Store:Sydney Game’s Centre, Sgc
Result:Came 4th
Number of people
Nuber Of Card’s in my deck:41
Deck Type:Hand destruction
(Monster’s: (17)
(Sacrifice’s: (2)
1).Vampire Lord (Ohhh yeah
2).Jinzo (Unstopable)
3)Pyramid Turtle (Need Vampire Lord
out early)
4).Witch Of the Black forest (we all know why)
5).Breaker the
magical warrior (mst effect YES!)
6).Reflect bounder (You can take
7).Don zaloog (hand or deck?)
8).Sinister serpant
9).Fiber jar ( Here we go again)
10).Gemini elf (Brute
11).Goblin attack force(Maximum brute strength)
Infecting Virus(Tribute to the doomed effect cool)
13).Sangan(Can’t get
14). Injection Fairy Lily(Don’t know what id do without this
15).Yata-Garasu (peck!peck!)
16).D.D warrior lady(Remove
17).Magican Of faith(Free magic card no way!?!)
(Spell’s/Magic’s: (17)
18).Graceful Charity (Staple)
19).pot of greed
(drawing power)
20).delinquent duo (ofcourse)
21).Mystical space typhoon
22).raigeki (Best magic in the game!)
23).Premature burial
24).The forceful sentry (can I see that)
25).Heavy storm
(all gone)
26).dark hole (everything gone)
27).nobleman of crossout (field
28).Change of heart (thanks ill take that for
29).confiscation (more hand control)
30).Monster reborn (Ill
31).Harpies feather duster (Raigeki of the m/t
32).Snatch steal (ill keep that for a while)
(Trap’s: (7)
1).Magic cylinder (REVERSE!)
2).Ring of destruction
3).Call of the haunted (Another rebornation card)
4).Mirror force (Attack
really truly?)
5).Torrential tribute (Dark hole trap card version)
off (Wait! that card is gone)
7).Imperial order (Grizzled old man)
Ok Down to it so I get there and the place is packed this was the 3rd
regional’s held
At Sydney games centre and it was biggest one so far there
were 101 people there when I got there for rego.After I registered I sat down
and tried to make a few trades (unsuccessful) I tried finding my friend’s denny
and mark to see what they where up to but I had then found out that denny will
be judging the tournament for the day (GETTM! STEVE DAVE!) he’s supposedly a
level 1 judge. Finally they call time and it’s time to start. So they put the
pairing’s up on the coke machine on the way I figured it’s first round they
would probably pair me up with a little kid (I was right)
Marko(me) vs Little kid???
So we start and my hand is a magic
packed zone I had from memory I believe change of heart, heavy storm,
confiscation and I think it was nobleman so I won the flip so I decided to let
the kid go first he set 2 m/t fd and played harpies brother in attack mode. I
draw and it’s a drop of darn and at the time the only monster I had was magician
of faith so I opened with heavy storm and set drop off fd he played I believe a
spellbinding circle and some other crap card fdi continued on with magican and
confiscation his hand was pretty bad 2 fissure’s I played drop off and got rid
of his bpt tinzo lucky me he attack and I got back confiscationt and this is
where it ended next draw I drew lily and pounded his harpies I new he had
fissure I didn’t care I was pretty cofedent he would draw crap as he did my next
draw phase I drew a yata of all cards which I slammed down. the kid surrendered
after I explained to him the effect.
(1st duel 2)
Not much to say but locked again unfortunately
(OUCH!) poor kid
After that short round I went to check out how my cousin was doing me and
him made the deck that im using together he was using another deck we had made
well he had also one with no problem’s so did mark and a couple of my other
(2nd round)
Marko vs Jenniffer lam
Ohh this was perfect this chic
beat my ass so hard last time I duelled her and I was really really scared she
had a pumped deck so we started and I won the toss praying for my hand
destruction card’s early yes forceful sentry I have to say my hand was smoking!
I had a ring snatch mystical space don pot and forceful I played pot and drew a
gobblin and I think either witch or sangan one of the 2 so I played forceful and
had a good look at her hand ill never forget it she had kuriboh her own snatch
and 3 other monsters useless ones I picked her kuriboh believe it or not and set
ring and mystical and summoned sangan or witch I still don’t remember and ended
she set 1 m/t damn I didn’t want to waste mystical but I had to so I did and it
was a woboku lucky me and she summoned pyramid turtle which was in her hand
earlier and I remembered her stratergy from last time V-Lord dang so I chained
ring blew it away as fast as I could I was happy I felt at ease that I had a
clear field so I thought ill take the chance now I drew a breaker and thought ok
ill hold that for now and summoned the old gobblin attack force (JACKSON!) and
beasticed her for about 3400 and I ended with only snatch in my hand it was her
turn and I believe she top decked a spear dragon because I didn’t see it before
so she summoned it and played snatch on my goblin and attacked oww eeee ok she
killed my witch which I used to get out my favourite card lily I thought ill use
it on her since I had a plan I drew a heavy storm yippe for me which I firmly
slammed down and got my goblin back then I had a scuffle with her that I
couldn’t turn goblin and I told her that I could so finally she understood and
we continued I summoned my breaker this turn and thought ok ill win this now if
I keep a steady head I played snatch on her spear and thought ok pray no
kuribohs I said I attack and she says “ok you win that’s game” thrilled with joy
I shuffled the deck and was ready to beat her again …
(2nd Round duel 2)
Ok she decided to go first my hand was alright jinzo
lily harpies raigeki dark hole good field clearance but a imperial order would
kill me damn she went by play a monster fd and 1 m/t fd of my turn need a good
card breaker ok that’s good I could use this I thought ok so I played harpies
and closed my eyes I heard no chain when I looked up a ring was all by its
lonesome in the grave yes good now raigeki and here it comes yeah lily
(Inspirational music) Da Da Da Daaaaaaaaa ok so I attack and pump yippeeee 3400
to you what do I see kuriboh floating to the graveyard SHREEEEEEEEEEEEECH
darn 2000 for nothing I thought it was over but a few turns later it was I
victorious at the end of the duel we shook hands and I explained to her how I
had never mentally recovered from the defeat she gave me or had my other friends
who were also beaten by her last regionals (Im looking at you steave
After that I told all my friend’s which they all
congragulated me on thanx guys heeeeeeeeeheheheheh now I was pumped and
ready Lets! Duel!
(3rd Round)
Marko vs newbie (Sorry dude)
Ok I see the pairings and I
see that im sitting next to my cousin vangle ok someone to talk to if I loose or
win ok I get there about 5 mins before he does ok I thought lets sought the deck
(shuffle) bascically he gets there and hes about my age I thought ok lets
see what I’ve got in my hand at the time he decided to go first since he wont
the toss ok first what gave me the impression he was a newb was no sleeves sorry
but no serious duelists duels without sleeves so we get started and he sets 2
m/t fd I have a counter he he harpies and a mystical just incase if imperial is
there fd so opend with a harpies and I remember me having a change of heart
waiting in the wings and a d.d in my hand the only monster by my recall so all
his magic traps are gone one card I have never seen played before I have it its
only common but I have never read what it does don’t ask me what it does its
like a fissure not (Widespread ruin) some pgd crap anyway that and I believe
trap hole so I summon d.d and he says can I see that man I thought the guy was
brought up in a cave andyway I attack for 1500 his turn he defends and ends I
thought ok easy prey for my change of heart and what card to draw better than a
jinzo ok so change of heart sac it jinzo attack with d.d and jinzo his fd by the
way was a penguin soldier typical so next turn defending good I thought, I have
him stuck….i draw……..yes dark hole just incase ok d.d attacks eyes shut! Reaper!
Spirit reaper remove jinzo attacks he draws and surrenders phew good lets go
round 2
After that I check with vangel sitting next to me and looks like they
were already going in to round 3 I had a look over at who he was doing a little
annoying brat anyway I had my own delemass at mind I looked over at my opponent
and he was just making changes with his sidedeck ok he was ready
(3rd Round duel 2)
Well not much to say but beat him with the old
beatsticks goblin jinzo lily
After that duel I was relaxed I had 15 mins left in the round to relax
vangel had lost to the little chineese kid who I swore to get my revenge on for
my cousin well 15 mins and 2 cokes later I was ready for round 4 who was next I
went to check damnit this guy is good I’ve beaten him before but he gave me a
long one so round 4 here we go!
(4th Round)
Marko vs I forget?????
Well he won the toss dam I suck
at the toss so he goes first pot of greed opening very annoying I hate it
because I never get pot or graceful well he goes and sets 2 m/t and enraged
battle ox in attack mode?????????? Bad move anyway my turn I draw my 6th card
and its woooopeee a dark hole which I play he plays nothing enraged goes to the
grave so then I continued on with mystical space on 1 of the fd’s which was a
fake trap lol ok then I summon the very loyal and brutal goblin attack force
which I use as bait to attack flips the fd! SCAPEGOAT! Baaaaaaa ok 1 down 3 to
go I also set a call of the haunted and a ring fd his turn sets another fd m/t
damn and summons dark blade you know the normal rare from mfc 1800 attack yeah
he didn’t see much play he slammed into my ring hello! Ok he ends his turn I
draw a monster reborn ok scapegoat no point but then I thought lets play a combo
I play monster reborn on his enraged and set my magician ok attack his scapegoat
he goes ok I thought good but I didn’t see him calculate the damage because of
enrageds effect so I told him and he first got confused so I explained and then
he realized ok so 1700 to him his turn he plays his own dark hole ok im fine
with that and flips his fd card which is premature burial don’t ask me why he
set it and got back his blade and sacked for dark ruler damn not the fd please
luckily he destroyed goblin my turn needed a miracle heart of the card’s yes
lily ok I summoned her and played a big combo flipped the fd magician and got
back monster reborn and flipped call of the haunted and got back goblin then
played monster reborn on his dark blade ok here we go party time I just got
ready to say attack and he said yeah that’s game yes ok next one.
(4th Round duel 2)
Now he looked pissed and I was shaking I could feel a
defeat coming on till I saw my hand ha ha raigeki don delinquent forceful and
mirror force finally fo he set 1 m/t and he defended with a monster ok I draw
and trusty old mystical space ok field clearance time (does that sound like
something the power rangers would say???????)anyway I play raigeki waiting for a
chain nope sangan gone he gets the effect magician I could smell a chaos anyway
mystical spaced the fd and offcourse the 1 the only fake trap so don goes in for
an attack goody free card but he was gone anyway I oppend like that so I
wouldn’t have to use forceful so I destroyed 1 card witch was a dust tornado oh
brother and then delinquent and then forceful well I was spent, down to 1 card
in my hand mirror force his turn pot of greed and then listen to this graceful
charity to come on he’s bending the rules he dumps of his sinister and thinks
his smart by settin a fd monster and a m/t again my turn I draw a nobleman now
my turn I activate it nope imperial ordered darn it he was waiting for something
I could tell so I attack nothing to loose magicican 2nd one ok pots back his
turn he draws and lets out a little grin I thought now what he removes for black
luster soldier envoy of the beginning damn it and this was a good move I
think he new I had some deadly trap so he just removed don ok my turn topdecking
time yes! Pot ok to great ass cards change of heart and monster reborn he had
dumped in his deck a jinzo earlier for delinquent I thought goodie I had a plan
so I played change of heart on his black luster and he says wait If I chain my
dust tornado to your change of heart you don’t get my luster and I said you cant
and I explained it to him so I played monster reborn on jinzo and got his luster
then I said ill attack with both pretty predictable then I said ill remove black
luster which again he didn’t understand I could do so after the judge said I
could he surrendered showing me a hand filled with nothing but a dark ruler and
a jinzo of his own and his next top deck was mystical space as where mine was a
witch a long one that was………………after that duel I got some air and it was
time for round 5 already!
(5th Round)
Marko vs Fat annoying kid
Now this was the little kid
that beat my cousin earlier so I was ready to get his revenge for him from what
I saw from his deck previously he was running a xyz crap deck so I thought….coin
toss he won as usual I always lose the toss he opens with a m/t fd and a monster
in def my turn I draw crap all monsters goblin witch lily magician and a tribe
bad bad hand I draw and its dark hole ok first magic field clearance I play it
imperialed dang! Ok so I set magican and I end his turn doesn’t pay pot GRACEFUL
which was the same combo he used against my cousin this kid doesn’t shuffle he
just does one quick little shuffle and that’s it well anyway he gets rid of a
dragon cannon and some other crap and summons the 1800 attack cannon and flips
his fd d.d and attack with the cannon my fd magican ill get back dark hole so he
end’s my turn I draw as usual more crap and a turn earlier sorry forgot to
mention he set 2 m/t fd anyway I draw a sinister and play dark hole I put witch
down and he triggers call of the haunted d.d ok damn no search by the looks of
it his turn he plays another dragon thing and reborns one he plays some combo
and removes my witch and slams me now my turn I felt uneasy as if I was done for
I drew a nobleman now I get one I summon tribe chains his annoying ring I
surrendered MY FIRST! LOSS!
(5th Round Duel 2)
Ok now there was no room for error I got ready and as
usual the kid didn’t do a proper shuffle one lap and it was over I selected to
go first this time so off I went my opening was good breaker sinister pot snatch
call and nobleman I played pot I thought I had this in the bag trust me I draw a
mystical space and cylinder I set sinister and placed cylinder and mystical fd
and ended hist turn pot of greed and GRACEFUL CHARITY again I was really pissed
the guy was deffenetley cheating but I thought I had a pretty good hand so I
continued he dumped a sinister and a shinning angel plays harpies dang I needed
those too but anyway he summons the dragon head and lays to m/t fd and attacks
sinister ok ill get that back my turn I draw d.d warrior lady ok that’s not to
bad I play snatch I thought Id do some damage nope MYSTICAL SPACE the kid rigged
his deck badly so ok I set my d.d and set call and ended here comes the same
combo as before the combo with the dragon cannons the same combo as in the last
duel ok I had d.d set up the effect of this cannon thing is if you discard one
card destroy 1 fd m/t he did so ok call is gone and attacked my fd ok remove
good clear field I drew mystical ok Ill do that his fd cylinder ok and I
attacked with breaker I felt safer now ok he set’s another m/t and a fd monster
ok my turn I had nobleman and I drew a storm I used storm darn it imperial ok so
I attacked his witch he got out fiber jar his turn he plays reborn on his angel
slams into it and gets out some strong defense cannon ok my turn he says he ends
so I draw mirror force set it and end and this is where I lost when the newb
ended his turn he didn’t tell me that he set a fd monster and I didn’t see it I
was so deep in concentration and I go hold on did you set a fd monster and I
said you didn’t declare because no matter what move you make you have to declare
moves clearly and this kid was mumbling and I go wait I get to make my move
since I didn’t see that fd card and he says to late you already ended so me like
an idiot I let him go and he flipped fiber his turn he didn’t summon he opens
with a cannon and plays deminsion fusion all I had was dd he played
another combo got back all these monsters and I had to surrender it was over my
first loss again
After that duel I sat there sulking with my deck and trying to understand
how I lost I thought ow well win some loose some after the duel I went and saw
how vangel was doing he was versing mark one of my friends usually he beats him
but the deck was running bad that day it was all over the place so mark won ok I
sat down made a few adjustments and was ready for round 6
(6th Round)
Marko vs Denny phung
I was happy I was versing one of
my friends atleast I didn’t have to be serious well I beat him down pretty quick
with lily and all these other combos in the first round mainly I used goblin and
lily and pounded his lps
(6th Round Duel 2)
This round was similar to the first accept it took al
little longer he got black luster on the field and attacked twice which was ok
because I had in my hand a snatch steal which I used to take his black luster
and attack with him and jinzo for the game sorry denny.
Well that was fun I thought now the best I could come is 8th or something I
was pissed I wanted to kill that annoying brat Ill get my revenge on him now
onto the final round
(7th Round)
Marko vs Friendly guy
This guy might I add beat my
friend mark in an earlier duel with a combo with scapegoat and united we stand
anyway I went second lost the toss grrrrrr he set 1 m/t and summoned a thunder
nyan nyan ok my turn stormed him dark hole and I think I beatsticked him for a
while with Gemini after a couple of slams with Gemini soon after I got witch and
a don on the field and he surrendered
(7th Round Duel 2)
Ok now this guy really wanted to make it to the
nationals really really bad and I thought ok that’s sounds fair enough but I
didn’t want to loose I had already qualified to regionals earlier but it was now
just to get a good ranking ok he went first and opened with 2m/t and his own
luster in attack mode my turn I had all monsters again breaker goblin lily jinzo
nobleman and a sinister ok so I played goblin and attacked cylindered ouch! Ok
his turn snatch summoned a witch and slammed me I had nothing I drew a magican I
(7th Round duel 3)
Ok now I was mad ok I went first confiscation
forceful got a good insight to his hand and I had planned out his next move I
got rid of his harpies and his raigeki I summoned witch set ring and ended his
turn nyan nyan in attack mode and he set his I believe it was a bluff because
the only magic he had in his hand was his united we stand he set that don’t know
why so I ringed his nyan nyan and it was my turn I had jinzo so I played the
mystical that was in my hand and I was right united and I summoned jinzo by
sacing witch and getting out my tribe hist turn he set a monster and ended I
played Gemini and I attack the fd with Gemini and it was magican got back his
united since I returned his raigeki to his deck he summoned his luster dragon #2
and equipped and attacked my jinzo fine by me I drew premature burial and I new
I had it in the bag got back jinzo summoned tribe he was gone he gave up
After that I made him feel better by saying that if people here have
already qualified for regionals and are in higher spots then him they have to
give there spot in regionals to him since they have already qualified this guy
was coming 5th at the time so I was sure he would qualify he went away smiling
Finally it was over and it was time for the boosters I came in 4th not bad
better than my last regional’s I got 11 boosters I think, in one was a manticore
of darkness! That I really badly wanted at the time and some other crap like
necrovalley and a mrl relinquished well now on to the prop’s and slop’s
- Me getting my revenge on jennifer lam
- Getting
a manticore of darkness
- Coming in 4th
- loosing
to a little kid
- Vangel loosing to a little kid
- Not coming
(Comment to the people)
People who read this sorry about my neverending