Cait Sith.
Tribute Monsters
2. Gradius
3. Gradius
4. Gradius
5. Gradius Option
6. Gradius Option
7. Gradius Option
8. Mystic Tomato
9. Mystic Tomato
10. Don Zaloog
11. Don Zaloog
12. Marauding Captain
13. Marauding Captain
14. Exiled Force
15. Witch of the
16. Sangan
17. Cyber Jar
18. Fiber jar
19. Nobleman of Crossout
20. Nobleman of Crossout
21. Graceful Charity
22. Graceful Charity
23. Fissure
24. Fissure
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Raigeki
28. Dark Hole
29. Pot of Greed
30. United We Stand
31. Change of Heart
32. Snatch Steal
33. Premature Burial
34. Monster Reborn
35. Heavy Storm
36. Harpies Feather Duster
Trap Cards
37. Magic Drain
38. Magic Drain
39. Mirror Force
40. Imperial Order
41. Call of the Haunted
Tournament Date:
Match 1: By
I got
a by this round so no playing for me just checking out the competition.
Match 2: Unorthadoxed vs. Rodel (Beatdown/Red line/
Barrel behind the Door)
Duel 1:
The duel starts of bad I draw a hand of of
mostly monster cards with only 1 magic card, Thank god that 1 magic card is
card destruction. So I do it Drop most of useless monsters and I draw about 2
monsters and 1 trap and 2 magic so that’s a better ratio for me. The duel goes
on between me and him exchanging hits the turning point is when he is able to
get a barrel dragon on the field.
Duel 2:
start this duel of nicely with a pot of greed, graceful charity and delinquent
duo. Then set down a tomato with a Imperial Order. Then he Summons and Kycoo and
smacks the tomato so I summon another. Then the process repeats until I have a
Sangan on the field and he has a kycoo with 1 set monster and 2 m/t. So I dust his
entire m/t Dark Hole grab my yata and hit him with him; he has about 2 cards in
his hand. He then sets a monster and ends his turn, perfect for my plan. Next
turn I summon yata and pre-mature my Timeater. According to serf (our judge)
and the rule book it says if no battles can be conducted after main phase 1 the
turn goes straight to the end phase. This turn because of his behemoth he gets
a main phase 2 but that’s ok then he sets then I raigeki and I lock him.
Duel 3:
is total Timeater Ownage. He hits pretty hard in the beginning but I turn
things around. Then he Tries to summon a Jinzo and fight back but that only
leaves him with a open field and me 6 cards in hand 3 of them being cannon
soldier, change of heart and limiter removal so it’s game.
Match 3: Unorthadoxed vs. Steffon (Tried to recreate
the shoot down) [Quarter-Finals]
Duel 1:
what’s up with the bad hands on the first games. I try to pull off a early yata
lock but he got that one kuriboh in his deck and jacked everything up. His mad
sword beast just step all over my defenses and Jinzo rips up the rest.
Duel 2:
one I get the yata lock on him. It started off bad I get most of my hand
advantage while I slowly space all his m/t away and Kill all his monsters then all
he is left with is a jammer and I have 2 revival cards.
Duel 3:
Duel starts off bad for him all he has is a monster to defend. I slice that
monster open with a nobleman and the Reaper drags a card to his graveyard. He
bust out a Cannon Soldier and hits the reaper next turn I summon a Sangan
Snatch the Cannon, drag another card to the graveyard with the Reapers Scythe
He destroys my field I grab a Exiled. I take out the monster he plays with the
exiled and sets down 1 m/t I space it call my Sangan space the call get that
yata and the lock begins.
Match 3: Unorthadoxed vs. Blake (Retro Beatdown I
think) [Semi-Finals]
Well at least I think its Retro cus he had some trap
holes in it.
Duel 1:
Well yea this one starts of weird I draw
a Timeater, Imperial, Card Destruction, Cannon Soldier, Mystical Space Typhoon,
mirage of Nightmare. So I set all my m/t and Card Destruction So I end up with
a Tomato and Pre-mature Burial. So I proceed to activate the mirage and set the
tomato. Draw 3 cards not bad, He plays a noble I Imperial alright get to use it
again. He sets my turn I notice I have no magic so I decide to hold the
imperial for a while. Then the Mirage goes of again but by then His lp is down
to like 5300 but mines are only damaged by imperial order. Then After a while I
get the timeater lock on him and loses
Duel 2:
one starts of bad most of these combos are for offensive purposes like removal.
So after a while He hits me with a yata while I have 2 cards a raigeki and
Jinzo and nothing on my field so after he delinquents and brings my lp down to
zero its over.
Duel 3:
is a good one in beginning he reborn my timeater that I dumped and get the lock
on me but I come back from it. Then I begin
to timeater lock him then he comes back from it and it comes down to who draws
a monster first and the Bazoo comes out of my deck.
Match 4: Unorthadoxed vs. Jake [Weird Defensive
Beatdown; know what I didn’t even know what it was]
now I know what happens to my deck if I don’t arrange the stacks I drew 4
monster hands in both the duels
Duel 1: Gayness starts off with a 5 monster hand
without card destruction and I totally get decimated by hand control and then I
get yata locked. But I make a effort to fight back.
Duel 2:
This one
is pretty much the same thing but this time I get some damage in.
Sup to all the elite duelist at A world of books.
Steffon Pulled a Helpoemer
I pulled a Don
I also pulled a Nightmare Wheel whoho 2 ultras in a
- Lost in the finals
- Donald won’t trade back that don