It's me again....
The Batcave
Vancouver, WA
$5 to enter
15 people
(lots, I know)
April 24, 2004
Here it goes:
1x Vampire Lord
1x Breaker the Magical Warrior
1x Jinzo
Exiled Force
1x Yate-Garasu
1x Witch of the Black Forest
1x Fiber
1x Tribe-Infecting Virus
2x Spririt Reaper
3x Goblin Attack
2x Don Zaloog
3x Spear Dragon
2x Gemini Elf
Magic (Why is
it called "Spell?") 16
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Swords of
Revealing Light
1x Graceful Charity
1x Heavy Storm
1x Change of
1x Delinquent Duo
1x Pot of Greed
1x Snatch Steal
1x Harpie's
Feather Duster
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Premature Burial
1x The Forceful Sentry
Trap (9)
1x Ring of
1x Imperial Order
3x Waboku (Only the best trap card ever
1x Magic Cylinder
1x Mirror Force
1x Call of the Haunted
Solemn Judgment
Sidedeck (15)
2x Judgment of Anubis (Highly
underrated card)
2x Solemn Judgment
1x Spellbinding Circle
2x Trap of
Board Eraser
1x Drop Off
1x Sinister Serpent
1x Lava Golem
1x Double
1x Card Destruction
1x Painful Choice
1x Giant Trunade
This is the first time in a month that I have gone to the
tournament, so here it goes...
I show up at the shop at 9:15 and enter
the tournament and buy new sleeves (blue, awesome color). I mull around a bit
and trade for 3 Solemn Judgments, a holo Trunade, and a bunch of other stuff
that I can't think of...for next to nothing. Commons and a couple of Amazoness
Swordswomans. Pretty cool. I brought my second deck (TRUE BEATDOWN...if you need
to see what TRUE BEATDOWN is, see my articles), so I traded a lot out of there
for cards I needed...2 Freed the Matchless General and 2 The Fiend Megacyber for
a Jinzo, Imperial Order, and a Graceful Charity :)
Anyway, the tourney
Round 1: Me vs. Logan (TRUE BEATDOWN)
This round was really
cool. Logan happens to be a good friend of mine, so what do I do? Beat him
severely in the tournament. It was horrible, I can't really remember all of the
details. All I remember is that I Snatched his Injection, killed his Fiber Jar
with an Exiled, and proceeded to slay him. Same in the second round.
Me: 2
wins Logan: 0
Round 2: Me vs. Stacey (Machine)
His deck was somewhat
machine, but not all the way. It sucked though, because I lost to him. I won the
first match, then he won the second. Barely. Then, in the third match, I had a
Gemini Elf on the field in attack mode, and he had a Reflect Bounder. He pulls
off 3 Limiter Removal, and WHAM!!! 13,600 damage headed my way, and no way to
stop it. He had like, 1200 lp too, and I had 8000. It sucked.
So, I lost
second round. Not really a great report, but there you have it. I really wanted
to post my deck list and get some feedback, but oh well. Oh, and if you managed
to read through the boring stuff, I need some feedback about Mirage of Nightmare
and Painful Choice. Are they deck worthy? Should they be included in
tournament-winning decks, or are they lame? Thanks. E-mail me at if you answer.