Turbo chaos deck


La guilde des jeux







60 players

1 st price

the box with the ultimate blue eyes white dragon and 2 structures decks


2 scd price

Japanese ced tin box


3rd price

kaiba 2 stucture deck


4 eme price

yugi 2 structure deck


4/8 places

5 MFC 1 st editions boosters


So for this third  edition of the American and Japanese (without the restricts , we wanted to play yata a very last time) playing in Paris , we were 60 and there were some good players (François ferry , the wwe2003 world champion):


After the rush  and  the deck destruction virus of death , I wanted to play an all American chaos deck ^-^


1 chaos emperor dragon , envoy of the end

1 black luster soldier , envoy of the beginning


1 jinzo

1 airknight parsath


1 magical merchant

2 dd lady warrior

1 breaker the magical warrior

1 yata guarasu

1 sangan

1 witch of the black forest

1 tribe infecting virus

1 exiled  force

1 sinister serpent

1 injection fairy lily

1 mystic tomato

1 reflect bounder


3 mystical space typhoon

1 mirage of nightmare

1 pot of greed

1 graceful charity

1 raigeki

1 dark hole

1 snacht steal

1 change of heart

1 harpie s feather duster

1 delinquent duo

1 forceful sentry

1 painful choice

1 monster reborn

1 premature burial

1 scapegoat


1 imperial order

1 call of the haunted

1 mirror force

1 waboku

1 ring of destruction

1 torrential tribute


side deck

1 vampire lord

1 magician of faith

1 magical scientist

1 don zaloog

1 fiber jar

1 spitrit reaper

1 pyramid turtle

3 d designator

1 dimension fusion

1 creature swap

1 united we stand

1 book of life

1 book of moon



3 thousand eyes restrict

1 dark baltar

2 ryu senshi

1 dark flare knight


so here is the top 8:

Victor (my team mate, tournament winner)

Olivier (me, 3 rd)

François (not the champion , 2 scd)







Quarter of finals

Me VS cristophe

Davy VS hao

jonathanVS hakim

victor VS davy


½ finals

me VS François

victor VS hakim



victor VS françois


for the sk2 : me VS hakim , i won


first :victor ^-^


¼ finals :

me vs cristophe


that was a very hard round, for the first , we played as normal until he draw chaos emperor dragon , he used his effect , I was at 700 lp, he was at 900 lp , nothing in the hands , then I top deck tribe virus :p

he won the second one with an heavy chaos emperor dragon

for the third , I had controlled the ground and yata locked him


½ finals:

me vs bossber


that was my  worst duel this day , I won the first with a luster


but for the second :  graceful, he set a witch , summoned ced and used his effect on the first turn , took yata guarasu ; my turn : need a top deck , yessss , lady , then delinquent , so I took care of his yata guarasu but then he top decked luster , game over


I think I had never play with such an unlucky hand : torrential , luster , graceful , call , d ring , waboku , feather , I used graceful : air knight , imp order , yata   and then no monsters , he killed my airknght and then killed me with his sangan



-that was a sunny day  and very cool

- I got a second chaos emperor dragon ioc

- victor finally won  ( I won the 2 others)

- played and met very goods players



-the third one against François

-didn’t t win

- 2 dd lady is too much in a chaos , need to play 2 merchants


so here is the report , enjoy (and forget my^bad English please ^-^)