SeeD.Squall.Enforcer.12/20/03.Battlezone.BAY AREA
3 Enforcer (Iron, not Myr!) 7 Staples 1 Imperial Decree
2 Infernalqueen 3 MST 1 Royal Decree
2 Skilled Dark Magician 2 NoC 1 Judgment of Anubis
2 Dimensional Warrior Girl 1 Heavy 1 Waboku
2 Search 1Steadfast Guard 3 Blast w/ Chain
1 Fiber Jar 1 Snatch
1 Sinister 1 Premature
1 Vampire Lord 1 Painful Choice
1 Jinzo 1 Mirage
15 Creatures 18 Spells 7 Traps = 40 Total
Official Duelist King Tournament
$5 to enter
Is this the real deal? Heh.
Well, I havent been to a tournament in about a month. The week after the Mall Tour, I decided to take a break, mainly because I started to lose a lot of games during that time. However, SeeD didnt stop while I was out. Mike aka Seifer, and Bucky entered a 60-person tournament. Mike got 4th. He also placed 2nd at Battlezone a couple of weeks ago. Good job. But now Im back in the tournament scene and Im ready to duel!
I arrived at Battlezone TWO minutes before the tournament started, because I had a basketball game in the avenues AND it was raining, so it took some time to get there. When I arrived, they were halfway done pairing, but they let me join anyway. After I finished entering, I saw Mike, Bucky, and the other usual players at BZ. I saw Serge there, but I dont think he entered. Round 1 immediately began after I signed up.
Squall vs. Anthony (Mikes Nephew)
This was his first tournament, so I took it slow. He was using Buckys deck, so Bucky was forced to use a weak defense deck againstDavid =/. I let Mike and Bucky help him since it was his first time.
Game 1
I won the coin toss, so I went first. I set some stuff and ended. He followed up with a spear and ran through my defense. He was on the offensive for about two turns. I had to hide behind Swords for a turn, but he used typhoon to blow it away. I came back and beat him down with Jinzo, GAF, and Spear.
I sided in my anti-beatdown cards and I was setI think.
Game 2
Man, shouldnt have played around this game. Cyber Jar was triggered twice and he had five monsters out =/. However, my Infernalqueen was protecting me. I got it up to 4900 and I was one more attack away from winning. He had a couple of monsters left and his M/Ts didnt seem to be helping. Fortunate for him, he hurt me enough to bring me down to 900By the time he ran out of monsters, the monster I created, killed me.
Deciding Game 3
Mike and Bucky told him that he wouldnt stand a chance next round, so Anthony conceded. I didnt want to win this way, but w/e. He did pretty well for his first tournament though.
Squall vs. Raymond
Game 1
YeaI lost to him last week and he beat his brother, Kenson, for the tournament last weekhmmmm.
I dont remember much of this game. We both started pretty strong. It was head on beatdown from the beginning. I managed to get in a few direct hits, which made a huge difference. I ended the game with the final nail through the coffin.
I sided in some anti-beatdown and anti-control
Game 2
I decided to use beatdown today, which isnt used at BZ anymore. Everyone knows that control pwns beatdown most of the time. It obviously showed here. I kicked into beatdown mode as soon as possible. If I didnt, control would eventually take over. It did. It was late-game now, and this is where control rules. His Dons and Pre-negs emptied my hand and it was all over for me.
We both sided in some stuff
Deciding Game 3
Ok, its either do or die right here! He used Duo early on, so I lost hand advantage. The Turner of the Dead hit me once, removing a GAF from my cemetery. I ripped a chunk out of his L/P early on, so I still had a chance of winning. I had no choice but to use Fiber. I was one monster short but it didnt mater at this point. The game dragged on and another Fiber attempt was foiled. There was no turning back now. I had an Exiled in my hand, and he was at 1000, but instead of attacking, I sacked it -_-. However, that cleared his field. He had an M/T down and I played GAFattackedgame.WHEW.GG man.
After the game, I found out that Mike lost to Kenson, and I was in the semis.W00T.
Squall vs. The Fool
Hmmmlets see: Kenson, David, and Andy. Oh well, might as well try
Game 1
He won the cut and went first. He played Sentry, and set and ended. I set Fiber and ended. He swings, and we reset. He uses Sentry again and sets an M/T. I attack w/ GAF, but he uses Sakuretsu Armor to destroy it. I set and end. He gets in a free attack and ends. Turns later, he uses Warrior Girl and pwns my Witch. I had nothing so I lost.
Took out Kuriboh and some other stuff for anti-control. After I finished, I patiently waited for the next game. Turns out, he already said he won. I was like =O.
Game 2
I came close, but just didnt cut it. I drew Sh!t for like three turns, so he got in free attacks. I brought him down to 2000, and I was at 1400. He had a f/d Sinister, so I played Change of Heart and took his Vampire Lord, played my Sinister and attacked his f/d Sinister. Attacked with Vampgame. Oh waitKuriboh. Thats just a heartbreaker. GG though.
Matt got there five minutes late so he couldnt enter. So we just chilled there for a while after SeeD got some food. I beat him for 3 Limiters too! Later, this guy challenged us to a 2v2 against him and his friend. Since we had time to burn, we gladly accepted.
Squall and Matt vs. Tai and Ray (sry if I spelled your names wrong)
This was there first time at Battlezone; they said that they usually played on campus or at Collectors International.
We werent allowed to see each others hands, so we just had to assume what our team member was going to do next. They won the coin flip, so they went first. Tai was using Magnet Warrior and Ray was using a Light deck. I had crap in my hand so I had to set Fiber. To make a long story short, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma swarmed and Airknight ran over our defenses. Matt had to leave early, so I was left to fend for myself. I lost badly. But revenge would be mineMUAHAHAHA
Squall and Raymond vs. Tai and Ray
Not to be confused with the other Raymond, this guy works at BZ. He was using Andys last turn deck. After FOUR Cyber Jar effects, our hands were full and Raymond lost mid-game, but not without taking Tai with him. So it was I vs. Ray. I revived his Airknight and got out Jinzo. Thats game. GG guys.
Pretty good day to comeback, I think. I did pretty well, the best Ive done in weeks.
My dad for getting me halfway across town
Making it to the Semifinals
Making some new friends
Pulling 2 Vamps and 2 Dimensional Warrior Girls. Good Stuff .
Mike almost getting hit by a car o_0.
No Regionals near the Bay? Lets just hope
The following stores should bring their best game to the table:
SeeDs comin to town!
Active Members:
-Squall.Daniel, me. SeeD Commander
-Fujin.Sean. Gravekeeper, ya know?
-Odin.Serge. The newest member of the team
-Eric.undecided. Mad Dog
Inactive Members:
-Irvine.Preston. The Sharpshooter
-Thomas.undecided. Insane to the Membrane!
-Nick and Renjie.undecided. The real Delinquent Duo
Im the one w/ Squall,Rinoa,and Seifer on the back of my sleeves!
IM: Quickstyle510
THX for reading. Have a Merry
Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!