Derek Anderson
Get Crunk
AIM: yugimoto69, FCplaya07
1st: 10 Packs of Choice
2nd: 5 Packs of Choice
3rd: 3 Packs of Choice
4th: 2 Packs of Choice
Deck: 40
Monsters: 17
1x Jinzo
1x Sinister Serpent
1x Witch of the
1x Sangan
1x Exiled Force
1x Yata-Garsu
1x Injection Fairy Lily
3x Goblin Attack Force
2x Gemini Elf
3x Spear Dragon
2x Don Zaloog
Magic: 17
6 Staples
3 Hand Disruptors
3x MST
1x Graceful Charity
1x Heavy Storm
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Premature Burial
1x Mirage of Nightmare
Trap: 6
1x Mirror Force
1x Imperial Order
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Ring of Destruction
1x Solemn Judgment
Side Deck: 15
2x Mystic Tomato
2x Spirit Reaper
2x Drop Off
2x Needle Worm
1x Magic Cylinder
1x Bazoo the Soul Eater
1x Kycoo
1x Fiber Jar
1x Gemini Elf
1x Don Zaloog
1x Time Seal
When Magician’s force comes out, my deck will be improved for it, so be ready.
Before game news:
I got there, and the owner told me that if I won this tournament, I could pick any single in the store plus a box. So I told myself, if I win, pick Gate Guardian (It’s the only Secret I don’t own along with Tri-Horned Dragon). And a box of LOB. I did some trades, and here is what I traded:
1x GAF
1x Gemini (Not the one from my side deck, I have 4, and my bro has 3)
2x Magic Cylinders
1x Kuriboh
1st Edition Tyrant Dragon
2 Marauding Captain
2 Torrential Tribute
I know, I traded off 2 Magic Cylinders, but I have 1 in each of my three decks (warrior, Beatdown, and Exzodia), and 4 in my binder. No I am not rich; I just get good cards in my packs. In the first round I got paired against a Grave keeper deck.
King of Crunk: 8000-7500-6500
Him: 8000-6600-5000-3400- YATA LOCK!
I have Zaloog, Raigeki, MST, ROD, and Mirage. He goes first, sets a monster in defense mode, and one card face down. I draw, Mirror Force. I MST his face down, Torrential Tribute, Raigeki, destroying his Gravekeepers guard, summoning Zaloog, setting Mirror Force and Ring, and attacking for 1400. I choose the top 2 off the deck, and he discarded Raigeki and Gravekeepers Spy. He draws, sets another, and ends. Draw, Jinzo. I offer Zaloog for Jinzo, play Mirage; I have none, so I draw Heavy Storm, Yata, Graceful, Solemn, and Exiled. I use Jinzo to attack his set, Gravekeepers Curse. I end my turn by setting Solemn Judgment. He draws, sets another monster, and ends. I draw, Monster Reborn. I play it on Zaloog, summon Yata, Jinzo destroy his Gravekeepers Assailant, Don and Yata Direct. I choose the deck depletion option. He loses Gravekeepers Cannon Holder, and Necrovalley. He tells me it’s his only one, but he uses Fiber and Magician of Faith to get them back. He just sets one and ends. He has 2 cards in his hand. I draw, Delinquent Duo. I play it. Zaloog Destroy his defense, Gravekeepers watcher, summon Yata, and do another 1600. Depleting another 2 cards from his deck, and causing him to lose, since he can’t draw.
Duel 2:
King of Crunk: 8000-7500-5500
Him: 8000-7400-5400-1100-0
My opening hand has Serpent, Graceful, TT, ROD, and Gemini. He goes first, sets a monster and plays Necrovalley. I figure, it’s a Gravekeeper, so I draw, pot of greed. I play pot, drawing Jinzo and Spear dragon, play graceful, get Mirror Force, Dark Hole, and Lily. I discard Serpent and Jinzo. Play Dark Hole, he loses a Gravekeepers Spy. So he gets a Gravekeepers curse, so I lose 500. The curse is at 1500. I set Force and Ring. Summon Gemini, and destroy it. He summons a Gravekeepers Assailant, uses the effect, boosts it to 2000 with Necrovalley, and attacks, I activate Ring of Destruction, so we both lose 2000. I draw, Monster Reborn, I offer Gemini for Jinzo, monster reborn on Gemini, and direct with both for 4300. He just sets one monster Face down and ends. I draw, Change of heart, play it, it’s his fiber jar, I just attack with Gemini for duel.
Round 2: Bye
I got a bye, Hey; I guess I am either that good that nobody wants to duel, or I’m that lucks. But I saw my friend Patrick, Nick, and Eric all make it to the second Round Eric (Clown Control) faces Brandon (Necrofear), Nick (Dragon) faces Jeff (Burner), and Patrick (Burner) faces Art (Beatdown). Nick wins, Eric wins, and Patrick wins. So now, it’s the third round. Since only 16 people showed up, it’s us 4. The store owner let us pick a pack for entering, I choose PGD, nick got MRL, Eric got LOD, and Patrick got PSV. Eric got Reinforcement of the army, Nick got Painful Choice, Patrick got Goblin Attack Force, which he gave to me because he owed me a pack and he told me he would give me his pack if he made it to the final 4. And I pulled my 3rd ring of destruction.
Round 3 vs. Nick (Dragon)
King of Crunk: 8000-6000
Dragon’s sweet revenge: 8000-3000-0
I draw my opening hand of Spear, Change of Heart, COTH, Yata, and Confiscation. I got first, I get Delinquent Duo. I play both of my disruptors; I send his Tyrant Dragon, Monster Reborn, and Cave dragon to the grave. Summon Spear, and set COTH. He sets a defense and ends. I draw, Monster Reborn. I summon Yata, Change of heart on his defense, Dragon Dwelling in the cave, monster reborn on Tyrant Dragon, offer the Dragon Dwelling in the cave, and use all three to direct for 5000. He sets one face down and ends. I draw, Jinzo. I offer Spear for Jinzo, Jinzo attack defense, and Tyrant Direct for duel.
Duel 2:
I side deck in my third Zaloog, 2 Needle Worms, 2 Drop Off, Magic Cylinder, and 2 Spirit Reaper.
King of Crunk: 8000-
Dragons Sweet Revenge: 8000-3750-0
I draw Needle Worm, Drop off, Mirror Force, Dark Hole, and Exiled Force. He summons a Twin Headed Behemoth in attack mode and end. I draw, Raigeki, play it, set needle worm, drop off, and mirror force. He draws; I activate Drop Off, causing him to discard Tri-Horned Dragon. He sets one and ends. I draw, Torrential Tribute, Exiled force the defense, flip needle worm, he loses 5 cards, (Spear Dragon, Lord of D, flute, Dragons bead, and BEWD.) I set TT, and end. He summons, and I activate TT, so he doesn’t get Twin Headed Behemoth back. He ends. I draw, Pot of Greed, I get Zaloog and monster reborn. I reborn Tri Horned, summon Zaloog, and do 4250. I send one of the two cards in his hand to the grave. He sets one, and ends. I draw, change of heart, see his dragon dwelling in the cave, use Zaloog and Tri Horn for duel.
Finals vs. Eric
He forfeits, so I get a single, a box, and 10 packs of choice. I choose Tri Horned as my single, and a box of PGD. I pull Lava Golem as my secret. In my packs I got:
Great Dezard
Guardian Sphinx
And a bunch of other stuff
I choose 5 of MRD and 5 MRL. Here is what I pulled:
Barrel Dragon
Gate Guardian
Mirror Force
Painful Choice
Delinquent Duo
Axe of Despair
Messenger of peace
Maha Vailo