subject:dark magician's assault
name:marik(a.k.a. zak)
place quality collectibles jasper,alabama
# of people:15
entry fee:$4
well this is the 2nd tourney report that i've written(the 1st one being in august of last year). since then i havent been doing that good in tourneys. well this time something happend. here's what went down...
i was almost late for the tourney cause my grandmother was staying with me and my parents and sis, and it took her a while to get ready. anyways i got to the tourney with time to spare. when i got there i started looking for another spear dragon and an armed dragon lv7. unfortunately i couldnt get either so i went with my original deck. here it is.
sorcerer of dark magic x1
black luster soldier-envoy of the beginning x1
dark magician x2
jinzo x1
soear dragon x1
archfiend soildier x3
reflect bounder x1
double coston x2
tribe-infecting virus x1
d.d. warrior lady x2
shining angel x2
cyber jar x1
magician of faith x1
kuribo x1
sinister serpent x1
spirit reaper x1
exchange x1
premature burial x1
mystical space typhoon x1
change of heart x1
snatch steal x1
heavy storm x1
swords of revealing light x1
nobleman of crossout x1
painful choice x1
fissure x1
pot of greed x1
ring of destruction x1
torrential tribute x1
call of the haunted x1
dust tornado x1
sakuretsu armor x2
trap hole x1
waboku x2
well there it is in all its glory.anyways the tourney started at 1 and i was pared up with andrew. i kid who had beat me before so i wasnt sure what to expect.
round 1
andrew vs. me
1st match
this one started out pretty quick with me blocking everything he threw at me. i ended it with the soldier.( sorry cant remember any LP)
2nd match
samething happened here
round 2
seth vs. me
this kid is so annoying because he takes so long to make any move.
match one
this one ended in a tie because of fiber jar and ring of destruction.
match 2
i destroyed him with my d. magician
match 3
round 3
while i was waiting for the finals i decided to trade the judge for a total defense shogan. and got it.
round 4 (finals)
charles vs. me
match 1
all i remember is beating him with a dark magician and 2 shining angels
match 2
this time i used black luster soldier to beat him
round 5
ben vs. me
last time i faced this kid i won
match 1
he fibered me but i won anyway with my magic and trap cards
match 2
he beat me big time
match 3
he got me down to 900 lp, but i brought out jinzo and won
round 6
??? vs. me
ive never faced this guy but i knew he was good.
match 1
he beats me bad
match 2
i manage to pull of a win with archfiends
match 3
i won with d. magician and other 1900 monstere
well i ended up winning the tourney. oh before i forget its time for props and slops.
winning the tournement
pulling prarallel version of mind on air 
pulling needle burrower
my mom embarrassing me when she picked me up(im only 14)
well thats it. have any questions, tips, or suggestions just e-mail me at till next time, keep dueling.