butchys comics
kalamazoo, mi
29 may, 04
I don't know how many people.
Lava Golem
Revival Jam
Lord Poison
Dark Jeroid
Byser Shock
Great Maju Garzette
Mystic Tomato
Dragged Down Into the Grave
Delinquent Duo
Harpie's Feather Sweep
Heavy Storm
Dark Hole
Pot of Greed
Graceful Charity
Mirage of nightmares
Mystical Space Typhoon [3]
Poison of the Old Man [2]
Snatch Steal
Change of Heart
Monster Reborn
Painful Choice
Premature Burial
Imperial Order
Nightmare Wheel
A Hero Emerges
Call of the haunted
Holly Barrier - Mirror Force
Magic Cylinder
Torrential Tribute
Coffin Seller
Fatal Abacus
Total: Count and find out.
Round one [I v.s. Brandone]
Brandon went first, playing a card face down, and Shinning angle in attack mode.   My Go, I draw my first five. I played Dark Hole/Monster reborn on Shinning angle.. and played Newdoria in attack mode. Attack directly with both, and set MST. 2600 direct. He drew.. Played a card face down, and put down a noblman of extermination on my face down MST. However, I chained it to destroy his face down Imperial order. Then, he dark holed, and ended. ..I drew, and set CotH. He drew, set a card, and ends. I drew, flipped over Coth, bringing back newdoria, tributing it for Bysershock. He activated Torrential Tribute. I had Raigeki in hand. End turn, he drew. ..SUmmoned Mystic Tomato and attacke dfor 1400. I drew.. and ended. I was still in the lead. ..SO now, he tributes Tomato for Vampire Lord, and attacks me directly. I send Mirage of Nightmares to the cemetery. I draw, set mirror force, and end. He summoned Marauding Captain, summoned Slate Warrior, and attack direct. I. of course activated MIrror force. ..He ended up killing me with V.L.
Next round, I went first. I set Nightmare Wheel, Coffin Seller, and Mirror Force. Summoned Drillago, and end.   He drew, activating MST hitting my Nightmare Wheel. I chained Coffin Seller to it. He summoned witch--forest, slapping an axe of despair to it. He attacked, and I activate Mirror force, destroying his monster. He lost an early 300. ..I think he put Vampire Lord into his hand from Forest Witch. I drew, and tribute my Drillago For Helpoemer. I attack directly with Helpoemer.. and set call of the haunted. I ended, he drew. he played Raigeki. How typical.. so next, he plays Monster Reborn on Forest Witch, tributing her for Vampire Lord. He used her effec to get something like mystic tomato or shinning angle. Then, he tries to attack me directly with Lord, so I activate CotH on Helpoemer, slamming it into Vampire Lord, activating it's effect. He lost 300, and discarded Dark hole. My go, I draw Granadora. Summoned it, and attacked him directly. I set poison of the old man, and end. He draws, and plays Confiscation. I win.

Next round went in my favor. He went first, and summoned Shinning angle, and another spell or trap card. I draw, and he activates his Drop Off... again. So, I have to discard Dragged down into the grave. I play Delinquent Duo, getting rid of Harpie's Feather duster and Vampire Lord. We had an argument about if he would come back or not, and, I won. ..So, now, I play Monster reborn on Vampire lord, tributing him for Great Maju Garzette.. 4000 attack one tribute. Nice.  I raigeki, and attack directly. His go, he plays a card face down, and ends. I draw.. and play pot of greed. I play MST on his face down Magic Cylinder, and play Granadora in attack mode.. for overkill.
 I win first round.
Round two [I v.s. Nathan]
(sorry, but I did duel 4 other people. I skipped ahead to the final match.) Alright, how Nathan got here, I don't know. ..Cheated probably. We shuffled each other's decks, and drew our first five. I went first, and played Nightmare Wheel and Torrenital Tribute face down, and summoned Newdoria. He went, and played 3 ookazi, and a poison of the old man. ..then, he plays Dark Hole, and Monster Reborn's my newdoria, and set a monster. I took the 1200. My go, I summon Drillago. Then, I tribute Newdoria and his covered Des Koala for Lava Golem. And attacked directly for 1600 with drillago. Then, I set coffin seller and ended. He drew, took 1000, and set another monster. Then, he attacked with my lava Golem.. where now I activate Nightmare Wheel. (picture a large glump of incinerating lava on a wheel.. hm..). He sets a s.t and ends. I draw, he takes 500. I activate Graceful Charity, discarding Granadora and Dragged down into the grave. Then, I play harpie's feather duster, and summon Byser shock by offering drillago, only to be braught back with premature burial. I attack directly with drillago. I end. He draws, and takes another 1000, to which i activate poison of the old man, dealing 800 more. He plays some card that destroys all monsters on his field, and inflicts .300 each to me for each one, or something. and ends.
..okay. I summon Bowganian.. with Black Pendant, attacking for game. I won the tournament.. woo.