Deck Name:



Rogan Cote

Tournament Location:

A & B's Sports Cards and Collectables,

Webster, NY

Deck Composition



Tyrant Dragon

Cyber jar

Goblin attack force

Goblin attack force

Spear dragon

Spear dragon


Witch of the black forest

Breaker the magical warrior

Magical Scientist

Tribe-infecting virus

Don zaloog

Exiled Force


Thousand-eyes restrict

Reaper on the nightmare

Dark flare knight

Fiend skull dragon

Ryu senshi

Roaring ocean snake

Roaring ocean snake

Roaring ocean snake

Punished Eagle

Rabid horseman

Rabid horseman


Harpies feather duster

Heavy storm

Mystical space typhoon

Mystical space typhoon


Dark hole

Change of heart

Snatch Steal

Monster Reborn

Premature burial

Pot of Greed

Graceful charity

Mirage of nightmare


Delinquent duo


Drop off

Drop off

Drop off

Mirror Force

Magic Cylinder

Ring of destruction

Imperial order

Side deck:


Total: 40 cards + 11 fusions

Tournament Re-cap

Note: this place doesn't play by the banns and has some site specific rules for tournaments, they are

  1. MST and Dust tornado can negate spell card effects
  2. You can sac your opponents monsters for Moisture Creature
  3. Waboku can't be used offensively
  4. RoD can be activated during the damage step.

That's all for the rules, now on to the report

Round one- Control V.S. Obscure

This duel was really easy; he got an early shot off with my don and his Celtic guardian. After that I only lose life points due to Delinquent

Me: 8000-5200-4200

Him: 8000-4200-400-0

Round two he kept playing on the defense so I fished out Scientist with Sangan

And it was all over for there.

Me: 8000-5800-4800-2800

Him: 8000-5800-3900-3400-0

Round Two- Control V.S. Mess of nothing

This was really sad his deck had like 70 cards and 2 spells in the whole lot

The only damage I took was form confiscation. Other was I owned him with tyrant dragon.

Me: 8000-7000

Him: 8000-6100-3800-2300-0

The second duel tool like 30 seconds. He never touched me.

Me: 8000

Him: 8000-6600-4300-3900-0

That's 2 wins for me so I'm in the semis.


Control V.S. Hybrid beat down

I have to play my friend John; he runs an incredible hybrid deck. Its all most the same as mine except with more beat down.

The first duel was really easy my control strategy took effect quickly and I beat him with my Jinzo and Tyrant dragon.


Him: 8000-6600-5100-1700-0

The second time was more difficult he got his control going first and I was deck toping, I won by using reviving and sacing Spear dragon to bring back tyrant and threw out Imperial order.


Him: 8000-6600-3200-1400-400-0

After making it to the finals I went to watch the other semifinal match. It

Was Ben ( Hybrid ) V.S. Jeff ( Chaotic Beatdown )

This duel was really close Ben uses cards like Robin goblin and zombie with archfiend Soldiers and Gorillas. Jeff uses Orcs  ,Yata , and Chaos Emperor Dragon.

The First duel Jeff won easy the second went to Ben. The third Jeff had the upper hand but Ben came with a come form behind victory.

So now I face Ben in the finals.

Final Match: Control V.S. Hybrid

The First duel I won with Jinzo and Scientist took down his fiber with Fiend Skull dragon. No flip effects HA!

Me: 8000-6100-5100-4600-3500

Him: 8000-5800-3400-1900-800-0

The second duel was more challenging, I had to bring out Jinzo , Scientist and Tyrant Dragon to win.

Me: 8000-7300-6300-5600-2600

Him: 8000-5700-5400-400-0

Yah! I win the tournament and get $12 for first place.

This makes my 3rd Win here.

Until next time keep dueling and keep wining.

For any advice on my deck e-mail me using