Springfields Finest

Chief Wiggums Authority Control

Pleasonton, California


March 13th, 2004


Needle Worm x 3

Cyber Jar

Morphing Jar

Morphing Jar #2

Bistro Butcher x 3

Hiro’s Shadow Scout x 3

Witch of the Black Forest


Yata-Garasu x

Mystical Space Typhoon x 3

Pot of Greed

Graceful Charity

Dark Hole


Nobleman of Crossout

Change of Heart

Snatch Steal

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

Harpie's Feather Duster

Book of Moon x 3

Book of Taiyou x 3

Gravekeepers Servant x 3

The Forceful Sentry

Delinquent Duo


Chain Destruction x 3

Mirror Force

Imperial Order

Call of the Haunted

Ring of Destruction\


Yeah boy! Regionals! =D First time the bay area has had something interesting here..So of course, all the big players from the bay, and all the big crews, were attending. Here we go……


            I woke up, only getting 4 hours and 30 minutes of sleep, haha. But I was excited, so I had the energy. I woke up, took a shower, shaved, got dressed, fixed my stuff up, and left. Thanks to my sister for taking me.


            I got there with no problem, and proceeded to ask the lady that was in the front where the Yu-Gi-Oh! Regionals was, she said follow the yellow line, then the green. After a long walk, I saw a few people outside..So I decide to check the huge building with a small door..As I go in, I see nearly 200 people sitting down..It was crazy, I felt weird because I just entered and hella people were sitting and crap….<_< I call up Brandon and ask where they were, and I see another people who goes to A World of Books, and I chat with him, and we have a seat. Then I see Avalanche come, and we sit down and write our stuff down. Then I see Billy, his brothers, and David come, and they have a seat..Billy was frantically looking for his deck, and actually thought he left it at home, until his brother pointed out it was right beside him..Haha. =P Silly Billy. Oh snaps, I rhymed. Anyway. Marcus, Alex, Nat, Mario, and a few other people wait in line, at different spots. You know what that means:Hookups! =D Might I add that the line was about 100 people long..And it stayed like that for a while. So we all signed up, and while we were signing up, we see Ryan come..We’re all about to finish signing up, and he’s just chatting, telling us his life story..So we’re like ‘God, Shut up and sign up. We don’t want to hear your life story..’ and we kept making fun of him. =P But, he was too slow, so he didn’t get to get in line with us..


But here comes the plus of knowing me..I get him EXACTLY up to the front, with my 1337 cutting skills. =P Also, they announced no custom sleeves were allowed..That pissed off many people, and not all of my cards were mint, so that posed a problem. Luckily, Nat hooked everyone up with sleeves..He has about 8 fully loaded (with staples) decks so he desleeved them and hooked us up. Thanks Nat. =D Anyhoo, I see Ryan S and Bruce come, and I duel Bruce for keeps..I win his IFL, but then I lose my holo Change of Heart (extra). Damn. >_< Ah well, it was like a trade. =P I did a lot of free dueling, and I didn’t lose once. My new deck was owning everyone..I was playing the guy I told you about earlier, and I was owning him with my 2 GAFs..I told him I’d make him scared of them, and I did, killing him with them every time. =D It took a while to start the tournament (A LONG time, as in until 2? It was supposed to kickoff at 11? Or the signups were supposed to finish at 11?) so I had a lot of free time to trade and duel. I remember a few duels…I owned Billy, Ryan S, Bruce, that guy from WoB, and that’s all I remember. :x Anyway, after a long long time of waiting, they finally called for the tournament..=D

            Oh yeah, also, Nat warned us about a group of thieves who recently stole someones deck, so I watched out for those losers. I mean, come on..Who steals decks? If they could rob a bank or steal decks, I bet they’d probably get the decks..Losers. Thanks Nat.


I went to my table, and saw no one was there..I waited for a while, forgetting about the DQ rule for 3 minutes..Finally, my opponent shows..A little kid. =/

Round 1-Chief Wiggum Vs. Little kid

2-0:Chief Wiggum



I took him apart both duels..He was a little kid, and he set a lot of Magic cards face-down too..I Reborned his Ryu-Ran (Yes, Ryu-Ran) and killed him with that.


Since I finished, I decided to scout, look around, and ask how everyone else did..Everyone owned in the first round, except Nick (*Sigh* What else is new?) and I think Kevin? I dunno about him..But I think he owned? Ah well. WoB is owning so far. Bathroom break time! I also grabbed food, and found out who I was playing second round…

Round 2-Chief Wiggum Vs. White guy

2-1:Chief Wiggum


Damn, first match was crazy..His Cyber Jar got him 2 Luster Dragon MFC, Gemini Elf, Spear Dragon, and Injection Fairy Lily..All I got was a D.D. Warrior Lady..I had an MST face down, and I got owned, pummeled, slaughtered, whatever. >_< Ouch. I decided to use my sideboard, which I perfected that day..=) Let’s just say after I sideboarded, I locked him and beat his LP down and took the round. =D

Round 3-Chief Wiggum Vs. Edwin





His name was Edwin..And my name was Edwin..And out of 253 people, we just happened to get paired up together. We also joked about having good names and stuff. =P Haha, funny stuff.

Man, this guy could Painful Choice good..>_< I had to give him the Delinquent Duo, because everything else would hurt me..He discards my Heavy, and I discard my Duster, keeping my Vampire Lord incase I could get it tributed out..but I couldn’t..Locked both games. =/




At this time, me, Ryan, Billy, Phi, James, Brian (Who was driving, thanks to Brian) and David decided to go eat, since we all beat our rounds (or got beat) uber-fast..I also was beside Billy, and saw that he lost because he didn’t have enough fusions, and he could’ve slammed 2100s and 2200s into his opponents Reaper..What a failure, carry 3 Dark Flare Knights, 3 Dark Balters, 3 Ryu Senshis, 3 Restricts, and a Fusionist like me. =/ We go to Jack in the Box..And when we come back..THE ROUND ALREADY STARTED?! WTF?!




Round 4-Chief Wiggum Vs. Ugly kid with lice

2-1:Ugly kid with lice



Ugh, **** this shit..I was downed one automatically because I was 3 minutes late..How homo. So was Phi, and David..Billy and Ryan were DQ’d..WTF? First match, I owned him bad..Second match, he locked me, I knew I was locked because he had a Raigeki, and a Yata, and I had Breaker. =/ I kept making him attack with Yata, to miss the bitch off..He was saying ‘Why are you making me attack? You know you lost?’ I shoulda just punched him in the face to make him shut up. -_- 3rd round..Well, there was no 3rd round.


So yeah, I was really pissed about this..I coulda had a decent chance at the nationals if it wasn’t for this…Billy and Ryan didn’t even get to play..How homo, it wasn’t even 10 minutes yet. -_- Phi lost, David won..He kept playing newbies. -_- Blarg. On to round 5..Which I forgot..Which I won. =D




Round 6-Chief Wiggum Vs. Black guy

2-0:Chief Wiggum



First match was nice and quick..I Ringed my monster for the game..The second was easy also, his Berserk attacked my Sangan and I grabbed Yata. He only had one card, which was Berserk (Hand, and field) so I Snatch Stealed it, Summoned Yata, and gg.




Round 7-Chief Wiggum Vs. Kid with weird voice

2-1:Kid with weird voice



I made a huge ass mistake of not setting Fiber Jar when I should have..That costed me everything.




I won Round 8..I met Ricky (Duke Devlin, Redline) Cool guy, also, two people had there binder stolen..This one black guy, who had a nerdy Millennium Puzzle (the HUGE one, not the small ones) lost his, it had a lot of Magic cards, and some decent YGO stuff..I was kinda glad that he lost it, since he was rude and retarded to me...I’m glad Billy owned him when we invaded D&R (Their weak newbie store) and took their tournament. His binder was worth about $1000-$2000, and he was offering a $300 reward for it. Pfft, yeah right. The second guy who lost his binder..I really felt sorry for him..6 Mirror Forces, 3 Decrees, 3 Needles, 3 Morphing Jars, 3 Mechanical Chasers (Actually, more o_O) And yeah, the group Nat warned us about stole the binder..Marcus and two other people chased after the group, but they got in a white car and drove off..A get-a-way car, in a way..


Once again, what losers.


I also won Round 9..Thus, leaving with a record of 6-3. I think mostly everyone got 6-3, with the few exceptions of a few 7-2s, and Joseph with his 8-1, taking him to the nations (4th place!) WoB ownage, baby. =D


I also met a person who got my SN from the Pojo tournament reports, GeneralUser423 (ßThat’s his AIM)..Some of you may know him, some may not. * Shrug * He’s a cool guy. He had a spot in the top 8..Hell, even top 4, but he forgot to turn in his slip, so the hosts dropped him..


I played the guy that won the Regionals (9-0 out of 253 people) and saw he ran a CED deck with 3 CEDs..He said they were all borrowed. =/ I 2-1’d him. =D He locked me so fast in the first match, he actually had me kinda scared...I stayed for a little bit longer, but then it was time to go…I had to leave early with my Mom and brother to avoid a lot of traffic, but we only left about 20 minutes early, so it’s all good. =P


14 hours of dueling..May seem boring, but it was fun as hell. I recommend that everyone should go to at least one Regionals in their Yu-Gi-Oh! career..Trust me, it’ll be worth it.



I was the guy with the lime green sleeves..



Everyone from WoB attending (Well, mostly top players at WoB)

Innovation for hosting this tournament

Getting 6-3.

Billy getting 6-3.

Phi getting 6-3.

David getting 6-3 (Or 7-2?).

Nat giving us his sleeves to borrow.

Joseph for getting 4th, going to the nationals.

Jack in the Box

Asian guy losing his binder.

Ryan getting 5-4 (Or was it 6-3?)

Billy and Ryan getting DQ’d

Me, Phi, and David for getting 0-1’d automatically.

David for playing easy people

Getting ketchup on my $44 Ecko Jersey =(!!!




Join the forums, give a shout out to your truly!


Eff You Sephiroth See Kay At Hotmail Dot Com