#535 Chaos Obliteration
Deck Name: Christmas Presents
Duelist Name: -Ernest Patton-
Location: 7229 Little River Turnpike
City State: Annandale VA
Date: 12/27/03
Turnout: Between 20-30…
Prize: Varies on the amount of players
Entrance Fee: $2 without tourney pack but $5 with tourney pack- Official Tourney (Swiss style double elimination)
-My first tourney report that I’ve submitted, I know it’s long but please bare with me-
Note: Better to maximize this page---
Mon. 3x Nimble Momonga 1x Fiber Jar 2x Spirit Reaper 3x Goblin Attack Force 1x Injection Fairy Lily 1x Witch of the Black Forest 1x Yata-Garasu 1x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer |
Trap 1x Torrential Tribute 2x Waboku 1x Mirror Force 2x Magic Drain 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Dust Tornado 1x Imperial Order |
Spell 2x Mystical Space Typhoon 1x Dark Hole 1x Forceful Sentry 1x Change of Heart 1x Nobleman of Crossout 1x Snatch Steal 1x Monster Reborn 1x Harpie’s Feather Duster 1x Swords of Revealing Light 1x Confiscation 1x Pot of Greed 1x Delinquent Duo 1x Graceful Charity 1x Mirage of Nightmare 1x Premature Burial 1x Heavy Storm |
Tribute Mon. 1x Jinzo 1x Guardian Sphinx |
Well anyway here’s a little background…I am 14 years old. I’ve dueled for a while now and won many tournaments in my area, but never sent in a tourney report. This deck was built just before the tourney. I had the basis down but I let some friends borrow some cards… (Airknight and Ha Des) Well, so I was scrambling to look for cards for my deck then my friend lets me use a Guardian Sphinx, a Kycoo, a Mystical Space Typhoon and a Raigeki?! (Stupid crooks- don’t worry you’ll receive what you earn as soon as I can find you--- O.o’) I have a younger bro who also competed so I gave him first choice of cards, and so I was limited to what I had. I saw about 5 brand new faces I’ve never seen before. (I shouldn’t have even been there?! I should have been relaxing in NY—O well that’s life, never going the way you wanted) Blah I was disgusted with this tourney today. (Not really since I “thought” I was going to win…well maybe I should of been less confident) Several of my friends showed up and the tourney had begun------------
Round 1: Ernest –vs- Keith !!!ZOMBIE DECK!!! (a very exceptional duelist who is good but makes fun decks)
Duel 1: Give this dude props. He’s tight as anything. Haha but it was a good duel. I think he could of played better and his deck does have lots of potential. Anyway, this what happened---He wins coin toss. He goes first. He sets a trap and a face-down monster. I counter by using a Goblin Attack Force and atk his decayed commander, and set a imperial order(this card has “ABUSE ME” written all over it) He then plays book of life and I counter with imperial and he ends his turn. After that everything went downhill for him. I assumed he had all Magic Cards in his hand since I summoned a Kycoo and pummeled him along with my Nimbles. He managed to summon another decayed commander later and I attacked with my nimble getting 2 more nimbles and making a comi-coze. This duel went to my Nimble and Kycoo. !?NIMBLE & KYCOO OWNAGE?!
Keith: 8000-7000-5200-3400-0
Me: 8000-7300-6600-7600
Duel 2: He gets another bad hand. He goes first. He passed. (O.o?) I set one monster. He then sets a trap. Then I play Harpie’s Feather Duster
Along with Kycoo attacking his life points. Then he sets another trap. It went like this- set m/t Kycoo slap-set m/t Kycoo slaps again- set m/t KYCOO SLAPS- how original. I eventually summon Goblin and atk. He then pulls off a combo move. Call of the Mummy, sets a m/t and Patrician atks “ouch”. Not only does he have Patrician of Darkness but he has Call of the Mummy so he could summon a zombie if I managed to kill his Patrician, even on my turn. (I think) Well I took the chance even though I was afraid he would set a spirit reaper. I played snatch steal. Then I atked, and won. I also somewhere in there got my nimbles out again.
NIMBLE AND KYCOO OWNAGE ---(ok Kycoo can now go find a new buddy because I’m getting tired of him)
Yay?! I won the first duel. I look over to my bro and find out he lost. To Sat?! He never loses to that dude. There is always luck. (for newbs jk) My bro gets an easy pairing next round…and guess my luck…Once again I’m against one of the top in the store… *sigh unanimous dude who insisted not to be named. He is very good and used to be the best (at one point) but he plays magic and yu-gi-oh now and so he’s not as good as before but still VERY GOOD. (From what I hear he’s a horrible Magic Player)
Round 2: BEWD –vs- Ernest
Duel 1: Here we go…. I went first. I set Waboku and set a Injection, and ended my turn. He played change of heart then used
MST. >.< enjoy buddy?! After that I drew pot of greed and got Delinquent Duo and Forceful Sentry. I owned him that game.
I ended up Yata Locking him early.
Me: 8000
Him: 7600- Lock
Duel 2: He goes first. This duel went like this. I quote “ Smack- ouch – recover- Smack- ouch- recover- Smack- ouch-recover
And Smack- Ouch- (Next turn Game)- TOP DECK>?!” >.< I was about to beat him then he top decked?! Dirty Top Decker?! (Well I do that all the time but that’s a minor detail)
Me: 8000-7000-6600-3800-1100-0
Him: 8000-7200-6200-5500-4200-3200
Duel 3: Breathe in-Breathe out- Put game face on- Slip on Banana Peel – make smooth recovery- and start the duel-
I don’t remember this match because he played too fast, and he was very impatient on me recording the match. *Think *Think
*Smacks head against computer a few times * recall!!! Ok there we go. I remember how I lost. I played Mirage and he played Yata, and I forgot I
used all my MST, so I was praying he’d just forfeit. It went like this : Draw 4- Yata attack therefore not able to draw) discard 4. In the end I decked myself out.
How smart.
D’OH… I lost this duel. =( My brother on the other hand won… I wanted to throw my Mirage in the trash, but for some reason I continued to play it… My next duel was horrible. (remember everyone plays 4 rounds so the stupid kids leave after thinking they lost in the first round and then all that’s left is the good people, except a few exceptional Annoying kids) Just my luck, I get an annoying kid. Yes, He’s sooo easy…(but the most annoying little kid out there
And not to mention Big Mouth)
Round 3: Paul (simple beatdown) –vs- Ernest
Duel 1: I’ll speed this up now. I go first. I set 1 mon. and set a m/t. He plays dark blade +mage power and set one m/t. He attacked nimble. I get 2 more. I summon goblin and set a m/t and duster his m/t and attack his LP. He summons Giant Orc and reborns Dark Blade and atk. I activate mirror force. Then I owned. I killed him with my nimbles and goblin in the next 2 turns.
Me: 8000-9000
Him: 8000-5500-3500-1500-3500-0
Duel 2: Don’t remember much except I used soo much to kill him. I got out Guardian Sphinx and spirit reaper and Jinzo by the 3rd turn and won.
Me: 8000-7000-4700
Him: 8000-9000-10000-9700-3000-0
Hope this kid learns to close the door behind him… but now I had 1 duel left. If I won I’d be in the finals. 2 round elimination, and my bro lost 2?!
O.o nooooo?! I wanted to get all the store credit not just 1st, but right now I had to concentrate on getting to the final 8.
Round 4: Andrew (control beatdown) –vs- Ernest
--blank glances--- glare-glares back- “hey want to call it a draw.” Since we both won 2x all we had to do was not lose 1 more. So a draw would guarantee both our places in the final 8. Wha hooo. (ya it’s possible- use ring of Destruction when both of you are close to dying the third game)
Phew…Good call. We both made it to the finals, and my brother won again. Good round. Then all of a sudden I looked at the top 8 and my brother
Had made it in the top 8. I was like WHAT?! It was amazing. I was up against this very cocky dude. He was a fair duelist but very cocky, and he took none of my advice, except slimming his deck down to 42 from 45. He played Needle Worm but didn’t play a deck out deck. His deck was nice and Shiny, and a regular beatdown.
Round 1: Ernest –vs- David
Duel 1: He started out tuff. We swapped blows and he smothered my hand, but I ended out on top pretty easily. I beat him with Injection and some other stuff I think. Fair Duel, but just not good enough to beat me. I’ll give him some props for being “weird and random” I mean funny during the match.
Me: 8000-5000-3900-2900
Him: 8000-4600-4500-2200-400-0
Duel 2: 1…2…3…Game?! I won with ease… Easy--- If he just listens to me maybe he can win once. O well, his fault not mine. (*sigh *sigh *sigh *moron I mean *sigh)
Me: 8000-7000-8000-9000-10000-8000-6000-5600-4800-2700
Him: 5700-5300-4300-2500-1550-1100-700
My bro beat the person who beat me… Don’t ask how…O.o 2-0 (with a sinister serpent) The next round in the finals I had to face him.
Great let the duel begin… OOPS
Round 2: Ernest -vs- Mark
-This content cannot be
hm…maybe it’s a computer problem. O well…Good old younger brothers. I knew he’d come through for me. So er…no comment on this duel
except someone won and someone didn’t. Don’t ask who. I said don’t ask… Fine he won… but I “persuaded” him to let me go.
Round 3: FINALS
So this is what it comes down to… Me, Ernest, Versus…Nick?! Hey wait a sec. I’m the dude who built his deck
The staples anyway. What gives. He was using a fairy deck, which I lent him my cards… O well…This is what went down and I’ll go
With it…
Theme song turns on * Let the Duel Begin?!
Duel 1: I win!!!!!!!!!! My Airknight is so loyal. :::sniff:::sniff:::
Duel 2: I win!!!!!!!!! My Airknight loves me.
So that’s how it ended… Both times the score was 3000-2000 and I somehow killed his 2000 left…=) dirty top decking…
So I used my prize $ on boosters.
This is what I pulled-
- Great Maju Gazette (testing an obelisk with no effect and 1 sac)
- Reflect Bounder (testing my Cylinder turned into monster)
- Different Dimension Dragon (testing my everlasting monster- good with Heart of Clear Water because it’s then immortal- can’t die- whahaha)
Ok so 3 good cards…(well decent cards)
- Winning the tourney
- Getting a Reflect Bounder
- Obliterating everyone in Super Smash Bro. Melee (no you can’t beat me)
- Keeping my #1 slot at Lucky Frog
- My bro. for his amazing comeback
- People putting up decent duels
- My Dad for taking me to and from the tourney
- To those who took the time to read this
- To Frog for sponsoring such great tourneys
- Ext. ext. ext
Now on to some good stuff…I mean bad stuff
- I owe a special Thanks to Gribble for being a complete moron =) (magic player)
- Same goes for several Magic people
- Playing my brother in the semi-finals instead of the finals
- Those people who talk smack
- Those people who are VERY arrogant
- Not getting my Airknight yet =( (or am I still waiting)
- Car Insurance
- C...c...cold night eh...
- Obnoxious magic & yu-gi-oh players
- David and his older brother for being hard-headed (“possibly” labeled under jerks of society)
Well Happy New Year’s Day everyone?! (I mean nearest holiday) =)
*shhhh…..Don’t tell anyone but… my e-mail address is www.aquaphe5@hotmail.com and remember only you know this so
keep it a secret between us. Also my AIM is XxAznThunder5xX .