Warriors of the sea
Sean and Jordan
Miami, Fl
Outland Station Comics
Total amount of teams: 12
Fee: $10 per team
1st $50 store credit split
2nd $40 store credit split
3rd $30 store credit split
Tag team tournament
Date: April 03, 2004
Single Elimination

Sean's deck x44                                                                    Jordan's deck x42          
Tributes x3                                                                            Tributesx1
1xGiga Gagagigo                                                                  1xJinzo
2xOrca Mega- Fortress of Darkness                                    

Non-tributes x16                                                                  Non-tributes x16
1xGoblin Attack Force                                                        2xGoblin Attack Force
1xSpear Dragon                                                                   2xSpear Dragon
3xGagagigo                                                                         1xGemini Elf
1xTribe Infecting Virus                                                       1xArchfiend Soldier                                                       
2xAmphibious Bugroth MK-3                                            2xGearfried the Iron Knight
2xMother Grizzly                                                                2xAmazoness Swords Woman
1xWitch of the black forest                                                 1xAmazon Archer                    
2xCannonball Spear Shellfish                                             1xAmazoness Fighter
1xTorpedo Fish                                                                   2xMarauding Captain (leaders of this deck)
1xSpirit Reaper                                                                   1xExiled Force                                                                    
1xYata Garasu                                                                    1xWitch of the black Forest

Spells x16                                                                             Spells x18
3xA Legendary Ocean                                                         2xAxe of Despair
2xSalvage                                                                             1xUnited We Stand
1xHarpies Feather Duster                                                     1xSnatch Steal
1xHeavy Storm                                                                     1xMystical Space Typhoon
1xRaigeki                                                                              1xDark Hole
1xDark Hole                                                                          1xRaigeki
1xChange of Heart                                                                1xHeavy Storm
1xGraceful Charity                                                                1xSORL
1xMonster Reborn                                                                 1xReinforcement of the army
1xUnited We Stand                                                                1xScapegoat
1xMystical Space Typhoon                                                    1xGraceful Charity
1xSnatch Steal                                                                        1xThe Warrior Returning Alive
1x Pot of greed                                                                        1xPot of Greed
                                                                                                 1xChange of heart
Traps x9                                                                                  1xMonster Reborn
1x Ring of Destruction                                                           1xGaia Power
1xImperial Order                                                                     1xRiryoku
1xMirror Force                                                                    
1xCall of the haunted                                                             Trapsx7
1xTorrential Tribute                                                              1xMagic Cylinder
1xGravity Bind                                                                      1xImperial Order
1xWaboku                                                                             1xMrrior Force
1xMagic Cylinder                                                                 1xCall of the Haunted
1xTornado Wall                                                                    1xNegate Attack
                                                                                             1xZero Gravity

When my partner and I arrived at the tournament a lot of people had already arrived, but barely any teams had been decided yet. I had gone with my partner and his big brother. This was his brother's first tournament in a long time. Originally we had planned to look for partners but everyone already had one. So we decided to enter together, Jordan runs a warrior deck and I run a water deck.

Round 1
Warriors of the Sea V.S. Burn and Marionette

This first round went by quick. Both partners share life points and its 16,000. The order was Sean first, marionette second, Jordan third and burn last. First turn I drew united, spear dragon, waboku and I can't remember the rest. Jordan drew scapegoat, cylinders, goblin, jinzo, and captain. I summoned gagagigo and set waboku. Marionette just summoned captain and special summoned goblin. Jordan set scapegoat and cylinders and ended. Burn activates raigeki, summons goblin and attacks directly. Sean's turn again, he summons spear, Jordan activated scapegoat on Sean, then I activate united on my spear and attack burn's goblin dealing 5,900 damage to their life points.
Burn and Marionette-----11,100

Marionette sends goblin and captain to attack Jordan, Jordan takes it and the other guy ends. Jordan draws sets mystical space and summons captain, then goblin. Goblin attacks captain and captain attacks burn directly.
Burn and Marionette-----7,800

Burn summons injection and sets a card facedown. Burn ends and Jordan destroys his facedown mirror force with mystical space. My turn, I draw ring and set it I attack goblin with spear leaving them at 1,900. I end and as soon as marionette draws I activate ring on my spear and that's game.
Burn and Marionette-----0

Well Jordan's brother Justin won but had to do the duel over because the other guys said his team cheated with swords of reveling light, the other team changed one of their decks and Justin lost.

Round 2
Warriors of the of the Sea V.S.  Warriors of the Dead
Before the duel began Sean got to talk with one of our opponents, which he knew from school. One of them ran a warrior deck and the other ran a zombie and warrior deck. Andres is the one with the zombies and I don't know the other guy's name. Andres went first, Jordan was second, the other guy was third and Sean was last. Andres set a monster and ended. Jordan drew goblin, pot of greed, and reinforcement of the army, heavy storm, captain and axe of despair. He used pot of greed and drew raigeki and graceful. He used graceful and drew captain, archfiend soldier, and riryoku, then he discards riryoku and reinforcement. He summons his two captains and ends. The other guy sets two m/t face down. Its Sean's turn and he draws salvage, pot of greed, mother grizzly, gagagigo, cannonball spear shellfish, and cylinder. He activates pot and draws snatch and orca. Sean sets grizzly and ends. Andres flips over pyramid turtle and sets a monster then attacks my grizzly, I get torpedo fish and bring it to the field and he ends. Jordan draws Gaia power, then activates heavy storm and destroys mirror force and mystical space. Then activates raigeki and destroys two pyramid turtles. Play's gaia power, summons goblin and axe on goblin and everyone attacks directly leaving them at 8,800. The other guy summons goblin and attacks Sean's torpedo fish, leaving us at 15,700. Sean's turn, he draws graceful, uses it and draws tornado wall, call of the haunted, and cannonball, and discards tornado wall and cannonball. Then uses salvage and gets cannonball and torpedo fish. Sean sets call and cylinder, snatch goblin and tributes it for orca and attacks directly.

Andres sets a monster and ends. Jordan draws united. Summons archfiend soldier, united on archfiend, attacks with everyone directly and its over.
Us-------15,700 Winner
  Round 3
Warriors of the Sea V.S. Clown control and Fusion

We can barely remember how this duel went. These were the people that beat Jordan's brother. This duel wasn't difficult but it took long, and we came out on top.
Us-----9,600 Winner

Final Round
Warriors of the Sea V.S. Exodia team
Both of them ran Exodia decks which was going to make this very hard to win. We kept on getting a couple direct hits but towards the end Jordan was about to win it for us, he used raigeki but destroyed their witch and they got their left arm. Then Jordan attacked with gaia power, riryoku, captain and swords woman. Next turn they killed their own sangan to get the last piece and win the duel. We were the team that left them with the lowest life points.
Warriors of the Sea-0 Losers
Exodia team----------6,900 Winners

Warriors of the Sea getting second
Jordan trading extra messed up raigeki for spear and archfiend soldier
Sean getting Costdown in one of the packs

Justin losing in the first round
Jordan not getting anything in the packs
Email me: coolbrothers1415@aol.com
Thanks for listening!