“Best of the Losers”

Siphon_X’s Wrath of Mayhem

C. Pecharka

Greentree Sportscards

Pittsburgh, PA


1st gets $15 store credit, Winner of the losers bracket gets $5 store credit


I have run the same deck for 4 weeks in a row.  After this week its time for a change. J


Wrath of Mayhem

Monsters: 17

  1. Jinzo
  2. Airknight Parshath
  3. Dark Ruler Ha Des (its definitely HEY-DEEZ, not HA-DEZ)
  4. Marauding Captain
  5. Marauding Captain
  6. “The Crow”
  7. Don Zaloog
  8. Don Zaloog
  9. Gemini Elf
  10. Luster Dragon
  11. Sangan
  12. Witch of the Black Forest
  13. Tribe Infecting Virus
  14. Exiled Force
  15. Goblin Attack Force
  16. Sinister Serpent
  17. Fiber Jar


Magic Cards: 15

  1. Raigeki
  2. Dark Hole
  3. Harpie’s Feather Duster
  4. Heavy Storm
  5. Pot of Greed (lets not be mean to the potheads)
  6. Graceful Charity
  7. Change of Heart
  8. Monster Reborn
  9. Mystical Space Typhoon
  10. Mystical Space Typhoon
  11. Mystical Space Typhoon
  12. Snatch Steal
  13. Premature Burial
  14. Delinquent Duo
  15. Forceful Sentry


Trap Cards: 8

  1. Imperial Order
  2. Ring of Destruction
  3. Magic Cylinder
  4. Mirror Force
  5. Call of the Haunted
  6. Torrential Tribute
  7. Drop Off
  8. Drop Off


OK, in my pack I got for entering, I pulled a Z Metal Tank.  Perfect, since I was going to use my XYZ deck.  My XYZ deck was influenced by many duelists across the country (I sought out other opinions), so I figured it would do well.  Before the tournament started, I played my friend Nick in a couple friendly duels and I found that I was very wrong.  I decided for the best, and I switched back to my Warrior/Disruption just in time for the first match to begin.

#1 – Me v. Rush (Warrior/Beatdown with a twist of Disruption)

This deck was almost an exact replica of my deck, except he skived out on Yata.  The first duel, it was close.  I gave him a good deal of hits with my Dons and Maraudings, but he finished it with Fiend Megacyber.  My brain is kinda foggy, so I don’t remember the LP count.

1.2 – Vengeance is not mine.  I was crushed in this duel; he just had it more put together.  Lucky for me, there was a loser’s bracket, so I decided to tell Gloria that I was to go to the loser’s bracket.  Hopefully I would claim the win there.


#1 of the losers bracket – Me v. some really nice guy (Dark Paladin deck)

Before the duel began, we had a friendly conversation about the world of YGO, and I found him to be a rather enjoyable person…he smiles a lot.

All I can say is – wow.  I don’t think he knew what cards were good for a DP deck (maybe he should visit Pojo?).  Sure, he had the dragons in his deck to boost DP up, but he certainly didn’t know how to work them into a deck.  I swarmed him with my Dons and my Gemini and just rushed him, but he finally got DP out in the latter half of the match.  Of course, he wasted his entire hand getting it out, but it got a nice boost of 2000 from the dragons… bah.  He attacked my Luster (yay another 500 to his DP!) and ended.  Luckily, summoning DP left him handless, and open to my Raigeki…  It all went downhill from there.

1.2 – Basically the same thing.  I brought out my Hades and stomped his Troop Dragon.  He drew Painful Choice and used it to enlarge the number of dragons to try and boost DP for later, but he never got a chance to seize that opportunity.  After I finished him off, he showed me his hand – 2 Polymerizations.  How useful.


An unexpected intermission awaited, like 35 minutes…  It was quite boring.


#2 of the losers bracket (do I have to say this every time?) – Me v. some kid (the worst I played all day – just a buster blader deck)

I don’t want to sound egotistical or mean, but I took this duel fast, and man did his kid suck.

#2.2 – Ditto.


#3 – Me v. Warrior/Beatdown (on a budget)

He only had one Marauding Captain…  His deck was quite good, had it not been littered with so many powerups.  It was hit back and forth until Hades showed him the door.  He regained control until I Raigekied and Locked with the Crow.  I kinda started a trend with the end results of this duel – 1100 (me) to 0 (him).

#3.2 – Bad Draws for him.

He started off with a decent amount of attackers; first I met GAF, then Gearfried, then an MC Hayabusa Axe of D. combo.  I then drew the instrument of his demise – Tribe Infecting Virus.  I used its effect 1, 2, 3…I dunno how many times.  I protected him with stuff like Magic Cylinder and high attackers, but as soon as I ran out of traps, he gave up and set a monster…  I’m thinking…why would he set his monster when I just have TIV on the field – Duh!  Its gotta be a Cyber or Fiber.  Unfortunately, TIV extinguished both of our hands, so we were topdecking.  I draw….HADES!  Can it get any better?  Yes it can!  After I cooked his fd Cyber (I was right!) it was his turn.  And he draws…HFD.  He slouches back in despair and shows me it.  If only he had that earlier.  I tried telling him he could have bluffed, but I knew I would have attacked anyways.

End result: Me 1100 (again???) Him 0   0_0


After this I mellowed out and watched the duel between the other semifinals of the losers bracket (Walker v. Forsythe), and I saw something funny.  The DP deck guy was playing YGO on his GBA, just being the nice guy and talking to everybody, and a kid walks up and tries ripping it off of his hands (another Forsythe, I believe).  It turns out that the Forsythe that was playing in the semis had his brother’s GBA for safekeeping, and gestured for his brother to take it. His brother turned beet red, took it, and stormed out of the playing area clutching his GBA WITHOUT APOLOGIZING!  At this, Walker stated that he didn’t even apologize and I started LMAO, and so did the DP deck guy.  He really must have a good nature and sense of humor.  I still can’t believe what a jerk Forsythe was to that guy.  I watched the last 5 minutes of the game, noting that Walker ran a Necrofear deck and Forsythe (the one in the duel) ran an Amazonness deck.  Walker finally took the match, so we went to the finals of the loser’s bracket.


#4 – Me v. Walker (hes a really good natured duelist who changes his deck like every week, but hes smart about his deck changes, and he has a Necrofear deck)

This was by far the best duel I had played today…  We exchanged hits until he got enough monsters into the grave to summon DN.  We had quite a show afterwards, with spectacular plays.  I played Raigeki, summoned my Don and attacked him.  I set MST.  He takes my Don, and he sacs it bfore I can play MST for Jinzo.  BAH!  He attacked, and let me go.  I played my Snatch Steal and attacked…he played Raigeki, and then he tried to bluff by setting two m/t fd.  I played MST on his one fd card, snatch steal.  (did he know that I had an MST fd, so he didn’t play his SS?)  Wow.  Now I know that he likes to bluff.  I summon my MC GAF combo and attack for game.

End result: Me 1100 (wat did I tell ya?) Him 0

#4.2 – The very best fiend in the game just locked him for the win.


In my final duel, I saw my dad and sister standing there, waiting for me to finish up, so I told Gloria and R. J. I won and I got a 1/E MFC pack with my store credit…blah, just a rare.  On my way out, R. J. Says, “Clayton,” (stresses my name), “You are the best loser we have.”  That’s the second time he said something like that, being the second time I won the losers bracket.  As a joke, Gloria handed my dad the bracket results and told him he could frame it.  Pish posh.

Time for props and slops!



Me winning the losers bracket for the second time (but I have won 1st 4 times)

The Crow+Hades for being the 2 greatest additions to my deck

Nick for letting me use his Shining Angel for my XYZ deck (thx anyways)

RJ and Gloria for having a sense of humor

Dad for taking me/picking me up




Pulling crap in all my packs

Kids for not trading me a Buster Blader or an unlimited Dark Paladin (blah)

XYZ for sucking so bad

Greentree Sportscards for having such high prices


To all in Pittsburgh area:  I am starting a team, Team Max Force One.  We only have 2 members, me and Nick, so if u want to join, just say so.  All are welcome.

Email: pyroboy72@hotmail.com

AIM:  mrfilbertiert

Thank you all,
