Dark Dreams

Collection Connection

Greensboro, NC


About 19 people and $2.00 entry fee

Monsters: (17)

Reflect Bounder

Don Zaloog x2

Exiled Force

Tribe-Infecting Virus

D.D. Warrior Lady

Goblin Attack Force x2

Luster Dragon x2

Gemini Elf

Breaker the Magical Warrior


Witch of the Black Forest


Sinister Serpent

Fiber Jar

Magic (Spell): (18)


Nobleman of Crossout x2

Dark Hole

Pot of greed

Graceful Charity

Mirage of Nightmare

Mystical Space Typhoon x3

Harpie’s Feather Duster

Heavy Storm

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

Change of Heart

Snatch Steal

Reinforcement of the Army x2

Trap: (7)

Imperial Order

Magic Cylinder

Ring of Destruction

Call of the Haunted

Mirror Force

Waboku x2



Match 1: Lee vs. Donavon

We both sat down laughing and junk and we were talking smack and stuff. U know. The stuff you do with friends before you duel. Well at any rate, these 2 duels went to me thanks to the goblin he traded me right before the tourney.


Duel 1: me-8000, him-0

Duel 2: me-????, him-0


Match 2: Lee vs. Bryan

This is one of the previously raining champs in our store.  Hahahaha he sucks more than me now.  We were takin hits move for move until he tried to fiber jar and it got Xed.  I love that card. If ur wondering if I mean Crossout or x-force, he had an imp order on the field. We both had dons and goblins and a sinister serpent. Fortunately, I killed the guy with a luster dragon and a sinister serpent with his 2100 life left.


Duel 1: me-5700, him-0

Duel 2: me-0, him-????

Duel 3: me-????, him-0


Match 3: Lee vs. Josh

This guy runs a cool buster blader deck. I hate it because he has a majority of trap cards in it and he manages his hand really well to have 2 tribute dolls in his deck. First duel, he straight killed me off. Second duel, I snatch stole his buster blader while he had a spear dragon on his field.


Duel 1: me-0, him-8000

Duel 2: me-????, him-0

Duel 3: me-8000, him-0

Match 4: Lee Vs. Christian

This guy beat me last week and I wasn’t very happy about that.  I went on a ramming spree with my Goblins the first duel. Second duel he got me when I had a bad hand and really killed me with my fiber jar. He attacked me then flipped it on his turn. Last duel, he was the 1 with a bad hand and I exploited that weakness to the fullest. Don and goblin helped. Reflect Bounder is always a big help with the life points and the Goblins showed a promising return this week.

Duel 1: me-????, him-0

Duel 2: me-0, him-????

Duel 3: me-7900, him-0


I won yet another tourney and got a buster blader tin. I got crap. Not even an ultra rare in it. But Christian got 3 MFC packs and got a Skilled Dark! I was furious.



-My deck

-Me for winning

-yu yu hakusho cards

-my momz for taking me



-getting crap

-not getting another Gemini

-all the rich ppl who just go buy stuff

-Thief’s and sticky fingers out there (you kno who you are)


If you have any questions, deck tips, strategies, or advice, hit me up at darkpsychohadez@aol.com .