WaZ UP its my 1st post here on pojo.
My Deck Is A RaM deck (Remove,Attack,Mutiply)
 ToTaL CArd NuMbER = 52cards
*Most3rZ*  x24
Dark Ruler Ha Des
Dark Necrofear 
Archfiend Soilder x2
Goblin Atk Force x2
Giant Orc x3 (they are fiends*)
Cliff the trap remover x2 (until i get zaloog =)
Gemni Elf
Kycoo t.g.d.
Skilled Dark Magician
Infernalqueen archfiend
Man-eater bug
Magican of faith
Mask of darkness
Cyber Jar
Penguin Soilder x2
*MAgiC* x16
Change of Heart
Moster Reborn
Pot of Greed
dark Hole
Graceful Charity
Tribute To The Doomed x2
Snatch Steal
Nobleman of Crossout
Premature Burial
Axe Of Despair
*TRaPs* x12
Drop off
Imperal Order
MAgic Cylinders
BottomLess Trap Hole x2
Sakurestu Armor x2
Ring of destruction
Mirror Force
Shadow Spell
Ok This is a  free touney and BookS-A-MillioN 1st place gets 2 of any pack ,2nd place gets 1 or any pack, And 3 gets nothing :(
 There is 12 people in this touney no Bi's And of Course here is the 1st round.
Me(JoN) Vs. JosH(Harpie/light Deck)
Ok this kidd was pretty good and he ran a very Supriseingly Good Harpie Lady Deck.
*1st Duel: I pulled a pretty good hand 2 Orcs 1 tribute to the doomed and mirror force.
i drew an archfiend soilder . I went 1st and put mirror force down and put an orc in attack and ended.he drew play a graceful charity discarded Harpies Pet Dragon and some other stupid card. he put downa harpie lady and a trap (later to find is sakarestu armor) then he play Elagant Egotist And ended. It went on for a while but i came out victor.
*2nd duel no to go into to much detail but he lost i felt sorry for him so i went on to next round :)
Ok Round 2 :)
JoN Vs Caleb (a good buddy who can always beats me no mater WHAT!! its annoying)
OK in short words He beat me 1st and 3rd duels i bet him the second duel but i got out that sucked.
OK  it was almost a good thing i got out out b/c i found a lotta good trades like i got a second drop off and a Strike ninja :) and almost a V-lord and Injection.
TiMe For ProPS AnD SloPS:
 Props- For upper deck makeing Yugioh in english
           For getin all the good trades
           For Books A million haveing the  tourney
           For My Dad giving me a ride LoL
          and to me a 2-3 year yugioh vetran for loseing
 SlopS- I hate CAleb 4 beating ME
            For the kid who almost giveing me V-lord And Injection :(
            Me 4 sucking at MAking Decks LoL
Hey If u Guys would plz help me to fix my deck my email is Rowly_13982@hotmail.com
if you could it would help :) thanks a million for having this great site pojo!!!