Malicious Monarchs and Manservants
Matt Loyd
Game Plan Games & Videos
Cheyenne, WY
Hi everybody, I'm back from a long absence, changing my name a few times along the way, but I'll rest with his one. Today
was normal for a while, getting up late, watching Yu-Gi-Oh on TV, dashing out the door, running back in to get my cards and
then leaving, scalding myself with the seat heater, eating my usual pre-tourney meal at McDonald's, and zipping over to the
local pawn shop to buy some cards. Then I headed for the tournament.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Advanced Format
$5 entry fee w/ pack
Prizes: 1st gets 2 packs
2nd gets 1 pack
3rd and below get squat
OK, I've been testing numerous decks since I last chimed in, and every deck has failed. I was hoping to turn my luck around
today, but the Necklace of Command and Serial Spell I pulled in my earlier packs and the Ultimate Insect LV3 I pulled in my
entry pack didn't help the belief too much. Before I go any further, I should probably let you all know what deck I was running
Malicious Monarchs and Manservants
Total: 40 cards
Berserk Gorilla
Berserk Gorilla
Berserk Gorilla
Cyber Jar
Fiber Jar
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Night Assailant
Night Assailant
Night Assailant
Peten the Dark Clown
Peten the Dark Clown
Peten the Dark Clown
Sinister Serpent
Tribe-Infecting Virus
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Change of Heart
Creature Swap
Creature Swap
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
Nobleman of Crossout
Nobleman of Crossout
Nobleman of Extermination
Painful Choice
Pot of Greed
Snatch Steal
Bottomless Trap Hole
Call of the Haunted
Divine Wrath
Divine Wrath
Dust Tornado
Horn of Heaven
Magic Cylinder
Ring of Destruction
Side Deck
D. D. Warrior Lady
D. D. Warrior Lady
Kinetic Soldier
Enemy Controller
Back to Square One
Back to Square One
Monster Reincarnation
Monster Reincarnation
Card Destruction
Acid Trap Hole
Divine Wrath
Anyway, I just finished my deck after trading for a Creature Swap, Painful Choice, and Zaborg the Thunder Monarch, when
Jesse (one of the judges) came in and declared we were starting the tournament. Irma, another judge, reminded him that
they hadn't checked decks yet. >_< So we had to wait for that, while I traded for a Perfect Machine King (Ultimate Rare).
After a long 10 minutes of trading and drinking grape soda, Arturo, the final judge, announced the pairings. And the first
round was underway.
1st Round
Me vs. Paul
Paul is a nice kid, but he's the kind of nice kid that gets on your nerves. He also still runs Chaos, so I planned to squish him
for doing so, as I still have a strong hatred for Chaos.
Duel #1
This duel was awful. I started with a handful of Spells and Traps, and the only thing I could stop him with was Horn of Heaven
and Scapegoat. I drew nothing to help myself for a few rounds while he assembled a small force and started knocking off my
goats. I finally drew a Berserk Gorilla and used it to take out one of his monsters, then tributed it for Mobius next turn and got
rid of most of his field. The details next are a bit foggy, but somehow I was reduced to a Berserk, 3 goats, a f/d Peten,
and a f/d Scapegoat. He played Wave-Motion Cannon, Tribe-Infecting Virus, and destroyed all my monsters with it. Then he
ended his turn for whatever reason, and I drew a protective trap, I don't remember which one, but it lasted me a few turns.
Eventually the Cannon worked up enough power to kill me, and I had no protection against it, but he didn't fire in fear I had set
a Barrel Behind the Door, even when he should know I don't own one. I got a free turn and drew a useless monster which I
also can't remember, and set it. Next turn, he fired the Cannon and I lost. He said he took one turn to set a Hallowed Life
Barrier, although I'm no sure whether that would have worked had I had a Barrel.
Duel #2
These duels are what I live for. I draw into a great opening hand and quickly have a Berserk and Mobius beating him down.
Somehow, he clears my field with a Tribe, and we both start drawing nothing for a while. Then he removes for Black Luster
Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning, and removes my f/d Peten instead of attacking it, a grave mistake. Had he attacked, he
probably would have won, but he didn't, so once again I got a free turn, and this one paid off. Now came the moment of my
day: I topdecked Change of Heart. I played it on BLS and attacked Tribe, then him for 4400 and game.
Duel #3
This duel was all me. I drew into a Berserk, Mobius, and Tribe by turn 4-5, keeping him on the defensive the entire duel.
There's not much to say about this one. I pretty much swept the duel and Mobius got the finishing blow. Game, set, match.
Hooray Mobius!
INTERMISSION: I scanned other duelist's cards and dealt with Ryan, Paul's little brother who always pesters me about Duel
Masters cards.
Round 2
Me vs. Matt
I hate people that share my name, because it confuses me every time somebody calls one of us. Anyway, he ran a Machine
deck that obviously needed tweaking, as I proved later.
Duel #1
He was going downhill from the start. 2 Gorillas had rushed out to meet him head-on and he never really recovered, while my
Noblemans took care of everything he played f/d. I saw Heavy Mech Support Platform multiple times, and filed a note to tell
him to find something better, but as usual I forgot.
Duel #2
I could say "repeat performance", "same as the last one", or "see Duel #1", and they would all be correct, for the same thing
happened. I drew 2 Gorillas again, and one died of reasons I can't remember. The biggest threat he ever brought out was
Blowback Dragon, and when he used its effect hit a Waboku, therefore wasting a golden opportunity. Next turn, I tributed the
Gorilla for Zaborg, destroyed Blowback with his effect, and attacked with him and a Call'ed Gorilla. Game, set, match.
INTERMISSION: Nothing happened.
Round 3
Me vs. -----
I got a bye this round, so I used the time to trade Matt a special edition Dark Magician Girl for a Royal Command and Spear
Dragon. His father wouldn't let him trade the Blowback i wanted for my other DMG, so I bought another soda and waited for
the next round.
Round 4 AKA Final Round
Me vs. Alex
Alex is a weird guy, some days he'll be cute, some days he'll be clowny, some days he'll be homicidal, but he's usually safe
to be around...for 10 seconds. He runs a Burn/Stall deck that aggravates everybody with Ordeal of a Traveler.
Duel #1
This is getting ridiculous. I drew another Gorilla into the opening hand but failed to smack him with it. I got a Tribe to clear
most of his field, and Mobius and the Noblemans cleared what it couldn't. I hit him for 4000, and as my English teacher
would say, "That's gonna leave a mark." It left a big mark that he never really could do anything about, as he couldn't draw
any of his Gravity Binds or Level Limits. I won fairly easily.
Duel #2
I opened with a rather lousy hand lousy with lousy cards. He drew some stall cards, and that held me off for a while until I
drew a Mobius and destroyed them. It went rather downhill from there, as I was having so much fun with Creature Swaps, I
nearly burned him down with his own monsters. I think it was his Stealth Bird that killed him. Game, set, match.
I got two packs for first place, but had to get M:tG cards since they were out of Yu-Gi-Oh. I got two packs of Unhinged and
got a good laugh out of some of them. Alex got a bag of litlle dice instead of a pack, and I thought for sure he'd lost those
dice in the carpet, because they were about 1/2 cm x 1/2 cm x 1/2 cm or less. Oh well, it's time for what we've all been
waiting for...*drumroll*...Props and Slops.
Finishing my deck on schedule
My deck performing so well
Getting a Perfect Machine King from Arturo
Winning the tournament
Getting funny M:tG cards
Being able to play Duel Masters for a change
Starting on a Mystic Swordsman deck
Caffeine keeping me up until 4:03 AM writing this
Having to trade 3 holos for the Perfect Machine King
DarkFlareDragn not sending me a Perfect Machine King on time, forcing me to get another one
Not being able to trade John a Perfect Machine King that he needs
Pulling squat from my packs
Matt not being able to trade his Blowback
All internet shops (tw, pokeoder, etc.) charging too much for a D. D. Assailant
Overall, it was a pretty good day. I look forward to Christmas and New Year's Day. Some of the judges spoke of holding a
tournament through the night from December 31 to January 1, and I need to find out more about it. Oh well, maybe I'll have a
surprise for you all...
This has been a Game Plan Tournament special presentation. Tune in next week to continue watching the epic saga of
"Duelists Gone Batty". DuelinMasta signing out.
Send all comments, tips, fixes, suggestions, and Christmas cookies to or IM me at
DuelinMasta777. I wish you luck in your travels.