Name:Clayton Finley
Store:The Game Closet
Cost: $5
Name:Exodia Unleashed
City: Waco
State: good ol' Texas
Hey wuz^ to
all, well to start off my report Im 14 and run an Exodia Deck, Now most people
are thinking another crappy Exodia deck (Woop-De-Doo) but they really
underestimate how good they can be, Now at the place I go to play, there were
three people using Exodia (both younger than me) one just had the pecies in his
deck the other had a system but wasent that great, so lets get
started. But what kinda stunk that day there were only a few people so
I only played 4 rounds.
Duel #1
Ok first game, my opponet was you
adverage wanna-be beatdown deck, so first hand not good but i had a Butterfly
dagger and a Sangan, so first set sangan, he attacked, and I drew an Exodia
part, after a few of my stall tactics i finally drew my favorite card, Guadian
Sphinx, after that I kept sending his cards back to his hand untill i drew
Second game my hand was pretty good after I used my reload so I
Simply pulled off the "Elma" combo and won in only a few turns.
I ended up playing one of those kids who played Exodia with out any way of
getting him out, after a little while I noticed that he was playing some
"illegal" cards (he had like 3 Mad sientist and other cards your only supost to
have 1 of) but I still let him play, a few turns later I used the "Elma" combo
and drew Exodia
Second game: It was just about the same as the first one and
I won.
Duel #3 Semi-Finals
Next up was a guy who had semi-desent
cards and on the first game got out Guardian Sphinx and pulled the "Elma" combo
once again.
Second game: If you can belive this he quit on me I mean he still
had a chance to win but no for some reason he just decided to quit after I tried
to make him not. so I won that match. (sigh)....
Duel #4
Oh..Yeah! My first time at the finals, the guy I was playing was using
the best guy there deck, and yes it was GOOD( He played a really good zombie
Game one: In a few short words, Dang he is good (he won)
Game two:
Good hand I used my lovely "Elma"
Game Three: This was one of the toughest
games I had ever played, I was doing really crappy untill I did some stalls with
my Fiber Jar untill I had a desent hand (or so I thought ) he attacted so I used
Scapegoat. On his next turn he sacked his monster for Airknight Parasath and
blew my goat-goats to bits when I thought it was about to be all over when he
got me down to 1400 LP then I drew the last card I needed EXODIA THE FORBIDDEN
ONE!!!!!!! Put a little smirk on my face and said "You play good, but not good
enough SUCKA!!!" and for the first time I won, for my victory I receved my three
packs (LOB LON IOC; and all I got were some of the crappiest rares in the game,
but I didnt care because I won :-)
Exodia Deck 43
Exodia Necross
Exodia the Forbidden one
Left Leg of the
forbidden one
Right Leg of the forbidden one
Left Arm of the forbidden
Right Arm of the forbidden one
Royal Magical Library x3
the Iorn Knight x3
Spirit Reaper
Guardian Sphinx
Iorn Blacksmith
Kotetsu x2
Witch of the black forest
Penguin Soldier
Magic/Spell 17
Butterfly Dagger - Elma
The Dark
Reload (x2 until the IOC ban/restrict list comes out)
Backup Soldier x2
Prohibition x3
Graceful Charity
Swords of Revealing Light
Scapegoat x2
Pot of Greed
with Exodia
Trap 7
Gravity Bind x2
Backup Soldier x2
Imperial Order
Negate Attack
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