Yohan Suh - 101-082-123
2D Sports Cards
5870 East Broadway Boulevard
Tucson, AZ 85711
Welcome back to my tourney reports! For those of you who are just catching on with my reports, this is the third week I have been entering my local tournament with a diffent style of deck. Here's what I have used so far:
Skill Drain
Exodia's Bistro ~ Serving Great Tomatoes, Turtles, and, of Course, Rats!
And now for this week... a Chaos deck. I understand that this deck is not quite original, but no one here has one Chaos Emperor Dragon or Black Luster Soldier (but plenty of the rituals, mind you). So, I decided I wanted to take advantage of the situation before they start to run rampant a little more before I make more of an original deck. The tourny had about 50 people again, and 16 of them in Beginners, while the rest of us in Advanced. Well, now that that is said, this is the deck:

CHAOS ~ To Every Beginning, There is an End. 
 //  Monsters - 17
1x Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
1x Dark Magician of Chaos
1x Slate Warrior
1x Reflect Bounder
1x Breaker the Magical Warrior
1x Tribe-Infecting Virus
1x D.D. Warrior Lady
1x Don Zaloog
1x Mystic Tomato
1x Witch of the Black Forest
1x Sangan
1x Magical Scientist
1x Sinister Serpent
1x Magician of Faith
1x Fiber Jar
1x Yatagarasu

 //  Magics - 19
1x Raigeki
1x Dark Hole
1x Harpie's Feather Duster
1x Heavy Storm
1x Pot of Greed
1x Graceful Charity
1x Change of Heart
1x Snatch Steal
1x Monster Reborn
1x Premature Burial
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Mirage of Nightmare
1x Painful Choice
1x Delinquent Duo
1x Confiscation
1x Forceful Sentry
1x Scapegoat
 //  Traps - 5
1x Mirror Force
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Imperial Order
1x Ring of Destruction
1x Torrential Tribute
 // Fusions - 79
Lets just say its a wannabe pimp f00b Fusion Deck
Hmm... as if you didn't nkwo already, this deck tries to use Magical Scientist, Hand Control, Field Control, Yatagarasu lock, and Chaos at the same time... a major reason I am not a fan of this type of deck. I much rather like decks that are strightforward to achieving one goal, rather than have a lot of cards doing wierd things all at once. However, I do realize the power of this deck, but then again, there are many 'simple' decks that can break chaos decks, just look on the Pojo message board for some ideas.
Also, you may notice that there are all THREE Chaos Monsters in the deck, heck, I dunno why, just did. Also, there is no Jinzo. After looking it over and trying to bring down the monster count, the head judge and I agrred that Jinzo was the best choice to take out because it did nothing to help me, and we were right. 
I walk into the store thinking about what kind of deck I should make, and was thinking that I should make a silly deck. But ah ha! My friend Zack was there, when he said he wasn't going to go, and he lent me his deck. I threw in a much of cards and changed the deck around a bit. Yay, I have a deck, but the deck-type wasn't really what I had in mind. -_-
This time I remembered to write down their names and the deck names. Remember, all the names of the decks are by thier owners... So maybe the report will be a little more interesting.
Yohan V. Jake - Exodia
Remember my Exodia deck from last week? Well, at school I traded this guy for a lot of his cards for half of my Exodia deck, then he goes on to destroy the deck and try to make a BEATDOWN Exodia deck... but he really cant' call it beatdown becaus ethe beatdown mosters were lacking... -_-  Also, another funny story is how I call these particular cards of Exodia a whore. Zack originally bought it on eBay, where he later traded it to someone at school, who traded it to me, then I traded it to Jake, then later in the day, Jake trades it to some other kid... HAHAHA, its like a $1 Whore indeed.
Basically I killed this guy, and the points will show. I'm the first score, and my opponent is the second score.
Duel 1
8000 - 5000 - 0
Duel 2
8000 - 7500   <~~~~ I took damage from a stupid GIANT GERM!!! GRR!!!
8000 - 2200 - 0
One word: Chaos
Yohan V. Matt Murren - Exodia/FINAL Beatdown
Another Exodia deck. Hahaha, if they only knew about my Exodia deck I played last week, they might have stood a chance. Exodia decks are easy prey for a control deck, that's probably why Exodia's aren't really dominating the current environment... Anyways, this match was easy
Duel 1 
8000 - 4900 - 0
In Webster's Dictionary, Chaos is defined as "A state of utter confusion" ... and that's all it was, on both of our parts. Matt played Final AND Exodia. Not a very logical mix if you ask me. (btw, you cant have a piece of your FINAL destroyed to have all the lettrers taken out of your deck to thin your deck about 15 cards... it doesn't work that way) I was confused by the fact anyone would want to make a deck like that, and Matt was confused on how I killed him in two turns.
Duel 2
8000 - 7750 - 5350
8000 - 6900 - 6100 - 3700 - 700 - 0
I asn't able to hit him fast like I did the previous duel. OMG I took my first damage from attacking a Wall of Illusion, then I have my Dark Magician of Chaos turned against me -_- . But to no avail. I win.
Yohan V. Rosaanne Gonzales - Yata-Wind
A very interesting deck type, focusing around Wind-type monsters and strengthening them and finishing with Yatagarasu for the lock (which can get up to a 1200+ ATK).  
Duel 1
8000 - 6200 - 5200
8000 - 7000 - 6900 - 5900 - 4200 - 2500 - 0
I wasn't expecting too much from one of my friend's sister, but she had to have had a good deck to get this far, so I figured she had a beatdown deck. Well, I was a bit in the ball park, but I couldn't quite figure out the deck until she summoned Bladefly. I was like WTF and she giggled at the site. Rosaanne gave me quite a run for my money... for one turn, lol. Then I turned the duel around and destroyed her.
Duel 2
8000 - 6900 - 5900
8000 - 7000 - 5100 - 4000 - 5000 - 1500 - 0
If you haven't been keeping track of the scores, then at least notice the big drops on the last few numbers. Behold the power of Chaos. On all the Duels, Chaos finished everyone. They are vicious creatures with no mercy... scarry. ANyways, Rosaanne fought hard again, but couldn't hold on to her offenses and defenses. I win, yay!
Yohan V. Orion Frantz - "Yata That Gets Murdured to Yohan" Hey, a deck name that I actually like! LOL
Orion is a very young kid who is a great Duelist. He playes an aggressive beatdown/control deck, but I am not sure whether or not he has any Chaos Monsters... he didn't have to change the play them!!! BWAHAHA!
Duel 1
8000 - 6500 - 4100 - 3100 - 700
8000 - 6500 - 4100 - 0
Wow, we both get ringed, then he attacks me with Jinzo, and I Change of Heart his Jinzo and attack him, then I defend... get the snot kicked out of me... and trying to get something with Mirage of Nightmare (one of my favorite cards!). With 700 LPs left, I finnally get a DARK and LIGHT monster in my graveyard. I play Monster Reborn, get Dark Magician of Chaos out, get Snatch Steal, activate it on Jinzo, and Bring out Black Luster Soldier. WIN!! Wow, I was litterally shaking the last turn... I was so scared I was about to lose.
Duel 2
8000 - 7000
8000 - 5300 - 0
I nice draw of Confiscation let me anticipate every one of Orion's moves, and not to mention the quick summoning of Dark Magician of Chaos, get back Moster Reborn, summon some more monsters, and kill :)
Yohan V. Ricky Lind - "Yohan is a B**** deck"
Okay, this is the finals, but I am not too worried because Ricky isn't THAT much of a threat, however he does manage to get his hits in.
Duel 1
8000 - 7000 - 5500 - 4800
8000 - 6500 - 6300 - 4600 - 2900 - 0
I was kinda pissed about this Duel because the judge ruled Giant Orc wrong, and i even showed him that his ruling was wrong with the NetRep file... but he stood with his decision. And after the duel he lectured me about back-talking him (bad me). Anyways, Ricky, as I expected, wasn't too difficult to beat. I was a bit disappointed that Matt didn't make it to the finals, but it didn't really matter. This was an easy Duel.
Duel 2
8000 - 7000 - 2700
8000 - 7400 - 4000 - 0
This one was close. We exchanged a few blows, then Ricky brings out two Slate Warriors. With one Slate Warrior myself, I top deck Monster Reborn, bringing out my Dark Magician of Chaos. It went all downhill for Ricky there.
Yay, I win, with a 5-0 record.
Hmm... I tried to condense this report as much as possible because it was noted to me that the other one was too long. However, this one seemed a bit lacking... just goes to shwo you that beatdown/control/chaos decks are BORING! It's a LOT more fun to play original decks. At least everyone should try it out once, and see how much fun it is. And trust me, there ARE fun and original decks that haven't been found that can make many decks have a run for its own money. That is also the fun in creating these kinds of decks. Well, until next time.
Well that's about it, for any critisism, praise, suggestions, or whatever else, my e-mail is yohanmasaki@cox.net