Name: Ferali

Deck Name: Switch Exodia

Location: Aarschot, Conect’r

Entry fee: €5

Players: 26



This is my second tourney report. And like in the last one, I still live in Europe so the oly sets here are SDY, SDK, LOB, MRD, MRL and just released PSV.


Now, before the tourney started I bought 1 pack of PSV, and guess what? JINZOOO!!!

I immediatly did it in my deck, together with a Harpie’s brother and Solemn wishes.


Now, here is my new improved Switch Exodia Deck, although I never used my side deck.


MY DECK:   total 41


Monsters: 22

1x Jinzo (DUH)

1x Sangan (searcher)

1x Cyber Jar (5 new cards, yay)

3x La Jinn (good 1800 attacker)

1x Wall of Illusion (nice DEF, nicer effect)

3x Man-Eater Bug (let’s eat’em)

1x Witch of the Black Forest (searcher)

1x Mask of Darkness (to bring back mirror force)

1x Harpie’s Brother (1800 attacker)

3x Nimble Momonga (swarm effect + 1000LP bonus)

3x Magician of Faith (bring back those magic cards, screw spell)

1x Summoned Skull (best non-effect, 1 tribute attacker)

2x 7 Colored Fish (good 1800 attacker)


Magic/Spell Cards: 12

1x Heavy Storn (dark hole of the M/T)

2x Tribute to the Doomed (monster removal)

1x Dark Hole (suck’em all up!!)

1x Pot of Greed (greed is good)

1x Monster Reborn (bring back jinzo)

1x Fissure (destroy that monster)

1x Raigeki (never knew lightning could be so sweet)

1x Swords of Revealing Light (you cannot attack me for 3 whole turns!!)

1x Forceful Sentry (hand destruction)

1x Change of Heart (gimme that)

1x Delinquent Duo (nice hand destruction)


Traps: 7

3x Waboku (no damage, very chainable)

1x Solemn Wishes (nice 500LP bonus every turn)

2x Magic Jammer (jam that magic)

1x Mirror Force (right back at you)



1x Head of Exodia

1x Right leg of exodia

1x left leg of exodia

1x left arm of exodia

1x right arm of exodia

1x Mystic tomato

1x Spear cretin

1x hane-hane

1x sangan

1x ground collapse

1x confiscation

1x fissure

1x card destruction

1x upstart goblin

1x trap hole



Now, for the tourney, There where 5 duels. No single elimination.


Duel 1:  Switch Exodia VS BIG n00b deck


Match one:

I was sure this guy was gonna be eeeeeaaassyyy. He had like 200 cards in his deck, he needed 2 deck boxes to hold his deck in and he needed to put the deck in 2 stacks or it would be too high.

So, he seemed to draw nothing good and he only used 1600 attackers. So, I swept the floor with him, the only damage he did to my LP was with sparks and ookazi, but I got that back through my nimbles.


Match two:

Same as last match. Although he did get a 7 colored out but I got rid of it quick and drained his LP to 0.


2-0 for me.



Duel 2: Switch Exodia VS Some Deck…


Match one:

We exchanged hits for a while, but when I got my Jinzo out it was over for him.


Match two:

I attacked one of his nimbles, so he swarmed me. He sacked a nimble for summoned skull, but in my turn I dark holed the field. I summoned a witch and attacked him. He drew no monster. I sacked witch for jinzo and attacked again. Again, he had no monsters, he confiscationed me, I had sangan and MoF, he took MoF out. Bad choice, cause I summoned Sangan and attack for the win.


2-0 for me.



Between duels I traded my US Mirage of nightmare and Gravekeeper’s Chief against a super rare dark hole and a super rare trap hole, yay =D



Duel 3: Switch Exodia VS Very good deck


Match one:

Long exchanging hits, he recovered some LP because of his nimbles. I got jinzo out but he kept killing it, I reborned it 3 times during this duel!! Using my MoFs to get monster reborn back. But finnaly he managed to deplete my LP.


Match two:

I got Jinzo out early and he already got his LP to 4000 because of solemn judgement. I got his field and hand empty and attacked for the win.


Match tree:

He delinquented me in the beginning and discarded my La jinn and Forceful Sentry. He reborned la jinn, brought back monster reborn with MoF, then confiscationed me and discarded my Jinzo. He reborned my Jinzo and with the army he built up and the crap I drew it would be over soon. I had 1 monster left on the field, but he change of hearted it. So, I lost this duel. Luckily it’s nto single elimination.


1-2 for opponent




Duel 4: Switch Exodia VS some other deck.


Match one:

This whole match was kinda a blur to me. After a long time exchanging hits he finnaly killed me.


Match two:

A blur too. I owned him with my Delinquent and Jinzo.


Match tree:

Again, a blur… He lost 4000 LP because of Solemn Judgement. I did the final blow with change of heart on his Sangan + Axe of despair.


2-1 for me.




Duel 5: Switch Exodia VS Nobleman Deck


Match one:

I was winning with solemn wishes and my nimbles to replenish my LP. But his Morphing Jar #2 ruďned me cause I had to discard ALOT of cards. I lost this match.


Match two:

A blur. But I won because he lost 5000LP because of Solemn Judgement and Seven Tools, although he put up a little fight with his noblemans of crossout and extermination.


Match tree:

I tottaly owned him. I played Dark hole, but he chained with magic jammer. I then used Tribute to the Doomed (TTTD) on his only monster and I discarded Jinzo, I reborned Jinzo and attacked. He then destroyed my Jinzo with TTTD leaving nothing in his hand and nothing on the field. I summoned WotBF and attacked. He drew crap. I sacked my witch for Summoned Skull and attacked. He drew, played Change of heart on my skull, equipped it with an axe and atacked. My turn, I attacked mith my skull + axe for the win.


2-1 for me.





Those where the five duels, I was pretty sure I was in the top 6 (only the first six got a decent prize).

I turned out to become 4th and my friend I came with became 6th, so we both got a prize. The prize was 1 MRL boosterpack. My friend drew crap. I opened my pack and guess what? Delinquent Duo, yay =D


Now, for the props and slops.



For my friend’s dad bringing us.

For getting a Jinzo and a Delinquent Duo.

For getting 4th.



For getting crap in my TP1 booster.

For guestions, tips to improve my deck, hate or love mail, you can always find me at