Deck Name: Big 'Ol Beatdown

Entry Fee: Free!!! (i really don’t care)

Location: Toys 'R' Us, MD

City: Baltimore

Date: 4/10/04


Hey, wazzup everyone, and heres another deck report for Toys 'R' Us and my Big 'Ol Beatdown. As you may know, i go to these tournaments on a weekly basis(i think there will be like 3 or 4 more tournys until there summer tournys). When i walked in today, there was almost everyone there(snoty brat and his bro). There were some show of brats at the end of the room, so i wanted to wip the butts. I asked the short one if he wanted to duel, and he said sure but only a tag-team with his friend(what a loser, cant defend himself). It turns out that this short guy was pretty good, but his friend was the one that sucked. I had one of my friends there to, his name was Jay. He goes to these yugioh geet togethers for the trades. He has a pretty good deck. He wants all of his 4 star monsters to have 1900 atk. I tell him what were up against(little kid got good cards), so we accept there challenge. So, duel 1 of today is a tagteam. But before all of this, i got some good cards!!!

Before the tourny or my duels started, i got all these good cards from this kid who was quiting yugioh, and i got:

-Goblin Attack Force

-Mataza the Zapper

-Injection Fairy Lily

-Mad Dog of Darkness

Wooh Hoo!!!


Monster Cards: 27


Summoned Skull x2

Mataza the Zapper x2

Exiled Force

Witch of the Black Forest


Gemini Elf

Penguin Soldier x2

Cyber Jar

Mad Dog of Darkness x3

Slate Warrior

Tribe-Infecting Virus

Injection Fairy Laly

Goblin Attack Force

Berserk Gorilla


Magic Cards: 14

Pot of Greed

Nobleman of Crossout

Dark Hole

Graceful Charity

Premature Burial


Monster Reborn

Mystical Space Typhoon x2

Change of Heart

Harpie’s Feather Duster

Axe of Despair

United We Stand


Trap Cards: 5


Mirror Force

Magic Jammer

Seven Tools of the Bandit

Magic Cylinder


Duel 1: me and jay vs. short good kid and sucky kid

For some strange reason these guys didnt play 2 rounds, so there was only 1 round.

Round 1: (the only one) I told Jay to consintrate on the weaker on, cause if one lost the team lost. I would take on the better guy. This guy had no 1800 monsters in his deck(he has all 1900 attacks). He has a serious beatdown. So thats what he was doing, beating me down. I sort of underestimated him. The, hale luya! I drew Raigeki! Best of all, he had Injection Fairy Lily on the feild. He only attacked my LP directly once, but i fended it of with Waboku. I reborn Lily and use effect, attack, and end. I look over at what Jay was doing with this other guy. It was a massicure. Jay was wiping his butt. I asked Jay how many LP his opponent had. He said 150. Then Jay declared an attack. Game. Set. Match.


Ok, this was weird. I was gaining a reputation for winning here, but i really dont want little kids with no experiance comeing up to me and asking for a duel(bad idea). This little kid with a big deck walked up to me and asks for a duel, so i say yes. Right before the duel, the snoty brat tells me to watch out.


Duel 2: me vs. really good little kid

Even though i win, this duel was close. It started out me with no good monsters and no traps, just a bunch of 1800 attackers. Really bad hand. Then he sets up the offence and attacks alot, until i have 200 LP! Then i finally get out a Summoned Skull and i do some damage. His offence is crumbling, and he's making stupid mistakes. Then, when i have Tribe, Skull, and Slate out, i attack, but when he draws, he surrenders. For some strange reason, we dont play a second round. I dont know why.


Duel 3: me vs. beatdown deck

Before i talk about this duel, i have to tell you about this guy. First of all, he beat me! He had just gotten a new deck the night before by his friends and he wanted to duel me. I got an ok hand: Nobleman, Darkhole, Reborn, and some other 1900 crap. He goes first and sets a card and a monster. I draw, Gemini, and i use nobleman his facedown monster, reborn it(Mad Dog of Darkness) sommon Gemini, and attack for 3800. Ok start. I forgot the good part when he kills me, but i know he had lots of 1900 attackers. i start to build a defense, but he uses puinguin soldier:-(. He attacks for game.


Guys, im REALLY sorry that i didnt have many duels to report, but these were the best duels i duels i dueled here. The rest we pushovers. Im gonna start to go to this place called CareFree Collectables to there tourny where ya have to pay $10. These gonna be good duels there!!! Until them, cya!!!