Engines of Creation

Adam Goulden

Odyssey 2000

Halifax, N.S., Canada

Aug. 28, 2004

A few people showed whom I had not seen in a while. Overall, there had to be between 25-30 people there, as usual. ...so much noise... oy.

For the first time in months, Rob appeared. I know him only by that name. No last name, no complete first name... like most people at the tournaments. Just the one name yeah-I-know-who-you-mean thing.

My machine deck didn’t change much. I’m really excited about the upcoming sets that focus a lot on machine cards. Give me a Perfect Machine King and a Machine Reproduction Factory and I’m happy.

My Deck (anyone get the title reference?):

Tribies (3):


Machine King

Airknight Parshath


Specials (2):

CED: Envoy

Chaos Sorceror


Monsters (15):

X-head Cannon x3

Y-dragon Head x2

Z-metal Tank x2

Reflect Bounder


Cannon Soldier

Cyber Raider (a surprise for people who use equips)

Breaker the Magical Warrior

Cyber Jar

Witch of the Black Forest

Magician of Faith


Spell (14):


Dark Hole

Pot of Greed

Graceful Charity

Limiter Removal x2

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

MST x2

Snatch Steal

Change of Heart

Harpies Feather Duster

Heavy Storm


Trap (7):

Mirror Force

Mirror Wall

Torrential Tribute

Call of the Haunted

Imperial Order


Magic Cylinder


Fusion (4):

XYZ-Dragon Cannon

XY-Dragon Cannon

XZ-Tank Cannon

YZ-Tank Dragon


Sidedeck (15):

Barrel Dragon

The Fiend Megacyber

Vampire Lord


Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x2

Nobleman of Crossout x2

Mystical Plasma Zone

Sakuretsu Armor

Offerings to the Doomed


Kinetic Soldier

Ring of Destruction

Ka-2 Des Scissors


When I got there, it was brought to my attention that we could no longer trade inside the store during the tournaments. We had to leave our binders and such behind the counter. All I can say is, that binder better still be there with EVERY SINGLE CARD IN IT.




Adam, Engines of Creation vs. Kadeem, Oddly structured beatdown


I had never seen him before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. He had some good moves, but some bad cards, and bad timing. It seemed like it wanted to be trap dependent.

Round 1

I went first. I drew my opening hand and got MST, Raigeki, Y-dragon, CotH, and Breaker. I drew and got X as my 6th. I set CotH and summoned Breaker. He MST’d my Call, set a monster and some m/t. I drew CoH and used it on his facedown Aswan Spirit. Heh heh, if it does damage, I can place a trap in my graveyard on top of my deck. I used Breaker’s counter to break one of his facedowns and MST’d another. I attacked with both and put CotH on top of my deck. He took back Aswan and immediately put it in defense mode. He set an m/t and ended. I drew my CotH, set it, and summoned Y... some time passes, and I’ve been hit for 2100 somehow (?!). I have X and Y on the field, and Snatch Steal in my hand. His Aswan is still his only monster. He used a Compulsory Evacuation Device to pop Y back into my hand, during my main phase, before I had summoned... why? I re-summon Y, snatch Aswan and attack twice in successive turns for the kill.

Me: 8000-5900

Him: 8000-5900-2100-0

Round 2

He lets me go first, and I get Airknight, Cyber Raider, Dark Hole, Bong and Z. This round went pretty fast. I used the Bong of Greed and got Breaker and Waboku. I summoned Z and set Waboku. He holed summoned something. His attack met my Waboku. I followed up with my own Dark Hole, summoned Breaker and attacked directly. Later, I got my Airknight and X on the field for a massive direct attack. He responded by playing an Opticlops with Yami to beat my Airknight and X in the next few turns. I ultimately ended it by playing Raigeki, then Cyber Raider with a limiter removal for the win.

Me: 8000-7900

Him: 8000-6100-2400-0

One win in the bucket. Let us move on, shall we?


Adam, Engines of Creation vs. Gallone, Well formed Buster Blader deck


Gallone comes to just about every tourney, but I had never played him before. I had no idea what he ran...

Round 1

He went first. I got X, CotH, WotBF, Z, and Cyber Jar. He set four m/t and played Stray Lambs. I tried to HFD, but he Imp Ordered it, then I summoned, only to get Trap Holed. He had an open field for his Buster Blader direct attack next turn... This one was pretty one sided. I took two direct hits from Buster Blader, and eventually a third fore the kill...


Him: 8000-7000-5300-4600

Round 2

I went first and opened with Bong, CoH, MoF, Reflect Bounder (relief) and something else. I owned this round. Opened with Reflect, and set Imperial (from my Bong). I stopped his search for Buster Blader by Imp Ordering his Emblem of Dragon Destruction. It was really downhill from there. I kept him down with Reflect and Z, and ended it with my XZ fusion.

Me: 8000

Him: 8000-5300-3800-2300-0

Round 3

Don’t often go to round 3... I started with Y, Waboku, MST, WotBF and Mirror Wall. He went first and after a few rounds got out Buster Blader #1, along with Skilled White Mage. He attacked my only monster, Drillago, with Skilled White, and I activated Mirror Wall. Obviously, he opted not to attack with Buster Blader. I blew away his Blader with Raigeki, got out Z and Y using Premature Burial and attacked directly with the fusion. He pulled a Goblin Attack Force and smashed YZ. I dispatched his defending GAF with my X and hit directly with a Cannon Soldier, and Imp’d his Emblem again preventing the appearance of his second Buster Blader. He set a monster. I blasted it with X, it was Sangan. I told him he better be looking for a Kuriboh, because this was the last turn. He didn’t have one, so I attacked directly with Cannon Soldier and tributed it with X in my main phase for the cannon effect and won.

Me: 8000-7500-6800-6600-5600

Him: 8000-7200-6400-5550-3450-2050-0


Adam, Engines of Creation vs. Chris, Tournament power deck


Last time I played Chris, owned him with a Jinzo+Machine King+Limiter combo. Brutal. Today was little different...

Round 1

I went first with X, MST, Imp Order, and some other stuff. My X was quickly stomped with a Maddog. I kept Imperial active for a turn, and managed to hit him for some damage with Machine King. He ended it by destroying and reborning Machine King with Injection on the Field. The coup de gras was a Nobleman of Crossout on my last defender after a HFD. Stupid needle...

Me: 8000-7900-7200-4200-3400-0

Him: 8000-6000-5600

Round 2

This match only contributed to why I LOATH Yata-garasu. I did some damage by Snatch Stealing his Getsu Fuma. He gained some life from that. I drew my CED, but couldn’t play it yet because he had Kycoo on the field. After ridding the field of Kycoo after a few turns, I finally got CED out and used the effect. I had a huge lifepoint advantage. He went, and what does he top deck? YATA!! D*mn-it-a-puss-spewing-blood-clot-in-h*ll!!! Obviously I’m Yata locked...

Me: 8000-7200-6200-Yata locked

Him: 8000-4500-5500-6500-6000-3000

I told him, just for that, he gets his own slot in the slops... (see below)

Fun duel

Adam, Engines of Creation vs. Jason, dude-who-knocked-me-out-of-the-tourney-last-week

Jason my have beaten me last week, but I wasted him this time. My CED effect did almost 5000 damage, and I had my WotBF down, which I used to pull my Reflect Bounder. Where was this pulverization when I needed it last week?!!

Final 8

I lost one, but I still got to the final 8. Whee. I got pitted in the single elimination round with Colin, who had not shown for a few weeks, and the only win I had over him was tainted. Someone else did the math when calculating a CED effect, and I did an “extra” 1000 damage. Other than that, I’ve never beaten him. Met him in the finals once, and proceeded to get owned.

Adam, Engines of Creation vs. Colin, Modified canned tournament deck (IMO)

Only round

It was hard to hit him with anything. His deck is primarily pre-negators, control, and warriors. I hit a searcher early on, and he captain locked me for pretty much the entire duel. I couldn’t do much except Snatch his Vamp Lord, then get wasted the next turn. It ends here for me, with yet another loss to Colin. Argh...

Me: 8000-5600-3100-700-0

Him: 8000-5700-5400-6400

At least he lost in the final round against Rob, whose deck is even more cookie cutter than Colin’s...

... sorry, its just me lashing out for losing.


Now on to the props and slops


1. To Rob for winning (sure...)

2. To me for getting into the final 8, even after getting a loss

3. To J.C. for trying a deck that takes into account the bans (yikes, I’m not looking forward to that)

4. To machines, for being our future masters...

5. To Jason for going mechanical too. I wish I had a Mech chaser...



1. Okay, to Chris for top decking Yata (I know its not your fault...)

2. To me for losing to Colin AGAIN

3. To Yata-garasu for being a cheap purple little bird...

4. To the new now-can’t-trade policy in the store

5. To me for not having the cards to make a Dark Magician deck yet

6. For there being more slops than props... again.


Thoughts? Rants? Complaints? Machine users? Send me your deck fixes and such (I know mine needs improvement)

Adam Goulden
