Subject: Rise of the Machines Boise Idaho Gametrader
My name is "Bob" Frinder and my E-mail address is
This was a very fun tournament and happened on the 29th of August.  So please post this report Pojo.  It was played in single elimination.  If you lost a round, you're out.  There were 16 people, so there were no byes.  $4 to enter, and prizes were: 1st 5 pgd packs, 1 lod - 2nd 3 pgd packs, 1 lon - 3rd 2 pgd. Everyone got a pgd pack.  It was at gametrader in Boise Idaho.
So here's my Ultimate Deck
20 monsters, 1 tribute
3 inpachi (1600 1900 mach.)
3 guardian of the THrone room (1650 1600 machine)
3 overdrive (1600 1500 mach.)
3 robotic knight (1600 1800 machine)
3 mechanical Chaser (1850 atk. Duh!)
3 cannon soldier (Burn! and machine, 1400 1300)
1 Jinzo (My most powerful monster)
1 cyber jar (must get my machines!)
16 magics
monster reborn
premature burial
3 Limiter Removal (Big boost. Multiplies machines on my field by 2, yet destroys them at the end of the turn)
dark hole
2 mystical space typhoon
Heavy Storm
Harpies Feather Duster
Change of Heart
Graceful Charity
Pot of Greed
5 traps
Mirror Force
Magic Cylinder
Ring of Destruction
Magic Jammer
total = 41 cards in all
I entered the tournament feeling confident, and had my thoughts on winning.  This is an unofficial tourney, though.
First Round
Me vs. complete NOOB!
I drew guard. of the throne room (gottr), 2 limits :-), G.C., and United. He said I could go first. I drew Mirror Force. Set guardian, both limits and M.F. He sets 1 monster and 1 trap.  I summon overdrive (I drew it) flip gottr, equip gottr with United, activate both limiters, attacked his facedown... magician of faith? with overdrive, I attacked direct with guardian, and won.
Game 2
He sets 1 monster.  I drew limiter, cannon, change of heart, united, M.F., and Jinzo.  Play change, flip his...Head of Exodia? Play cannon, equip cannon with united, activated limiter, and attacked for 7000.  I then offered both to cannon soldiers effect.  So I move to the next round.
Round 2
Me vs. beatdown (James? John? Something)
He was sort've experienced, but didn't think through his moves.  He plays 4 m/t and 1 fd mons.  I play harpie's, and he doesn't counter.  I then play robotic knight fd, and ring of d., and m.f. He flips his gemini elf, summons another, and attacks, mirror force.  He let's me go, with him having a completely open field.  I sac. robotic for Jinzo, activate limiter and attack for 4800.  He plays monster reborn (crap!) for ... Gemini elf? and sacs for flame cerebrus ( 2100 1800) and attacks, ring of d.  So he's at 1100.  It's my turn, and I said, dude, you could of reborned my Jinzo.  Then he said wait! I ment to do that! Yeah right.  I summon overdrive and attack for the win.
Game 2
He plays graceful, discards flame cerebrus and bazoo, and reborns the cerebrus.  My go.  I draw 2 limits (again?) Jinzo, magic Jammer, Waboku, and ... Change! I play change sac. for my android play both limits, and attack for the win.
round 3 semi finals
Me vs. how did you get here!
Why am I playing all of the easy people!
I go first, draw another good hand, play graceful, dumped Jinzo and mech. chaser, reborn and premature, summon cannon, play a limit and united face down.  He plays a monster. I attach Jinzo with united, actived limiter, attacked with cannon (a bio-mage) and attacked for win.
game 2
He goes and plays 5 m/t and says I can go.  I summon overdrive and attack. Nothing activated. I play m. jammer, and ring o' d., along with a limit and a m.f.. He plays 2 graceful, discard 2 skulls, and a amphibian beast. Reveals facedown reborn, c.o.t.h., and premature, summons gemini and attacks, m.f.  My go I reborn skull, equip over with united activated limiter, and attacked for win.  But I liked his playing style, it was cool.
Me vs. 20 year old
I go first, and summon mech. chas. (m.c) play waboku, m.j., and limit facedown, along with the typhoon from space.
He summons a bazoo and plays 2 fd.  I know something would happen, so I graceful, pot, and for graceful got rid of Jinzo and another mech. reborn and Premature, change of heart, limiter, game.
game 2
no challenge at all! Why can't I play good people!?
he plays 5 m/t. I harpies, he mystical, I mystical ( Japanese rules, at any time you can play quick play magics from your hand during your turn).  I summon gottr, equip with united play 2 limits, and that's the tournament
afterwards, there was a random raffle for a pgd. booster box. I won and sold it to some kid for $80 : - ) and pulled a rope of life, yata, which I sold for $30, book of moon, Barrel behind the Door, moisture creature and sasuke samurai.
time for props and slops
making $106
getting good cards
finishing my deck and testing it
winning my first tourney
being so lucky with everything