My mostly feind deck almost won.

Darra Chea aKa. Naruto Hakushi
West Manchester mall
York, PA
December 11, 2003
9 duelist


Monsters: 19
3x opticlops
3x la jinn
3x giant orcs
1x dark necrofear
1x dark ruler of ha des
1x sangan
1x summoned skull
1x witch of the black forest
1x hyabusa knight
1x exiled force
1x fiber jar
1x cliff the trap remover
1x jinzo

Magic: 11
1x united we stand
1x mage power
1x monster reborn
1x raigeki
1x harpies feather duster
1x pot of greed
1x graceful charity
1x swords of revealing light
1x change of heart
1x dark hole
1x scape goat

Trap: 10
2x waboku
1x magic cylinder
1x metalmorph
1x call of the haunted
1x mirrior force
1x imperial order
1x torrential tribute
1x bottomless trap hole
1x cease fire

The Arrival
I arrive a little late but the host let me in so I got in talked to all my friends and asked about the new cards everybody got. but after that we were all asked to go outside in the hall way, so they can prepare the tornament standings, we were all given a number I was either 6 or 9 because it had no line underneath it so I was chosen to be 6 so I had to duel number five. And number 9 got a bye -_-*. O well we all gave the assistant host five bucks and he gave a us a tornament season 4 pack. all I got was crap senju of the thousand hands, karate man and a magic drain. So the first match went on

Duel 1 & 2 first round
(Naruto vs. ??? sorry forgot his name)

the first duel came out good I had a great hand two giant orcs a waboku and a imperial orderi decided to go first since he rooled a dice and I called evens and won. I really didn't know much but I know parts of the duel. He runs amazoness deck so it was easy for me to win that duel but all I know is I won the first two duels witch got me into the second round.

Duel 1 second round
(Naruto vs engineer a 40 year oldish guy who was very friendly and the one who got the bye)

it was time for me to test my skill. My friend lost to him and got second place in the last tornament  so I was pretty scared. He was pretty old  and had a job so I thought he would have all the best cards. He does have a lot of good cards like a yata and a fairy lily in his side deck 3 luster dragons (MFG) and three fire princesses and there was more a lot more. So I call heands and got it wrong he decided to go first. I was shaking so hard because I had a really bad hand NO MONSTERS!!!!!!!! So I was luck he went my hand was metalmorph, torential, dark hole , monster reborn and waboku. Then when he drew his cards and went first I was confused why he played terra forming( allows you to bring a field card form your deck to your hand) then he played it was necrovally. So I was releave but still scared because I never went against a gravekeepers deck before when he played it his instatly summons gravekeepers soldier. He already had a monster with 2000 atk (original 1500 but with necrovally =2000)then he set 2 face down spell/ trap cards down and ended his turn. I was hoping for a monster and I got it I drew one of my giant orcs I instatly summoned it and set down all my traps and atked his soldier and he lost 200 life points my orc went to def and I ended my turn. Then he went and that was the down fall for me he summoned another spear soldier and took out. I had to play my waboku to save my orc so I did and he didn't atk and ended his turn from here on I forgot wat happened next but to tell ya I won the first two dueks again. He congradulated me and said " see it I wasn't that hard." And smiled.

Duel 1 round 3
(naruto vs. tetsuru aka. Dave)

Now this was the bummer I had to play one of my best friends. Told me about the tornament and help me with  my deck. Sadly 2 weekes ago he got his hole deck stolen and only was left with a hanful of cards. His deck the almost the best worth about 300$. But anyway I only beat him once and that was at school I always lost to him at the tornament so I was scared he was also running a necro  vally deck but all has a combo consisting of magical scientist and catipult turtal + in two turns that wat he did on me and I lost of him taking 7000 damge from scientist and me taking 8000 from all his fusions and his catapult. Then I came to won the second duel so it was a tie. It wa sa tifghts game I got him down to 100 life point while I still had 1400
Then when I pulled out my hyabusa knight I had a chance atk his face down card and maybey lose a bunch of life points or win the duel because all he had out was his face down card and his necrovally so I didn't it and atk it was a grave keppers assailant and I took the rest of his life points out with my giant orc because my hya was switched to def.

Due1 final round
(Naruto vs. Jay)

So it was me against jay the top duelist in our tornament he beat me once before in my last duel in the 3rd round so again I was scaredwe stared things off. He runs a instant win deck I seen his deck he pulls combo to instatly win without exodia. For example the yata lock witch gave him the win in our first duel, last turn and dark necrofear, ring of destruction and barrell with mage power etc. I won the second duel but that one was hard I won it with a exiled force and a mage power boosting it  up to 3000 and take the rest of life points

Duel 3 final round
I stared things off he was winning at first but I took control after I used again the exiled and the mage power giving him a again 3000 and I did that once taking him down to 5000 while I had 4800 grr.. so then I pulled out my sangan and my hyabusa ( hyabusa from monster reborn) and took out another 3000 but sadly after he too me down to 1700 form his jinzo and other stuff. So the games was me 1700 and him 2000 it was his turn I had magic cylinder and metalmorph out and a face down monster while he had two face down monsters then that's when he killed me he fliped his cyber jar up killeing all the monsters and all I got out of it was a opticlops and he got a giant orci put mine in face down def when his was in atk then he summoned another gaint orc and the played call of the haunted o his jinzo that I destroyed 3 turns ago so there goes my defences. He use one of his giant orcs to atk my opticlops and took out the rest with his jinzo.

This was a close duel I wish that I would of won. I never won a tornament it was the it would be the first time I won. but I got second and secon [place gets crap. So I then trade my fiber jar for a ring of destruction (fiber jar helped my a lot on every duel) and went home from there

Darra Chea aka. Naruto Hakushi