Silvio Flores []
sairasu89's tourney report


Dark begginings 1 deck


Store name Triple play

Canada,Ontairo, Missisauga

Tourney date December 19, 2004

7 participants including me

My duel results 3 wins 4 loses


Well in this tournament i think i did better than last time.I actually won more than last time.This is my second time entering a official Yugioh tournament.I had fun dueling a kid at the tournament.The older duelists were more experienced and more challenging.I only remembered some points that happen in my duel.At this tournament i cant use my best deck so we had to make a deck out of cards from Dark begginings 1 booster pack.Next time i'll will send in my best deck report.We bought 3 Dark begginings booster pack and choose 30 cards to build our deck and start with 6000 lifepoints.I brought in my real deck but i'll talk about my real deck the next time i send a tournament report.What i mean when i did better last time is that i finally won more than once this time in the tournament.




Mother grizzly

Fire princess


Parasite paracide

Penguin knight

White magical hat

Armored lizard

Flash assailant

Dark king of the abyss

Mystic lamp

Big eye

Hysteric fairy

The portraits secret


Giant germ



Mystic plasma zone

Stop defense


Mask of brutality

Red medicine

lightning blade

Monster recovery



Trap hole


Dust tornado

Mask of restrict

Light of intervention

Numinous healer


My skills kinda decreased because i had to use a amateur deck.Luckily im not the only had to get lame cards.I would have done a bit better if i got cyber jar or or holo card in the packs.I just hope im not doing this again.I would have done this if there were more kids in the tournament.Anyways there isnt much to say but i will make a better deck report next week or next time.



I actually had 6 wins

(3 tourney and 3 fun duels)

I won against an older opponent

(using my real deck after the tournament

Most of the duels i had fun were the fun duels instead of the tourney ones

I got to use my real deck before and after the tournament



I lost more than my wins

Some opponents had used bad language which distracted me and bothered me in the duels


Till next time good bye for now.

