Gravekeeper’s Burning Vengence
Monsters: 16
Gravekeeper’s chief x2
Gravekeeper’s cannonholder x2
Gravekeeper’s guard
Gravekeeper’s curse x3
Gravekeeper’s spear soldier
Gravekeeper’s spy x2
Gravekeeper’s assaliant
Poison mummy x3
Cannon soldier (in case I don’t draw cannonholder)
Magics: 20
Necrovalley x2 (duh)
Dark room of nightmare
Royal tribute
Pot of greed
Graceful charity
Terraforming (hello necrovalley, long time no see)
Tremendous fire x3
Ookazi x3
Final flame x2
Monster reborn
Change of heart
Tribute to the doomed
Harpie’s feather duster
Traps: 8
Ominous fortunetelling
Rite of spirit x2
Barrel behind the door (comes in handy)
Mirror wall
Mirror force (pulled it prior to the tournament)
Magic cylinders (pulled it prior to the tournament)
Total # of cards: 44 (a little on the fat side, but oh well)
I went to this tourmanet with my best bud Todd and my brother Jake. We got there early, so we paid and then bought two packs each. I got mirror force and cylinders!!! (of couse I put those in my deck.) Todd pulls… Susuki and crap. My brother pulls… Jinzo and pot (darn him, I wanted Jinzo). There were about 27 kids there so it was a decent size tourmanent.
Duel one: Brian vs. D…something (direct damage)
Match one: victor, Brian
I go first and have Graceful, Cannonholder, Ookazi, Chief, Wall, and Magic reflector. Play the graceful and get Ookazi, Final flame, and, Royal tribute. Discard the tribute and reflecter. I play Ookazi and flame (his lp: 6600). Summon cannonholder and set wall and barrell and end.
He goes and plays Tremendous fire, Ookazi, Final flame, Hinotama, and face down care. Dang that hurt. (my lp: 5100) (his lp: 6100)
I draw final flame, play it and end. (his lp: 5500)
He plays tremendous fire and ends. (my lp: 4100) (his lp: 5000)
I draw mummy, set and end.
He activates ominous fortunetelling and ends.
I draw Rite of spirit. I flip mummy and sac it for Chief. I attack with both and sac chief and set rite face down. (his lp: 300)
He goes, guesses wrong with fortuntelling and ends.
I go, rite my chief and sac it once more. (his lp: 0)
Match two: victor, Brian
He forfits.
Round 2: Brian vs. Alexa (harpie deck)
Match 1: victor, Brian
Let me start off by saying that she was so frekin’ hot, it was hard to concentrate; her deck was real good too.
Anyway, she goes and sets two cards face down and summons harpie lady.
I have two mummies, tribute to the doomed, pot, and final flame, and draw Raigeki. I play pot, and get spear soldier and ookazi. Play the ookazi, flame, and tttd, summon spear soldier, attack, and end. (her lp: 5100)
She sets a card and ends.
I draw cannon soldier and attack. Fiber jar, darn it.
I now have mummy, royal tribute, spy, ookazi, and cannonholder. I play ookazi and set the mummy. (her lp:4300)
She goes and plays painful choice, she chooses harpie lady, harpie lady, harpie lady, harpie’s pet dragon, and harpie’s brother. I pick a lady. She summons harpie lady, plays two shallow graves and gets her harpies back, then, she plays monster reborn and gets her pet dragon. (I’m in trouble) She has pet dragon attack mummy, and her harpies attack me. (her lp: 3800) (my lp: 5100)
I go and draw dark room of nightmare. I play the room and set the spy, and end.
She summons a harpie’s brother and has it attack my spy (yea). Then she has pet dragon attack it. I get curse in defense mode. She has harpie attack, and then the other two attack me. (her lp: 3000) (my lp: 2500)
I draw… mirror force (thank you, thank you, thank you) I set the force and set mummy.
She sacs one of her harpies for a face down monster and ends.
I draw barrel, crap. I flip the mummy and set the cannon soldier. (her lp: 2200)
She plays harpie’s feather duster, has pet dragon attack mummy. Then she has one of her harpies attack. She says she wants to draw the duel out, so she ends. (my lp: 900)
I draw pot and use it to draw mirror wall and assaliant, and set the wall as well as barrel and set assaliant, and end.
She attacks with harpie, boom! I activate wall and she loses 850, and she ends. (her lp: 1450)
I draw tremendous fire, mirror wall’s destroyed. I play fire and activate barrel. (her lp: 0)
Match 2: victor, Brian
I go first and have pot, ookazi, curse, cannonholder, and rite of spirit, and I draw barrel. I play pot and get chief and necrovalley. I play the ookazi and necrovalley, and summon the cannonholder and play rite face down. (her lp: 7200)
She goes and summons harpie lady and plays four cards face down.
I go and draw spear soldier, I summon the curse and sac it for cannonholder, then I activate rite of spirit and launch it again. (her lp: 4800)
She plays elogent egotist and attacks with harpie lady sisters, and then she ends. (my lp: 7950)
I draw monster reborn (darn) and summon spear soldier, and attack, but she activates magic cylinders. (my lp: 5950)
She draws and passes.
I sac spear soldier for chief, use his effect to summon curse, then I play monster reborn and revive cannonholder. I launch curse and end. (her lp: 3600)
She activates united we stand and flips her face down axe of despair and mage power. She summons harpie lady. She has lady sisters attack cannonholder (my lp: 900)
I draw graceful charity and get two tremondous fires and dark room of nightmare. I play the room and then play one tremendous. Switch chief to defense, and set assialint and barrel face down. (her lp: 2300) (my lp: 400)
She attacks my monsters and ends. I draw curse, which I summon, and play tremendous, and activate barrel (her lp: 0)
I get done early, so I watch Todd duel. He’s facing some seven year old kid whose parents were right behind him telling him what to do. The kid didn’t look like he knew a thing about the game, and kept asking Todd and his parents what to do. I think Todd felt embarrassed to have to annihilate the kid in front of his parents, so he stalled.
Round 3: Brian vs. Jake (my brother) (exodia deck)
Match 1: victor, Jake
He goes first and sets four card face down and summons sangan, and ends.
I go and have pot, final flame, tremendous fire, rite of spirit, royal tribute, and mirror wall. I play the pot, and he activates appropriate, and draws two cards too. I play the fire and flame. I set poison mummy (which I drew), and I end. (his lp: 6400)
He activates his face down reckless greed, and two jar of greeds, then he activates pot and graceful and upstart goblin, and summons cannon soldier, and blasts his sangan. And attacks my mummy. (my lp: 9000) (his lp: 5500)
I draw and play terraforming and get necrovalley. I play graceful and he gets to draw two more cards. I get curse, spy and tremendous fire. I set the curse and rite of spirit, and play the fire. (his lp: 4500)
He goes, activates card of safe return and plays monster reborn on sangan, launches it, plays shallow grave, launches, and has exodia.
Match 2: victor, Brian
I go and have necrovalley, guard, pot, chief, and royal tribute, and draw final flame. I play necrovalley and play pot, and get rite of spirit graverobber. I play the flame and set guard.
He plays pot and graceful charity, and sets a monster face down.
I draw poison mummy, sac guard (after flipping it) for chief and get back guard. Then, I play rite and graverobber face down and attack his life points. (his lp: 5600)
He draws and plays a monster face down.
I draw curse and summon it, I play rite and destroy… three pieces of exodia:J !!! I quickly finish him off with attacks and direct damage.
(Eventually, his lp: 0)
Match 3: victor, Brian
I go first and get cannon soldier, ookazi, curse, spy, and pot (I don’t know how, but I always seem to draw this on the first hand), and draw barrel. I set the spy and barrel and play ookazi and pot (I draw chief and final flame) I play the flame and end. (his lp: 6600)
He sets a monster and plays three face down cards. Then he ends his turn.
I draw tremendous fire. I summon the curse and play tremendous. (his lp: 5100)
He plays another monster face down and activates three jar of greeds.
I go and draw poison mummy. I sac curse and summon chief, and revive curse. Then I flip over spy and get another curse onto the field. Then I end my turn. (his lp: 4100)
He draws and summons cannon soldier, he sacs witch and sangan and gets pieces of exodia. Then he ends. (my lp: 700)
I draw rite of spirit, which I play face down. Then I summon cannon soldier and sac spy, curse, and curse. Then I end. (his lp: 2600)
He draws and passes.
I draw poison mummy, which I set. Then I activate rite of spirit and revive curse in defense and end. (his lp: 2100)
He plays monster reborn on sangan and sacs it, the he attacks my face down card, and he loses 500 points.
I draw and sac all four of my monsters (his lp: 0)
Match 4:
I got the bye!!
Match 1: Brian vs. Todd (destroyer deck)
I was so excited that I was going to duel Todd in the finals; the two of us haven’t made it to the together yet.
Anyway, I he goes first and sets five cards face down and a monster in defense mode, and he ends his turn.
I go and have Terraforming, Graceful, guard, rite, tremendous, and I draw reborn. I play rite face down and play graceful and get Necrovalley, mummy, and tremendous; I dump terra and reborn into the graveyard I play two tremendous, but he activates imperial order(L ). Then I set mummy and end.
He doesn’t pay for order, so its destroyed. He then sacs his monster for a Jinzo and activates nobelman of crossout on my mummy. Then he attacks me with Jinzo and ends his turn. (my lp: 5600)
I go and draw final flame. I activate the flame and tremendous and set guard face down. (his lp: 6600)
He goes and plays raigeki and attacks me again. Then he plays another card face down and ends. (my lp: 3200)
I go and draw dark room of nightmare (darn). I play the room and activate necrovalley. Then I end.
He plays mystical on necrovalley and attacks me again. Then he sets a monster and ends. (my lp: 800)
I draw pot and get change of heart and gravekeeper’s chief. I play the change and sac for chief. I use his effect and get back guard in defense. I attack, but he activates mirror force, I play rite and revive chief. I attack and end. (his lp: 4700)
He goes and activates two raigeki breaks and destroys chief and dark room. He plays another monster in defense and ends.
I draw tribute to the doomed, which I set (a little bluffing never hurt) and I end.
He plays mystical and destroys tttd he activates dark hole and ends his turn.
I draw mummy which I set, and end.
He passes.
I draw and set spy.
He plays stop defense on spy and I get curse in defense mode. He flips bazoo, pumps it twice
and attacks spy. (my lp: 100) (his lp: 4200)
I draw and play tremendous and end.
He summons Kycoo and attacks my monsters. (his lp: 3700)
I draw mirror force, which I set, and end.
He attacks and I activate force.
I draw spear soldier and attack. (his lp: 1200)
He sets a monster face down and ends.
I draw assailant, which I summon. I attack with Spear soldier.. Man eater, he destroys assailant and I end.
He goes and sets a monster
I draw cannon soldier. I switch spear into defense and set cannon.
He sets a monster and ends.
I draw cannonholder. I summon, and launch all three and he loses.
I’m able to see the last few minutes of my brothers duel (he made it to the finals too) he was getting creamed; all his exodia pieces were in the graveyard and his fiber was out of play. He was beaten in no time at all. Well, I got a glimpse of my competition; it wasn’t a very good glimpse ether.
Match 2: Brian vs. Colby (beat down deck) (finally, I get to test my skills against one)
He goes first and sets one card face down and summons Goblin attack force.
I go and have mummy, final flame, guard, tremendous, assaliant, graceful. I play graceful and get rite, pot, and spearsoldier, and ditch guard and assaliant . I then play pot and get cannonholder and tremendous. I activate tremendous, final flame, and another tremendous. I set poisen munny and set rite face down. (his lp: 5400)
He draws and summons spear dragon and then card destruction (I get tremendous and terraforming.) Then he monster reborns spear dragon and sets two cards face down. Then he attacks with spear. He attacks with goblin, but I activate rite and revive guard. Then he attacks my lp directly with another spear dragon and he ends his turn. (my lp: 6000) (his lp: 4900)
I draw curse and summon it. Then I play terraforming and get necrovalley. I play tremendous and have curse attack spear, and then I end. (his lp: 3900)
He switched his spear into attack and attacks (my lp: 5400)
I draw magic cylinders!! Which I set..
He switches goblin into attack, summons injection into attack mode. He pumps it up and attacks. He then attacks me with Spear and Goblin and he ends. (my lp: 1200) (his lp: 500)
I draw mirror force which I set; and then I end.
He summons Bazoo and switches spear into attack mode attacks, but I activate force. Then he ends his turn
I draw….. GRAVEKEEPER’S CURSE!!!!!! I summon it and he loses. I WIN. I WIN. I WIN.
Tournament winner: Brian -----I get twenty five dollars of store credit, which I combine with with the credit I won from other tournaments and buy a box of LON, and two other packs.
Know what I got??? Gemini elf, Gemini elf, Destiny board, and … crap. And in my PSV pack I got…. JINZO!! And in my other pack, I got Spear Dragon!!!
For winning my fourth tournament in a row.
For getting two Gemini elves, Destiny board, spear dragon, Magic cylinders, Mirror force, and JINZO.
For all my friends making it to the finals.
For getting Jinzo.
For getting Jinzo.
Oh, and did I mention, for getting Jinzo!
For not thinking of anything to write in the slops colom.
(no seriously), for Jake losing in the finals.
Brian Doe