Date - 10/23/04
Number of Participants - 8
Format - Advanced
Prizes -
1st - 3 SoD packs
2nd - 2 SoD packs
3rd & below - 1 SoD pack
Location - Illusion's Gaming Store, Salisbury, Maryland
Hey all. I'm James, I run a Chaos deck that mainly relies on Creature Swap
to get me out of jams.
I live in Greenwood, Delaware which is 45 minuets away but this is the
closest place with the best prizes around.
This place runs advanced format, for which I am thankful cause I want to
practice as much as possible for regionals.
Deck List - 40
Monster's - 17
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of The Beginning
Dark Magician of Chaos
Reflect Bounder
Breaker The Magical Warrior
Tribe-Infecting Virus
D.D. Warrior Lady- X3
Don Zaloog
Shining Angel
Exiled Force
Cyber Jar
Fiber Jar
Magical Scientist
Spirit Reaper
Sinister Serpent
Spell's - 13
Pot of Greed
Creature Swap - X2
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
The Forceful Sentry
Pre-Mature Burial
Snatch Steal
Change of Heart
Painful Choice
Trap's - 10
Ring of Destruction
Call of The Haunted
Dust Tornado - X3
Torrential Tribute
Magic Drain - X2
Magic Cylinder
Fusion Deck - 19
Dark Flare Knight - X3
Sanwitch - X3
Dark Balter The Terrible - X3
Ryu Senshi - X3
Fiend Skull Dragon
Ojama King - X3
Thousand-Eyes Restrict - X3
Side Deck - 15
Hallowed Life Barrier - X3
Nobleman of Crossout - X2
Swords of Revealing Light
D.D. Desigantor - X2
Waboku - X2
Big Burn
Injection Fairy Lily
Mobius The Frost Monarch
Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer - X2
This was one of the shorter tournaments we've had but we have certainly
done worse..
Round 1
Me Vs. Newbie
This duel was short and sweet, he was still learning so I told him when he
made a mistake, but I just beat him as I went.
See Duel-1
Round 2 - Semi-Finals
Me Vs. Byran
This guy was decent, he lacked power cards though which put him at a
serious disadvantage in this particularly competitive store. I countered his
moves as he plaid them and killed him by first Cylindering his Axed Hayabusa
then Ringing it.
This went similarly with a slight twist, now he was playing defensivly only
I easily took out his set cards with mainly a Scientist or Creature Swap.
Round 3 - Finals
Me Vs. Chase
Duel 1
Chase is realy good. He runs a Relinquished deck that has has trashed me a
time or two. he kept on absorbing my defenses and killing me...
Duel 2
Now I was ready for him I side-decked in my Waboku's and Mobius because of
his darned Gravity Bind's..
I got lucky by getting out Black Luster early and demolishing him from
Duel 3
This was a loong duel. we both matched each other tit for tat and he kept
on defending with gravity bind, finally I got out mobius, flipped scientist and
took out his all his monster and spell and trap defenses, next turn I killed
I won. ^_^
I pulled Horus LV 8 from my packs and that only made me happier!!
Me winning
Pulling Horus LV 8
Dueling with a Newbie, guess I can't help that..
The long duel against Chase....took forever..... -_-
Thanks for reading!
if you wish to contact me or duel with me my information is as
AIM - MysteryeliteX
I like to duel on-line through AIM or on YVD so feel free to contact
James Andrews Maloney VII