200-2200-0

This duel he managed to get his game on a little better.  We traded shots back and forth but he slowed my game down alot with Fiber Jar.  I eventually got the field clear and Locked him down with the Crow.
Me: 8000-7500-5500-4500     Him: 8000-6000-4000-2500-Locked

Round Three- Me vs. Man I should know this guys name!!!!(Warrior/Marauding/Zaloog Deck)

This guy has 8 Jinzo’s.  EIGHT.  Why he wont trade me one is beyond me.  Before this duel he informs me that I am the only person to beat him in a bet duel (when players put cards on the line).  The previous night I put an Injection Fairy on the line and he put his Ring of Destruction.  Now the ring is mine!!!!  Onto the duel, I’ll make it short and sweet. He destroyed me.  I got a hit in my second turn and it was downhill from there.
Me: 8000-5700-2200-1200-0    Him: 8000-5550

The tide changes in the second duel.  He has a hard time getting past my spirit reapers.  His Fiber Jar leaves one sitting out of play as well, but my germs save me this round.
Me: 8000-7300-6600    Him: 8000-5200-2100

He really never got off of the ground in this duel.  He never drew anything but magic cards and I sensed it and kept paying for Imperial Order. 
Me: 8000-5800-4600-3900-2800     Him: 8000-7000-6700-4000-3200-0

Round Four- Me vs. Ricky(Barrel Dragon Beatdown)

I was seriously nervous going into this round (it was the final round) because last time I dueled this kid he house rocked me.  Most people have abandoned 2 tribute monsters but he has those Barrel Dragons down to a system.  He’ll discard them and the Reborn/Premature/Call...etc.  In this first duel he had me for a while.  But I was able to take his hand and the field and mass enough force to win with one turn of attacks.
Me: 8000-7000-4550-3050    Him: 8000-7700-0

I dont even remember what happened here but I do remember some Barrel and a Jinzo and me with no hand and 4 traps down screaming “No, no, no!!!”
Me: 8000-6200-4300-3500-1000-0    Him: 8000-6200-5200-4400

This round was the tightest of all he had me majorly against the ropes but I eventually got all of the right cards at the right time.  I had my Dark Ruler and Necrofear out and I didnt want to risk him getting more draws and a chance to win with me so low, so I used Ring of Destruction on my necrofear and finished him off with Dark Ruler.
Me: 8000-5400-4400-3600-1400    Him: 8000-6500-5700-3150-950-0

I must a say, a major improvement from my recent tournament playing. 

-to me for pulling and Ultra Rare from my free packs (Great Dezard, ugh trade-able I guess)
-to my friend Doug for trading his DL2 Masked Beast for a LON Necrofear
-to Terry for holding 2 tourneys this week

-to me for pulling another book of moon
-this is my last tourney here for a long long while, stupid College


Thanks for reading